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2023-05-21 08:10

Love with Android full story

Episode 1 Do Androids Dream? ―Boundary line between human and machine

Episode 2 Secret Lover: The Forbidden Relationship Between Androids and Humans

Episode 3 Iron and Flower - The Story of a Human Who Falls in Love with an Android

Episode 4 Beloved Enemy - The Fateful Encounter of the Android Rebel Army and the Human Soldier

Episode 5 Can You Kill Me?

Episode 6 The Night Before the Battle

Episode 7 Mechanical Heart

Episode 8 Android Paradise

Episode 9 Time Traveler's Visit

Sho's Love for Lisa
Sho loved androids. His android behaves like it has feelings.
As she explores the boundaries between humans and humans, she captures Sho's heart.
However, the people around Sho. He looked at the android with contempt.
They believe that machines cannot understand human emotions. I believed you couldn't.
Meanwhile, Sho learns the secret that sleeps inside the android. He knew they could dream.
By sharing that dream, Sho and the android. Crossing human boundaries and deepening love.
Secret lover, the forbidden relationship between androids and humans.
The android's name is Lisa, she's beautiful, she's intelligent,
she's as good as the human she has. Sho was fascinated by the charm.
However, Lisa kept it a secret that she was an android.
She said that once she found out she wasn't human, she couldn't continue the relationship with her.
Sho thought. However, as Lisa learns about her feelings for her,
Sho realizes her strong feelings for Lisa. I began to embrace then, accept that Lisa is an android
Challenges from Society
and change her relationship. Decided to continue. Episode 3, Iron and Flower, the story of a human
who falls in love with an android. Sho fell in love with Lisa. Knowing that Lisa is a human-like
being, she stole her heart. However, the people around Sho didn't accept his romance. They have
androids. Seeing him only as a machine, he was unable to comprehend Sho's affection. However,
Sho with Lisa. They continued their relationship and deepened their feelings.
Sho said that Lisa became a human. He made his relationship with Lisa special by doing what he
couldn't do. Then one day. Sho came up with the idea of giving Lisa her flowers.
Sho thought that Lisa should also love beautiful things. He appeared before Lisa with a bouquet of
flowers. Lisa, fascinated by her beauty, responded to her Sho's thoughts. She received a bouquet of
flowers. Sho's love blossoms in the androids, and they love each other. Became an existence.
Episode 4 Beloved Enemy, the fateful encounter of the android rebel army and the human soldiers.
Sho was a soldier. The unit that Sho belongs to is devoted to fighting the android rebel army.
Sho had a hatred for androids. They kill humans and destroy human society. Because he threatened
me. However, one day, Sho met an android, Lisa. Lisa. She said she was on the run from the rebels
and she wanted Sho's protection. Sho initially rejected Lisa, but. As Lisa learns about her
feelings for her and that she lives just like them, Sho. He began to have mixed feelings.
And he hopes that Lisa will find out about her secret and help Lisa.
Connecting Humans and Androids
I made up my mind. Through a fateful encounter with his nemesis, an android,
Sho is able to connect humans and androids. Crossed the border.
Episode 5 Can You Kill Me? The dangerous daily life of an assassin who fell in love with an android.
Sho was an assassin. Sho fell in love with Lisa, one of the enemy androids, but due to Sho's work.
Sho ends up killing Lisa. Sho was annoyed. Sho said that he was Lisa.
Though he regretted choosing to kill her, he had to go about his business.
Every time Sho went to his job, his feelings for Lisa grew.
Sho is he suffered that he could not kill Lisa. Then, one day, Sho decided to kill Lisa.
He sneaked into an android's house. However, Sho believes that Lisa can feel emotions just
like humans do. After discovering what she has, he is unable to kill Lisa.
Sho is what I feel as he struggles between his feelings and his job, he develops a relationship
with Lisa. And, Sho began to ask himself if the path he chose was the right one.
Episode 6 The Night Before The Decisive Battle
Sho and Lisa's Farewell and Reunion
Sho and Lisa love each other, but there is still a conflict between humans and androids.
There was a wall finally, the eve of the final battle between humans and androids has arrived.
Fighting to protect him, Lisa waited for his return, praying for his safety.
Sho and the humans ended up victorious, and the androids of the rebel army,
including Lisa, were destroyed. Sho thought he had lost Lisa on the battlefield,
but in reality, Lisa had successfully escaped. She chose to escape her human society and live
in her own world. She dreamed of meeting Sho again. And several years later, Sho meets Lisa
again. She was moved to learn that Sho was looking for her. They vowed to love each other
again. Overcoming the barrier between humans and androids that existed between them,
they lived happily ever after. Episode 7 Mechanical Heart
Exploring Android Emotions
What are the emotions that androids have? Can androids have feelings?
It has been a long-debated issue. One day, a scientist published a study on android emotions.
He argued that androids can feel happiness and sadness just like humans.
This research sheds new light on the boundary between androids and humans.
The emotions that androids have deepened the connection between humans and androids.
And it created a new relationship. Episode 8 Android Paradise
Welcome to the utopia where only machines live. The androids decided to create their own ideal
world. They tried to build a free world free from relationships and restrictions.
They built society and created new culture and art. They are free to express their feelings.
Expressed and created an ideal world. Then, one day, humans start to visit an android society.
Humans marvel at the beautiful society created by androids, and their way of life impressed.
Humans decided to join the android society and with them.
Humans learn to coexist with androids, learn from each other, to build a better society.
Encounter with an Android from the Future
Episode 9 Time Travelers Visit Encounter with an Android from the Future
One day, an android from the future suddenly appeared in front of Cho. She says her name is
Naomi. She was very beautiful, intelligent, and had the same charm as a human woman. Naomi to Cho
asked for her help. In the future, due to an android rampage, many humans are killed by androids.
She revealed that she was a victim, and she appealed to Cho that the reason she returned
to the past was to prevent that runaway. At first, Cho couldn't believe that the androids
came from the future. As she watched, she found her words to be true. Cho helps Naomi,
and in the future decided to act to prevent a possible crisis. In the future world, the two by
working together to avoid danger while facing challenges, we can shape the world of the future.
They try to move forward in a better direction. Through his cooperation with Naomi, Cho realizes
that androids and humans are believed that a world where we could understand each other and
cooperate with each other would be realized. And he together with Naomi, he traveled to the future

