1. itazoh
  2. Ai Country Episode 3
2023-07-21 00:37

Ai Country Episode 3


Episode 3 : Proverb

 Someone asked Chot if he knew the proverb, "Kou-yin-ya-no-gotoshi," which means that time flies by very quickly.

"Of, of, of course I know that," Chot replied.

One day, Moon and Sun traveled together, stayed at an inn, and left early the next morning.

The people around him said, "The days go by so fast."

Chot replied, "I am love. I am good at this kind of saying because I am in love. It's a proverb, "Koh, koh, anal fart exit!"

Episode 3, Proverb
Someone asked Shot if he knew the proverb,
kalyanyano gotashi, which means that time flies by very quickly.
Of, of, of course I know that, Shot replied.
One day, Moon and Sun traveled together, stayed at an inn, and left early the next morning.
The people around him said, the days go by so fast.
Shot replied, I am love.
I am good at this kind of saying because I am in love.
It's a proverb, ko, ko, anal fart exit.

