1. ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA
  2. Gunma Prefecture Faces 11th ..
2024-07-25 01:00

Gunma Prefecture Faces 11th Year of Population Decline

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".
By AI of "Isesaki FM".

Gunma Prefecture's population has decreased by nearly 12,000 people from last year to just over 1,919,000, marking the 11th consecutive year of decline.

On the 24th, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announced this year's population and number of households.
According to the report, Gunma Prefecture's population is 1,919,232, marking the 11th consecutive year of decline.
The number of households was about 881,100, an increase from the previous year, but the average number of people per household decreased. On the other hand, the number of foreigners increased by more than 10%, making it the third highest percentage in the country.


