2024-08-02 01:06

The payment rate is 77.7%.

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".

By AI of "Isesaki FM".

Gunma Prefecture's national insurance premium payment rate is 77.7%, 34th in the nation.

A summary by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has revealed that the prefecture's national pension insurance premium payment rate for fiscal 2023 is 77.7%, 1.6 points higher than the previous year.

The national average is 77.6%, 1.6 points higher, marking the 12th consecutive year of increase. This is believed to be due to the spread of diverse payment methods.

By prefecture, Niigata had the highest payment rate at 86.7%, followed by Toyama at 86.6% and Shimane at 86.1%, with Gunma Prefecture ranking 34th.


