2022-12-20 03:13

Poll Shows Consumers in Japan Are Changing Their Behavior for the Better

A recent government poll revealed positive trends in consumer behavior, like declining to use plastic bags, with people in their 60s changing the most.

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Japan 2 Earth delivers stories and insights that highlight contributions by Japanese communities and companies to improving the global environment and achieving the SDGs.




Managing Editor
Susan Yoshimura

A US citizen based in Asia for over 20 years, Susan has a postgraduate degree in Environmental Education. She is a former environmental activist and media relations coordinator at Greenpeace Japan and research programme assistant at United Nations University, Tokyo. She has 15+ years experience in Japanese-to-English translation and editing in the environmental management field.

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Welcome to the SDGs in the NEWS Podcast.
This is Susan Yoshimura, Managing Editor of Japan 2 Earth, coming to you from Tokyo.
Today, we bring you another English article on Japan and the SDGs.
You can find the full text on our website. Just click the link in the episode notes.
Have a listen.
Poll shows consumers in Japan are changing their behavior for the better.
A recent government poll revealed positive trends in consumer behavior,
like declining to use plastic bags, with people in their 60s changing the most.
On November 25, the Cabinet Office announced the results of a public opinion poll
on consumer behavior related to plastic bags and other products.
They showed that 58.8% of respondents had altered their behavior
after enactment of a new law mandating surcharges for plastic bags
and aimed at reducing plastic waste.
A typical example was carrying reusable shopping bags.
An official from the Ministry of the Environment, in charge of promoting the law,
celebrated the results, stating,
The introduction of plastic bag fees with the new law
have brought about a change in consumer awareness and behavior.
Meanwhile, 19.3% of survey respondents reported carrying reusable bags
and declining plastic spoons and straws even before the new law.
On the other hand, 16.2% answered that they had not changed their behavior,
even though they had more interest in the issue.
Only 4.2% responded as having no increased interest and not changing their behavior.
Among those adopting new behaviors, 63.0% were women, compared to 53.8% for men.
In terms of age, people in their 60s came in highest at 66.1%.
The lowest percentage was seen for those in their 30s, at 52.2%.
When asked specifically about reactions to surcharges for plastic bags,
44.1% reported declining them after the fee was introduced.
Those who had declined plastic bags even before the surcharges came in at 16.1%.
Meanwhile, 25.3% said they would still accept plastic bags if they were free,
and 13.3% reported continuing to accept plastic bags by paying the surcharges.
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Until next time, this is Susan Yoshimura of Japan to Earth, signing off.

