1. Embedded
  2. 334: Bag of Heuristics
2020-06-12 1:09:30

334: Bag of Heuristics

Matt Godbolt (@mattgodbolt) joined us to talk about assembly code, becoming a verb, 6502s, exploring compilers, and application binary interfaces.

Compiler Explorer can be found at godbolt.org. The code is on github (compiler-explorer/compiler-explorer). 

Matt also has jsbeeb, a BBC Micro (6502) simulator. You can try it out at bbc.godbolt.org. Its code and more information is on github (mattgodbolt/bbc-micro-emulation). Matt recently gave a video presentation about jsbeeb for ABUG

Some other videos that may be of interest:

The best compiler book seems to be The Dragon Book.

Hyrum’s Law on writing interfaces.

Application Binary Interface (ABI)


