1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. カメラを持ってKUA AINAでペア..
2023-10-20 12:55

カメラを持ってKUA AINAでペアサンドイッチを購入する謎の男達



Kevinさんと戦場ヶ原さんはAmazon Musicでの新しいPodcastシリーズについて話し合っています。謎の男性たちはカメラを持ってKUA AINAでペアサンドイッチを購入し、店内で食べる様子を撮影します。彼は寒さが嫌いで、温暖な場所に移る予定です。次回の訪問では寿司やかつ丼を食べたいと思っています。私の母はアグレッシブなタイプで、父にアプローチしようとしているようです。

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Oh, I have to give a shout-out.
Oh, that's right.
Please shout-out.
We have to give a shout-out.
So, we are doing a show on Amazon Music.
It's called Kevin's English Room Podcast Plus.
It's a spin-off version of this show.
It's like a five-minute show.
We answer questions from the DM about English questions.
And it's free.
And we answer questions like,
Hey, what's the meaning of this word?
How is it different from this word?
How do you use it in a sentence?
Or like, if someone...
What's お邪魔します in English?
And stuff like that.
Very difficult questions, though.
What's お邪魔します, by the way, in English?
It's a good question.
It doesn't exist.
It's like お願いします.
It's the same genre.
There aren't many people who say it.
You just say, Hi.
Thanks for inviting me.
I guess that's how you say it.
So, it's called Kevin's English Room Podcast Plus.
It's attached to the normal versions of the show on Amazon Music.
So, you get to enjoy the Plus show and this show on the app.
So, please check that out if you're interested.
All right. Thanks, guys.
I think it was one more.
The outside?
All right.
Oh, lovely weather.
Beautiful weather.
This is the famous...
Yeah, this is the famous...
The Statue of Liberty.
The Statue of Liberty.
And the bridge.
Yeah, guys. Amazing.
We saw the authentic one in New York.
Oh, yeah.
This is a fake one.
That's a fake one.
All right.
Much smaller than the...
The original one.
That's why.
カメラと共にKUA AINAでのペアサンドイッチ選び
I'm going to get the BLT sandwich.
BLT sandwich.
I take Clubhouse sandwich.
I love that one.
Good choice.
I actually always loved Clubhouse sandwich.
That's a really good choice.
I was wondering if I should get...
The roast beef sandwich looks good.
Yeah, that's true.
I'm going to try the Clubhouse sandwich.
Which one?
The Clubhouse sandwich.
I'm going to copy.
Yeah, the same one.
Fries and drinks?
I'm going to get Tanpin.
Oh, you don't have to put it together.
I have my coffee, so...
So, two Tanpin.
Of Clubhouse sandwiches.
Take out?
Take out.
Oh, look at those seats.
Look at the view.
Yeah, you got the window seats, right?
Yeah, that's lovely.
Great here.
Yeah, I need to have time and seal.
Can you order?
I'll get the...
Yeah, yeah.
カメラを持ってKUA AINAでペアサンドイッチを購入する謎の男達
Oh, it looks good.
It looks good.
The avocado looks good, too.
I never understood avocados on a burger.
Yeah, you said it, so...
Nor do I understand pineapples.
That's something I don't like.
Do you understand pineapples on pizzas?
No, no, no.
I don't like it.
Me neither.
I remember when I was elementary, I was invited to Thailand.
Yeah, and then, like, city ambassador.
Oh, wow, okay.
Yeah, and went to, like, very fancy Thailand restaurant in Thai, in Bangkok.
And then they served, like, a fried rice with pineapples in it.
And then...
Fried rice with pineapples?
Yeah, yeah, and I didn't like it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can easily imagine.
Me not liking it either.
In a very fancy place, the most, you know, top level.
But I just remember that.
But it's just simply pineapples and French fries, right?
Oh, sorry, fried rice.
Oh, fried rice and...
Fried, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, with a served in a...
What kind of pineapple...
Pineapple dish, kind of, you know?
It's a...
I see, I see.
Cave pineapple, then.
Corporate card?
So, that's this.
Please use the card.
10 minutes.
Good luck.
I love you.
Touch the air.
Can I touch them on your table?
