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  2. Ai Country full story
2023-07-28 05:50

Ai Country full story


Episode 1 : Celebrities Episode 2 : I am Love Episode 3 : Proverb Episode 4 : The Painter Episode 5 : The Bard Episode 6 : AiDol Episode 7 : KokkAi Senator Episode 8 : Bureaucracy Episode 9 : Measures to Cope with the Declining Birthrate



Episode 1, Celebrities
There is a strange man in this country. I don't know his real name.
He was called Chotto Grandpa Pichi because he looked like a little old man and always wore a
tight t-shirt. When he was young, he used to ask people on the street in front of Takatanobaba
station, do you believe in love? He was a man of faith who believed in love so much that he used
to ask people on the street, do you believe in love? Episode 2, I am love.
Chotto is very energetic for his age and can move 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
He is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. However, he hates to say that he doesn't know,
so sometimes he tells a big lie without hesitation.
When I say, who is the current prime minister of Japan? He replied, I am love.
I am good at this kind of question because I am in love. The answer is Yuriko Koike.
Episode 3, Proverb
Someone asked Chotto if he knew the proverb,
Kalyanyanogodashi, which means that time flies by very quickly.
Of, of, of course I know that, Chotto replied.
One day, moon and sun traveled together, stayed at an inn, and left early the next morning.
The people around him said, the days go by so fast.
Chotto replied, I am love. I am good at this kind of saying because I am in love.
It's a proverb, ko, ko, anal fart exit.
Episode 4, The Painter
エピソード4: ペインター
There was a painter named Leonardo. He claims to be a descendant of Leonardo da Vinci,
but I am not sure if this is true or not. He was able to faithfully express in pictures what he
had heard in words. When asked for a cartoon style, he was able to draw it that way.
Recently, his friends have learned to make movies as well. If you give him a video of an ordinary
child playing baseball and a picture of Shahay Ohtani, he will make a video of Shahay Ohtani
playing baseball. Episode 5, The Bard
The world is abuzz with talk of a certain minstrel. He is now active in England and America,
and will soon come to AI country. It is said that he will be a rival of Chotto Grandpa Pichi.
Some of his poems are still inaccurate. However, he will soon improve and become a threat to Chotto
Grandpa Pichi. Now that Chotto Grandpa Pichi has turned 40 years old, he has changed his name to
Chotto Grandpa Pichi 4 and is trying his best. Episode 6, A Idol
The pop music of this country is A-pop, and the singers are called A-idol.
However, A-idol is not a human being but a being in a virtual space.
When idols were real people, there were scandals and deplorable event of idols.
Drug problems among idols. There were also many problems such as sexual harassment by the head of
the office. After becoming an A-idol, the entertainment industry became peaceful.
Episode 7, Kokei Senator
Since A-idol is well received, we have decided to create a virtual politician named member of the
Diet Kokei. If we only see them in the election broadcasts and the live coverage of the Diet,
why not make them virtual politicians? There are many good things about the AI system.
No need for government expenses, no corruption, no power harassment, no falling asleep in the Diet,
and so on. There is no way to expel a member of the Diet for not attending the Diet, is there?
Episode 8, Bureaucracy
Next to be converted to AI is the bureaucrat. What other job is so suited for AI as to carry
out what has been decided, in accordance with the law, and in a solemn manner? There are many
good things about the AI system. No personnel costs, especially generous pensions, no dissent
from the government, no factional fights among ministries when they merge. There is a saying
that there is no national interest but the ministry's interest. The Ministry of Finance,
which is the representative of the above, has been implementing austerity measures in order
to maintain its authority. The crazy policy of no economic growth for 30 years by this austerity
is finally abolished. Make AI country great again, mega!
Episode 9, Measures to cope with the declining birthrate
The AI system has been applied to a variety of occupations, and it has had an unexpected effect.
The long-standing labor shortage caused by the declining birthrate was resolved.
The AI industry has supplied new industries with excellent human resources.
There is only one concern. Remember Shoto Grandpa Pichi? Rumor has it that he has been learning
other people's personal information without their permission. If this is true, the whole premise of
the AI system will be destroyed. The old way of life in this country will continue again.
Well, that may be a good thing, if this country does not disappear.

