1. 語学学習中
  2. 2024.7.18(英語)
2024-07-18 06:37



Une cafétéria est un bâtiment universitaire où les étudiants peuvent prendre leur petit-déjeuner, déjeuner et dîner. Le professeur de science avec les cheveux longs demande où se trouve le laboratoire, mais personne ne sait. Un professeur donne une conférence à ses étudiants où ils prennent des notes et écoutent attentivement.

La vie à la cafétéria
A dining hall is a university building where students can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Dark cafe for artists.
Exciting for time of year.
Cafeteria for students.
My friends and I always together at the dining hall.
Are you going to the dining hall now?
Invitation à déjeuner
I am going to the dining hall now.
Yes, would you like to join us for lunch?
Yes, we are going to play volleyball.
When a professor gives a lecture, she talks and the students listen.
When a professor gives a lecture, she talks and the students listen.
A kind of lesson.
Test des résultats
Your test results are the grade you got on a test or exam.
How long did you take the book?
How pretty you looked?
How well you did on the test?
Your test results are the grade you got on a test or exam.
Imi wo yutten no ka ?
Tsugi wo yomiagete kudasai.
Mou kai kiitoko.
Chotto mou chotto chanto kiitoko.
When will you tell us the exam results ?
Yes, the test will be on Thursday.
Next week, when I check our test.
A laboratory is a building where science professors wear long, white coats and do chemistry projects with special machines.
Yonde koto yotte kudasai.
Laboratory ni imi wa ?
Jikkenshitsu ni yatte kudasai.
A reason to wear a nice coat is a place to study science.
Chikai ka na ?
Recherche du laboratoire
A professor with big hair.
Nani sore ?
Nani sore ?
Well, it's a place to study science.
Kurenai kudasai.
Excuse me, nantoka is the laboratory. I can't find it.
Where is ?
Where ? Do you know where the laboratory is ?
Bun no pattern ni jumoku shite kudasai.
Nani sore ?
Do you know where the laboratory is ?
Do you know where ?
Nani kore ?
Where she is.
Bun no pattern ni jumoku shite kudasai.
Nani kore ?
Iwa wakaran.
Goji godotsuji ga aru yo.
Do you know where she is ?
Doi koto ?
Demande de l'essayeur
Whose essay was the best ?
Kikoete tawari ni tapu shite kudasai.
Whose essay is the best ?
Whose essay was the best ?
Monkai kiitoko.
Whose essay was the best ?
Kurenai kudasai.
Whose nantoka is this ?
Kurenai kudasai.
Whose computer is this ?
Nani kore ?
Meishi kore shikanai.
Whose notebook is this ?
Kikoete tawari ni tapu shite kudasai.
Whose notebook is this ?
Machigai eigo ga nai desu ne.
Chotto muzukashiku shite iyo.
Kurenai ni damerou to sagashite kudasai.
Conférence du professeur
While the professor gave me a lecture,
The students nantoka and took notes.
Kurenai ni damerou to sagashite kudasai.
The students nantoka were blue gloves to visit her professor's laboratory.
Nani kore ?
Biology students were blue gloves to visit her professor's laboratory.
Barbeque students were blue gloves to visit her professor's laboratory.
C'est un sujet qui n'a pas de erreur.
Les textes sont très erronés.
C'est tout.