Please, please, please.
Staff, put your hands down.
This way.
Menu on the table.
Oh, they're perfect.
Finally, beef.
Beef set.
Oh, classic.
Ah ha.
A lot of visitors.
Outside from here.
They all speak English fluently.
I know.
That's great.
Do you come to this shop often?
For wine?
Not that often.
Once a year?
That's not a lot.
It is rare to find shops like this.
But to me,
sandwiches or hamburgers are
I always get here
as a drink, guava drink.
It's rare.
They have guava drink.
You need to know that.
Guava drink.
Let's talk about Hawaii.
How's your next plan?
Moving to Hawaii?
I don't think it's going well.
Not not well.
I haven't heard from him
about the plan.
I don't think it's moving forward.
Yeah, I guess it's stuck.
I don't know.
He's up to a lot of things.
But he's living happily?
Oh yeah.
In the United States?
Oh yeah.
You said he's going to retire
in a few years, right?
Yeah, I think so.
Is he going to come back to Japan?
I don't think he will.
Because he doesn't like the temperature here.
It's too cold for him.
He hates the cold weather.
I think he's just going to
move to somewhere
more tropical.
Like Florida?
Or Hawaii?
Yeah, I guess in the States.
Because he has a green car.
He thinks you can.
I think he's going to utilize that.
Does he have any plans
to visit Japan soon?
Yeah, I think
he's coming back next month.
Oh, next month?
After COVID, he's coming back
twice every year now.
Which is great.
Huge update.
So next month I get to see him.
Do you have any plans?
No, it's going to be a quick trip.
There's not going to be much time
for going to
a family vacation or something like that.
It's just going to be a quick meeting
in Kyoto.
Just a quick dinner, I guess.
What are you going to eat?
I don't know, I haven't decided.
Probably something he wants to eat.
Which is probably going to be like
sushi, something like that.
It's usually something, right?
Japanese or plant-based.
But not very fancy places, right?
No, no, no.
We don't go to fancy places.
Just like usual restaurants
near dinner stations or something.
The places he wants to go
are like katsuya.
Sushi soba.
I mean, they're good.
They're good, right?
That's true.
Those are the places he wants to go.
What he told me was like
every time he goes back to Japan,
all these friends come to visit him
and their friend wants to take him
to all these fancy places.
Very authentic sushis,
what he wants to eat are like the sushi rolls
and the cheap ones.
He used to eat
when he was back in Japan.
When did he left Japan?
How old was he?
I think, I don't know.
I think it was like just after the graduation
from the university.
Or yes.
I actually don't know when exactly.
Oh, okay.
You know he was in Igirisu?
That's where he met
my mom.
Oh, really? I didn't know that.
He met in Igirisu.
So your mom was also in the United Kingdom?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Was she working?
She was, I think, working.
She said after she graduated
from high school or college.
Immediately the next day
my mother left.
To the UK?
That's so sad.
And she joined a share house
and that's where she met my dad.
At the share house.
Wow. So there were four Japanese.
I see, I see.
Living together.
Lovely story.
They didn't know that.
So your mom was also fluent in English?
I guess.
I guess?
Yeah, I guess.
My mother
apparently was
aggressive type.
Not aggressive as in bad, but like
aggressive as in she takes actions.
So she was hitting on my dad.
It was a dad attack.
The mother was
approaching my dad.
Like, seikyoku hikini.
That's what I heard.
Well, yeah, I can imagine.
Left Japan just after
the day after she graduated
from the college.
The aggressive type.
You're right. Active.
Active type.
That's true.
We'll be back when we get the hamburgers.
Alright, thanks for listening, guys.

