2024-05-15 01:07

Serving expired milk.

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".

Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".

It has been discovered that expired milk was being served to children at a kindergarten in Minakami Town.

On the 10th, Minakami Town announced that six children and staff members at Niiharu Kindergarten

had mistakenly drunk milk that was about 50 days past its expiration date.

At around pm on the 10th, the homeroom teacher noticed something strange about the taste of the milk during lunch,

and when she checked, she found that the expiration date was March 22nd.

The milk that was supposed to be discarded had been stored by mistake,

and as the staff member in charge of the refrigerator was absent on the 10th,

another staff member mistakenly served it at lunch together with milk that had been delivered that day.


