1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. スピルバーグ監督がWe..
2021-11-27 10:35

スピルバーグ監督がWest Side Storyを映画化するらしい


welcome to okay I was uh yeah sorry I should have waited for you okay yeah
yeah yeah we can hear that sound okay yeah okay welcome to Kevin's Angus room
podcast this program is brought to you by Kimi no Koyo torokyo anchor nice we
are using an app called anchor to create and distribute this podcast it's got all
the features you need when starting your own podcast yes and it's free you can
download on Google Play or the App Store yes so please check that out if you're
interested yeah I think you did a better job thank you with the sound effect
there thank you yeah when chance playing the free sound effect you can get it on
an anchor yeah and I think you did a better job thank you yeah I kind of now
I can I know that sound okay you you you experienced that all yeah no no but mm-hmm
yeah the most of them yeah most of the interesting looking one yeah oh listen
to that that's cool the message okay it was a captain captain okay yeah that was
the captain a sound effect called captain okay did that sound like captain
do you what does that sound effects honestly no honestly speaking that
didn't sound like a captain yeah it sounded more like a ritual oh yeah or
or like or like or like an African ceremony okay
then a little bongo yeah yeah so this is from coldest on powder some cold sun
yes okay how does something you thank you hello
KER hello I am Kauro hi a very new and big fan of you guys thank you is it okay
for sending a message for podcast in English absolutely I am hundred person
Japanese no absolutely it will be more improvement for listeners like me if you
guys could read them read them in English okay so here is my request okay
you your movie talks are fun both on podcast and YouTube okay and do you guys
have any favorite musical movies movies do you do you guys have any favorite
musical movies I can't wait for the new West Side story by Steven Spielberg oh I
didn't know that coming up in December Steven Spielberg yeah I didn't know that
Steven the the sci-fi mastermind yeah ET Spielberg is doing West Side story
that's what she said Wow my very best movie all that time is the West Side
story in 1961 the legendary masterpiece mm-hmm on the other hand some people
hate musical things like Tamori-san so question number one do you guys like
musical movies or musical act like Broadway musician musicals the question
number two any favorite in those okay thank you thank you thank you
Calde-san thank you for sending it a sending a topic in English yeah yeah
great challenge that is that must be challenging so are you captain captain
here captain is coming from nowhere are you searching Steven Spielberg's West
Side story yeah what I've actually never seen West Side story is that a good
movie is that a good story yeah okay I saw the musical got it in movie - it's a
musical musical got it yeah is it Kondo yeah I actually saw the music musical
when I was in France in this theater mm-hmm and it was a little bit like we
arranged I guess that wasn't the original book but you know there's some
famous songs and a little famous like you know they those oh yeah and yeah it's a
famous like iconic iconic yeah one Wow Steven Spielberg comes in a got cut Wow
I didn't know that - oh I have to see this one let's die sorry yeah that's
cool yeah that's cool December 10th yes in the theaters yes yes yes Wow just
see that so I'm do you like musical movies or musical musicals well I do
like La La Land yeah and I don't know if that's considered a musical piece you
know but the thing is I I don't like La La Land because it's a musical I like
La La Land of the story yeah and the message yeah behind it yeah plus I enjoy
the music that comes along with it yeah but it's not completely necessary but I
don't hate it I don't think it's a friction I don't I like I love it I love
I I listen to it on my YouTube music yeah the other La Land music yeah so
it's not that I hate it or anything but I don't go and look for new musical
works okay so I'm not that too excited for it but I don't hate it or they are
nothing against it okay so that's kind of my my my take on musical huh okay
well I like them uh-huh you love it I yeah I like them I like the movies you
know La La Land yeah like the greatest show man yeah those like everything and
also like you know the Queen movie mm-hmm have you seen that Queen movie yeah the
movie about the Queen the band Queen ah yeah yeah yeah so do like the Beatles
no given no no say it those like the Rocketman I mean I was own uh-huh I like
those movies like movies with the real music ah got it got it and yeah like
real performance uh-huh movie about music yeah I like that
uh-huh so it doesn't necessarily have to be in like the cliche musical format
yeah I got it I like everything you like music itself yeah and also I like those
musical too mm-hmm I enjoy like the real theater went to a kick it on sticky you
know okay yeah you know famous the professional that you know cliche
musical okay I like that the live performance was really touching uh-huh
do you go there to enjoy the store that when you actually go to theater like a
cash key do you got go there to actually what do you enjoy the most like the
musical performance or like the stories or like the what like or whatever
music music the music like this singing the okay the performance yeah the
performance yes okay because like most of the time I know that sorry yeah
because these are famous you know runs and every time now you know the story
but so most of the time is for what the performance is mm-hmm
yeah okay are they different from other like pop star singers do you think the
way they sing oh yeah absolutely different they are different because um
they are like actors and actresses uh-huh so they they act true so true is that's
one thing different from usual singers and also the way they sing is you know a
little more like crap classic way little not like pop rock singers right way
all right it's more like it's more script like yeah yeah yeah more city who
yeah not those R&B riffs riffs and rounds like whoo true but in what's that
story there's a some pops like kind of music like there's those little pop
style singing because that you know story is based on this Westside okay
and yeah so all right well the West so you're gonna watch the Westside story
yeah really uh-huh oh I'll watch it if you like it okay okay it's ten minutes
okay thanks listening guys right back

