1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. メッシが泣いてるの見た事ある?
2022-12-28 14:41


World Cup終わった直後の収録です!

welcome to Kevin's English from podcast hello hello good morning good morning
good beautiful cold morning yeah this is so beautiful it's bright very bright
sunny you winter yeah very very winter yeah today very cold yeah extremely
cold it's 19 December 19th of December yeah you look sleepy I yeah I did I do I
am sleep I'm assuming that's because you saw the World Cup match huh I did not
yeah I saw the highlight this morning though oh this morning oh really
congratulations yes congratulations to Messi I mean he's unbelievable
like no boys any any um any you know comment anything that you have in mind
and now about the World Cup you know it's all about Messi this World Cup was
so awful messy mm-hmm how it was his first time winning the world winning the
World Cup right and this is his last right World Cup right and you know
there were some like a super legendary like superstars in football long long
football history yes like like pere or like Zico yes you know those like super
legends players mm-hmm and now like he messy became one of like them the
legend all-stars the the gods the hall of fame like officially uh-huh he's now
kind of the best player in the you know whole history and yeah this is
unbelievable yeah yeah so you saw the highlight of the final match right yes
okay I'm not sure if you know how long that was and how you know which scenes
you know the highlight includes but that much was pretty so the first half so so
France is really really strong team okay and before the March most of the people
thought that you know France is really too strong oh really yeah we hope kind
of messy you know to have a toll of II but France is too strong so maybe they
easily win the final I see you know that was the kind of atmosphere before the
much okay but when the much started I was in China was really like so
motivated and everybody was so like energetic and first half was to Neil
mm-hmm the Argentina right and France was in kind of in trouble uh-huh the
manager made two you know substitutions okay yes in the first half okay which is
really rare oh really it's really right it's something was happening uh-huh and
you know the manager changed to players in the first half and the second half
was kind of still Argentina's game okay and we were like oh this is gonna be
Mrs. Volkov really uh-huh but like suddenly France get a penalty uh-huh
somehow yeah and then KD and Mbappe yeah you know that next messy yeah he
scored and then just after like three minutes after the penalty France again
scored okay and then made to to everybody was like wait really yeah and
all the French supporters well you know like they were like this uh-huh but
suddenly not so like yeah and again it's like this and and then after that that's
much went into like the extended and chosen yeah and then yeah we were like
oh we never know what's gonna be happening there and yeah and then
finally Messi scored oh so the first two yeah that Argentina got wasn't from
Messi um one was penalty from Messi I see yeah but the other was just yeah
no yeah okay and then you know it was just penalty so right it's yeah yeah
yeah yeah an extended much extended game yes so it's like 15 50 minutes and 50
minutes yes so if you score one goal that means kind of done you win the game
because there's not much time yeah yeah and then like that in extended time
Messi scored okay and you know everybody like thought that oh this is this is why
he's the legend you know he really he scored right you know he really did it
and yeah everybody does it I was like oh finally this is Messi's World Cup and so
like you know some players were crying okay because they believed you know they
knew kind of they were going to be you know the champions and Messi's gonna be
the legend before even the match ended yeah the moment that Messi scored and
everybody was kind of oh this is the story amazing it's like a movie but
after that Kylian Mbappe came again and scored yeah what a match what a match
what a match and the game you know went into the penalty shootout yeah yeah and
then now Santana finally made it Wow yeah what a match what a match yeah what a
match who were you rooting for which team were you rooting for I mean yeah I
was in France and I have friends in France so I should support France but
you know for this time I was Messi has been my idol for a long time so yeah yeah
I was I was from Argentina I remember like a like a week or two ago we were
talking about World Cup yeah and you were like we were like you were like
trying to guess like which team would win like you know this this World Cup is
such a big big tournament for Messi yeah yeah yeah and to like shine yeah never
held a cup in his hand so and you know and the fact that he you know that
happened yeah unbelievable unbelievable it's like a beyond of all you know
stories yeah yeah it's miracle it's magical yeah purely like a beauty uh-huh
of like human you know life of one great player yeah yeah was Messi crying I
never seen Messi cry before right I he was smiling yeah yeah he was smiling so
just after you know the match finished it finished almost all the Argentina
players and all the supporters while kind of crying right well they were like
you know crying yeah but Messi was just smiling like huge smiles on his face and
you know waving his hands to the all you know supporters and yeah he was he was
smiling have you ever seen messy cry um yeah once or twice oh really yeah but
that was like the moment he got injured okay or like yeah when he lost yeah so
you never seen him cry out of out of like victory mmm happiness mm-hmm yeah
but his smile was the biggest one yeah like I've ever seen okay okay like he
was so you know happy uh-huh yeah mood I think it's good story yeah yeah it's
story but also the fact that Kilian Mbappe scored three goals yeah in final
game which is also unbelievable yeah and he's still 23 uh-huh so um the Sun this
World Cup made like Messi Christiano Ronaldo you know go all retired this is
the last world for them okay like those you know legend players of this this
generation yeah this generation and then they got retired so the next generation
will be like Kilian Mbappe oh like yeah so it was like Messi finally finishes
his story and then next star is kind of rising and start his own story kind of
I see yeah which is Mbappe and is there anyone else that's there yeah it's like a
question for example like in Spain and there were like Gabi Gabi yeah he was
like 18 huh yeah and Petty Gabi and Petty they were like 18 and 20 or so so
they were quite young players I see they were really good known as a really
really good players okay but you know this but in this World Cup they you know
make it no they made no you know they lost against Japan okay okay and then
yeah so they were really like I think frustrated and they didn't have the
chance to shine yeah okay so this is their first World Cup yeah and so
they're gonna be right making stories for their own right right yeah all like
that Guwalu Dioru wearing the black mask wow he's a superstar - yeah yeah he's
20 I think he's 20 yeah he's 20 and he shined in this World Cup yeah everybody
around the world was like who is this guy huh and yeah so he's gonna for sure
transfer to the you know mega clubs I see but it was in quarterfinal I guess
there was a match against Croatia which was that yeah Guwalu Dioru yeah versus Messi
yes and and you know Guwalu Dioru was really like the finest defender in this World Cup
nobody could beat him but Messi easily you know beat him wow scored Wow so this
is also his story you know beginning of his story he was beaten by the legend
player for the you know first World Cup and you know start his own stories I
think nice yeah Wow and also for Japan like Mitoma huh yeah that was his world
he's yeah his first World Cup he's gonna be for sure he's gonna be a stars one of
the stars in this you know next football generation right yeah so I enjoyed this
World Cup finally yeah yeah and now I can kind of have time to sleep yeah yeah
what time was yesterday's match um start from zero okay I knew that like and yeah
finish it at four before yeah cuz he was like full time and extended and penalty
shootout oh god and then I saw so that you know final ceremony - okay so and it
for yeah and yeah I called one of the friends in France uh-huh yeah you know
he was like yeah hi
Wow Wow yeah a lot of fun yeah so fun nice yes yes yes yes
the next World Cup would be in the United States okay yeah really United
States Canada and Mexico okay I don't know how they oh at once yeah I don't
know how they managed the holder you know those right first of all the nice
it's really big so yeah and they go all the way down to Mexico and up yeah yeah
I don't know how I true yeah do that but all right yeah but looking forward yeah
till the next World Cup all right now you could finally get some sleep yep
that's good yeah finally yeah right thanks for sitting guys yeah bye

