1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Switchでサッカーゲームを買い..
2022-08-25 12:00


FIFA 22や

welcome to Kevin's English from podcast last episode I talked about me buying a
new video game yes on Nintendo switch okay FIFA 22 right the best is it what
do you mean FIFA 22 is that the best yeah the best video game oh in this
whole world see because I thought winning 11 ah was also I mean big video
soccer video game same thing kind of same thing I got it have you played
FIFA um FIFA series like I believe I did oh okay um I had a Wii Wii's
football game soft okay Nintendo Sports no more like a FIFA or like 11 those
okay yeah you you don't know the difference I don't know that I don't
know it is football okay well that's okay so and also when I was in France
that was a PES I guess the PES winning 11 but a board version okay got it
that was the you know the most famous popular one okay among those football
players so I play sometimes okay I the first soccer game that I played was on
my PlayStation Portable okay see okay it was I think was like winning 11
something and I was really good at it like the it was easy and like really
like I could win even if it's the level is difficult yeah that's a game yeah
again but now okay now I I bought the the read the most the latest yeah soccer
game right it's so difficult I can't win I probably because I haven't learned all
the the moves and everything it's so difficult I can't win you see it's just
that what do you play that like the controller like I got the joysticks here
okay yeah so it's just like player moves yeah player it moves and you got four
buttons shoot pass is that bad it's so difficult though well because the
defense is powerful like I can't really pass them probably because I don't know
the moves I like the tricks and yeah but even if I try to like there's this
Ichiranhyo of like the moves you can do but like I can't I don't know like
what's the difference between a ground pass in a what was it like a like a hard
ground pass okay we're like what's the difference between a what like a lob
yeah in a in a through pass yeah I don't know so the terminology is kind of
getting me right now okay that's difficult okay and um I yeah when I was
in France we played that that you know same kind of thing yeah and they told me
that these kind of video games are getting better improved yeah and then
getting closer to the real football uh-huh games yeah movement uh-huh so I
guess it's start you know being so complicated to play you can just
control the the you know ball control with the way you know the little touches
and little yeah and that you know different types of kicks mm-hmm it's a
lot of the variety of ways to control the players yeah yeah I mean it's it's
actually really fun for like the you know kind of matured free for players
because you can you know do what every everything you want to do mm-hmm but I
guess like to me I like to you maybe the beginners right so complicated way to
come yeah they don't really explain to you oh really yeah it didn't have a
manual it didn't have that much of a tutorial really I can't pass that see
you have to unlock the tutorials you you have to unlock it's that fucked up you
have to unlock the tutorials I mean tutorials are for there you learn like
oh now what do you mean undocked tutorial so there's this to pay for that no no no
you have to so there's the premiere league yeah button and there's the
button yeah there's like the there's several options like there's a main
screen okay right and then this is the practice game this is the league okay
this is the skill skills section so the skills the section is where you practice
and learn your and in that skills section there's the basics okay defense
offense dribble okay right and in that yeah each section each four section
there's like six or twelve or fourteen different lessons yeah so in the basics
you learn how to dribble yeah how can I pass run run yeah and you have to pass
each you have to be able to successfully accomplish yeah and then you unlock the
next one mm-hmm within the basics right yeah yeah yeah yeah and so right now Matt
I think like offense okay offense advanced okay so what I have to do yeah
what I have to do is I have the ball yeah and there's one two three or four
okay players that are trying to get my ball oh right that's defenders right I
know okay but they don't move they just move sideways okay I go forward and then
there's the goal behind the four of them yeah I shoot right so what I do is I is
I avoid each one yeah I do it four times and then I shoot and make a goal okay I
have to do that several times in order to pass that so I can move on to the
next one yeah I can't pass that and they don't tell me how to do it they don't
fucking tell me how to do well I can walk into pasta I don't they're just
really good at I can't I can't they see what they show what they teach me is
that guy use the little yeah they control they call it are the dumb one no the um
that that one the little what do you call these little movement the circular
movement yeah it's not a button it's the yeah it's like a control tilt tilter
yeah yeah yeah all they explain is that if you use the
tolter you can move the character and if you press B you can pass okay and if you
click a you can shoot yeah and if you and you can use this other tilt there's two
times you can use this other tilter to do special moves all right that's all
they tell you that's that's it and then all right let's go your best like how
the fuck am I supposed to use a special moves it's probably the special moves
well the hell the fuck am I supposed to use it like at what timing should I tilt
my filter yeah I know it's I can't I can't pass that you can't pass by like
the simple movement you have to do something so what I've done for the
lessons yeah yeah was that I didn't I didn't even use the tilt first I just
okay I just ran okay yeah the opposite direction yeah and I didn't even use the
tilt the the special moves once when I think this training is for you to use
this special move I pass it without it okay and it's just I don't I don't know
if this lesson is really effective yeah but yeah it's not on kind it's not that
kind yeah yeah I don't think I can't I'm not I'm not even if I'm passing all
these lessons yeah I don't feel like I'm I'm doing a good job at the actual
matches you know yeah if it was like the tutorials then you have to show how to
you know do that yeah first yeah so I'm going on YouTube okay to see those yeah
how people are doing it yeah as always YouTube videos yeah I can show you know
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so that was a little I like soccer game so oh
yeah great to hear that yeah yeah yeah um is you told me that there's a
league right yeah like the Premier League yeah yeah yeah
champion please um you can you will use some you know teams right certain teams
that exist yeah yeah yeah like Chelsea yeah or Arsenal yeah or yeah yeah I saw
some of them yeah great so I hope you won't you know know some of them oh yeah
probably probably anyone you could recommend like because I don't have any
knowledge on the team so just give me a one team that I should use for all my
games just give me my go-to go-to team okay if you prefer the strongest team
okay like ability wise the strongest team yeah you should choose man city
Manchester City Manchester City okay yeah but I'm not for Manchester City okay
what are you up I mean I I'm not supporting my okay what do you yeah
what is your favorite Arsenal Arsenal for this is an Arsenal okay or for this
season mm-hmm full on United Fulham yep okay so full on they are not strong
they're not strong I'm just a boy okay so you shouldn't pick that no so Arsenal
mm-hmm or Manchester City yeah if you if you provide the strongest one okay god
like Real Madrid Real Madrid yeah like the you know the players ability uh-huh
Lona yeah Lona yeah
Ronaldo yeah yeah Ronald Reagan now Christian
Cristiano Ronaldo yeah he's not in Real Madrid anymore oh he's not but yeah he
was in he was right yeah that's a biggest club in the world so Real Madrid
Manchester City or like Paris Saint-Germain Paris and German yeah Messi
Neymar oh wow they're powerful yeah all right but I don't support none of them
oh none of them no all right well okay well they're strong though so yeah they
are strong okay all right oh I'm happy to hear that yeah yeah all right
Thanks for sitting guys! Bye bye!

