1. Embedded
  2. 351: Dextral or Sinistral
2020-11-13 56:54

351: Dextral or Sinistral

Chris and Elecia discuss transcripts, lightsabers, seashells, python, numpy, matlab and how to get into embedded systems development.

Embedded show transcripts are available at embedded.fm/transcripts 

Elecia’s origami github repository includes a python script for generating origami shell folding patterns. The paper described was Analysis of Shell Coiling: General Problems by David M. Raup from the Journal of Paleontology , Sep., 1966, Vol. 40, No. 5.

Chris used this model to print his lightsaber: Star Wars Lightsaber (Normal version) from YouMagine

The episode was sponsored by Triplebyte. If you are looking to prove your skills, develop your knowledge, or find a job you love, check out Triplebyte.


