Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast! Hello! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! It's a good dream.
Hello Kevin and Yamachan! My name is Yuuki. She writes us "YUUKI"
Sounds like a guy name, right?
Oh, it's like Yuuki-kun. Yeah. But Yuuki-san. It's a good way to write because it's not "YUKI" but "YUKI"
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
I have a question. Have you ever been careful when making a collab video? I would be happy to hear what you talked about with QuizKnock.
The video was really interesting and it was great to learn. I was very happy to make a collab video. It's fun to meet KER and every day is fun. Thank you. I will continue to support you.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you for watching the collab video. Thank you so much.
What I have to be careful about?
Well, collaborating with other creators is always something that you have to be careful about.
Not be too... You have to respect their pace and everything. One thing I thought was that their Bokeh stance is so aggressive to the point that like "Oh, that's a lot of Bokeh!"
Especially Izawa-san. He's doing a lot of Bokehs. Way more than the actual video, I guess.
Yeah! Yeah!
He did it all the time.
All the time. He's like it all the time.
Yeah. And the team QuizKnock, every member of QuizKnock, they kind of ignored all the Bokehs. So Izawa-san was just saying things by himself.
And then us three were like "Okay, should we do something about this?" Because no one's... I don't know. It feels kind of weird that he's just saying it and no one's talking about it, right?
Yeah. That's funny.
Yeah. A lot of it wasn't on tape. Well, it was. It just wasn't published, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's one interesting thing. Another thing, I've already mentioned with you, but Fukurapii-san, remember there was one scene where... I forgot the word. Do you remember the word?
Right. Relaxation. So, I forgot who said the joke, but...
Yeah. That was an ice-breaking game, right?
That was an ice-breaking game.
And the title was... the "Odai" was kind of "Relaxation" I guess. Or "Relaxu". Or "Massaji" maybe.
So, the "Odai" was "Massaji". We had to describe the word. And one of the members went "Relaxation".
Yeah, I guess.
"Relaxation", right? And the joke was...
And then, "Relaxation" in English. And Fukurapii-san said, "It's "Seishun" in English."
It was all very fast.
And then, he turned to me. "How was it, Tim-san?" And I quickly... I wasn't sure which one was like... comedy-wise correct.
So, I just went with the flow and said, "Oh, Seishun-san says it's no problem. It makes sense."
It was kind of a "Tsukkomi" to Fukurapii-san, right?
My stance was saying that "Relaxation" was okay was my stance at that scene.
And after, on that scene, Fukurapii-san was like, "Oh, okay." And then, the scene went on.
And then, after the recording, privately, when the camera's off, he came to me and was like,
"Can you read the pronunciation?" I was like, "No, I can't."
So, you said "Relaxation" a while ago, right?
So, in terms of pronunciation, it's like "Seishun", right?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, that's true. In English, it's "Relaxation", so it's "Se" instead of "Ze".
It was like "Ze" in the "Anobara" part, but in reality, it's "Se".
And then, Fukurapii-san was like, "Oh, that's right. Thank you."
And then, he went back to Sugai-san. I forgot what Sugai-san was.
He went back to Sugai-san and told him, "Seishun-rashii yo."
See, for me, I thought that was kind of like, "Wow! The amount of koukishin in this knowledge, adventure spirit is so authentic."
Yeah, I felt the authenticity and I thought that was very interesting.
He's a true knowledge learner, is what I felt.
True, true. He wanted to verify the thing you learned was true or not.
If he was wrong, he has to correct the memories.
Right, right, right, right.
He wanted to do that.
Check that.
And that's kind of... I respect that attitude.
I do love that.
Another thing I thought was that the volume of their voices were very loud.
They were really loud. Really, really loud.
I don't know how they do it.
They just have a megaphone in their voices.
I was late for like 5-10 minutes, right?
When I entered the studio, you guys were already sitting in the meeting place.
And they just... Team Kuznock said to me, "Konnichiwa."
But they were like, "Ohayo gozaimasu!" "Konnichiwa!"
Oh, I thought that's kind of bokeh.
Just saying, being too loud.
And "urusai wa" kind of bokeh.
But I was about to say like, "Urusai wa."
But they were like the... You know.
They were actually that loud.
So that was amazing.
I kind of wanted to talk about that with them.
"Why are you so loud?"
Like in a serious manner. Not in a making fun of way.
But actually, is that your on switch?
Being a creator mode?
I think so.
That's probably it, right?
Because there are so many, you know, like, talent, "genohjins" or like those creators,
who suddenly speak much louder when the recording is on.
It's like, usually we speak like that, like that.
"Sore ja ikimasu!" "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!"
There are so many people who are actually really loud.
Kanta-san from Mizutamari Bonbon.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
His voice was loud.
Boom! The moment the camera was on.
And remember when we did that at Oregon-zaka?
That Ota-san was really loud when we were recording.
That's so true.
I think that's a standard for TV shows or maybe those.
And maybe we are too quiet.
I mean, we don't change at all.
So, yeah, that's...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That was interesting.
Interesting, yeah.
All right.
But overall experience, they were really nice people.
It was really such a pleasure for us to be able to meet them.
Touch and honor.
And zero strange feeling of having conversation with them.
I mean, it was quite natural.
Like zero awkwardness.
I thought we were like kind of friends.
I agree.
For like five years, you know.
I agree.
After that recording, I already told you this, but like I actually ran into Sugai-san.
Oh, really?
No, no.
The next day of the recording.
In the station, JR station.
Like I was walking down, Sugai-san was walking.
Oh, really?
Both was like...
Because there were like a pack of crowd.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I couldn't really stop.
I just went...
That's funny.
Nice guy, Sugai.
Nice guy, Sugai.
He was a nice guy.
I would say he was the nicest guy out of all the members.
Not to compare, but like I have a very strong impression of him of like taking care of us.
Kind guys.
All right.
Thanks for listening, guys.
Thank you.