1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんついにSNS始める!?
2021-07-25 13:42



Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English Room Podcast! Good morning! Good morning guys! Good morning, Baltimore.
Bo-bo-bo-Bolt-Moor? Like in Harry Potter?
You're saying what?
Isn't Baltimore in Harry Potter movies?
Valtemort. Ah, Voldemort. Yeah, yeah. What'd you say? No, you said what? It's Baltimore.
Baltimore? Yeah, it's in the United States. It's a city or state. Oh, is it a city? France?
Is it in France? No, in the United States. Oh, really? Yeah.
Which state? Okay, I don't know. It's from Hairspray.
Oh, Hairspray. The movie. Yeah.
There's a guy in a TV show saying that "Good morning, Baltimore."
And the show opens. Oh, yeah. Got it, got it. It's a whole thing. It's a thing.
So, talk to me about, okay, so last episode you told me that you're thinking about getting yourself a social media account.
Yes. And, yeah, what happened, man? Well, because I...
Well, yeah, that's what I thought. That's what I've been thinking. Yes. That's what I was thinking yesterday. Okay. But I
I've been thinking that there is no place that I...
that I
that I
express my words to...
The public?
Yeah, to the public. All my friends, all my
people who I
have met before.
It's only... I have only
Line account. Yeah. In my Facebook account. Yeah.
Is now people don't use it anymore.
as you know, I
making music. I'm making music right now, and it's kind of done. Oh, you finished? Yeah, like, there's these songs and
we'll be out, like,
soon. Mm-hmm. And think about that. There's no place that I can share that. Yeah. To my friend.
Yeah. My friends. Yeah. Like, I can say, I can send lines to every my friends and tell them. Right.
Right. It's...
I don't do that. And on Facebook, no, that's
like too big. It's too big? Like...
Too many people that you don't know. Um...
That much.
Yeah, like, "Otona no hitotachi." Ah, I got it. I got it. You know, there's so many, um...
Like my
teachers. Uh-huh. Teachers, friends. Okay. You know, in Facebook, there's so many. Way too wide.
Yeah, so it's like kind of too wide.
Yeah, I was just beginning, but from there, I've been...
Like, I noticed that there's no place that I can
express my words to my friends easily.
That's what I wanted to have that, have one. How about like a
Lime timeline? Oh, that's okay. If it's...
Unusual. But no, no one does that. No.
No one does that, but it's still possible. Yeah, it's possible. It doesn't have...
It doesn't have to be like getting new account of Instagram or like...
What else? Twitter.
TikTok. Instagram.
Yeah, yeah. If I can use Lime as those two, there's no problem. It's okay. Got it.
So, um...
Yeah, think about that.
You know, we're doing...
YouTube. Well, mainly I'm
on the YouTube screen right now, and my friends
sometimes tells me that, "Oh, you were doing this, doing this, doing this." Well, that's correct.
Mm-hmm. But that's not my words.
Yeah. You know, it's Kake-chan who edit
whole the video and, you know...
Right, it's chopped. Yeah, so...
Well, I'm happy with that, of course, but it's just I wanted to have my
place. Right. You know, your own
speakers. Yeah. Your own...
I just wanted to talk to my friends through the Internet. Right, right, right, right.
I don't have any connection. Right. Except like Lime, direct connection.
Yeah, so that's what I thought. Well, that's good.
Yes, it's free. Yeah. So, what's there to lose? Yeah. Right? Of course.
Maybe Instagram. So, which one do you recommend me? I know there's so many.
Based on what you said, I feel like Instagram or Twitter would be the best option for you. Okay.
So, Instagram's more
movie or photo. Well, not much of a photo anymore. It's more movie based. Twitter's more text based. Okay.
And that's the main difference. Okay.
So, I won't be like
putting my things out like every every day. Right. I'll be like just
say something if I have something to
to inform to everyone.
So, it's just like one or two a month maybe. That's normal. That's normal. A lot of people
like not everyone.
I think it's a minority to post out content every day.
