2024-04-22 01:07

External audit announced.

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".

By AI of "Isesaki FM".

The prefecture has announced the results of its comprehensive external audit of prefectural schools, etc.

By the 20th, the prefecture announced the results of its comprehensive external audit for 2023, which was conducted on the financial affairs and business management of educational policies, mainly at prefectural schools.

The audit was conducted on a total of 13 prefectural high schools and special needs high schools,

and found four "points of concern" that required correction or improvement, such as violations of laws and regulations,

and 34 "opinions" calling for consideration of correction or improvement.

It was determined that Isesaki Technical High School and Annaka Comprehensive Gakuen should tighten their drug management,

and that Fujioka Chuo High School should immediately conduct a library inspection.