I feel like the majority of the friends that I have on personal Instagram accounts, they don't post out. They post out like
a lot of people does it like once a week or something.
Yeah, and
you are just gonna post out content of like I created this music. Guys check it out if you want to. Yeah.
That kind of information. Yeah. Well, I wrote this article.
If you read it, if you like it or like
Yeah those
So Twitter maybe? It's Twitter I think because you can't have links added to on Instagram.
If you have over like a thousand or whatever if you have a lot of followers you can on stories.
Okay, but you can't post you can't add links.
If you're just starting on Instagram, yeah.
Then I can't. You can't put yeah. I recommend like put my
link on it. You can only put one link in your profile. That's it. So you could have like a
like a you know, "Sogo" link.
Have everybody access that and then if you access the link
you're gonna have all the things that you have created in the past. Check that out.
But you can't add link on each post. Okay, so it's not something that I wrote this article today.
So please read this article. Yeah, you're gonna have to put the article in the post for that for everyone to be able to read it.
In the post? Yeah, for example like
convert that into an image format and then put and then post that image onto it.
Or post the whole thing on
stories as an image format. Okay.
You can't you redirect people to another link on a single post.
Okay, that's Twitter.
So okay. Okay. Yeah, if you want to do that. Okay, then I should start Twitter then. Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Or you could just post out the music.
You could just post the the music for the the "Douga" the movie as a post.
Okay, it just could be like a black screen or
just title with a black screen background. Then put
the link on a
profile area. Yeah, you could do that. Okay, but
if that's a little inconvenient then maybe go over to Twitter. Okay. Yeah. Well, I didn't know that I couldn't I can put the links on a post.
Yeah, you can't do that. Okay. Yeah.
You just have to
put the main content itself as the post. Mm-hmm. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
Right. Okay.
But I can put some movies. You can of course. With music. Yes. Yes, you can.
Okay, and can I like put my link as a comment now?
It's not clickable though.
You can't click it. Okay. You can put the link like the HTML, right? Yes.
You can put that on the comment like the description section of the post on Instagram.
It's not clickable. You can't click it. Users like the viewers can't click it. Wow. Yeah.
Is this open for everybody to follow or is this like a kind of like a more of a closed kind of private account?
Well, I didn't think about that but
Yeah, everyone can follow if you want to. I guess that's nice. You can know about me.
I think a lot of people would want to follow you. Yeah.
Yeah, if you want, but I won't be back to editing every day. Oh, yeah.
It's not something like I went to a ramen dish shop. Oh, yeah. Take a great gorgeous picture. Uh-huh. It's not those
fun thing. It's just
right, it's just
adding you in the friend section is what
Like if you have something to say people want to hear so yeah, I think you a lot of people would be interested
Yeah, I hope so. Yeah
but I just wanted to
Connect with my my whole friends actually. That's what that's what main
point so
Okay, I'll old friends like elementary school friends
People I got know when I was in France
Mm-hmm and
University, okay. No, that's good. That's good. Yeah, it's what the social media does, you know
Yeah, good part of social media. I
kind of finally realize how how
What's the role? Yeah, I feel like yeah, I feel like we're having a conversation that's been going on for like ten years ago
Right. I feel like that was before we talked about him for social media like oh you get to connect with your old friends
Oh really?
Yeah, oh they're married
Sure, yeah, I just came here
Well, we're looking forward to if you open up that new account, well, yeah, thanks yeah, but um
Have to think see which one. Yeah, which platform is better Instagram or maybe yeah, maybe
Maybe maybe like maybe Clubhouse. It may become
Do you know any other platform that could be suitable? Yeah, like
Cutting rice into the social network. Ah
Social media any other social media platform
Wasn't LinkedIn. Well, yes LinkedIn is the social media. That's a social media. Definitely social media. It's a business based social media
okay, so you can't tweet your
Dancing clip or what you ate you can't you can't but it's just a little bit out of context
Yeah, people are the more business mindset. So yeah, I guess okay. Yeah, right, right, right, right. All right
Yeah, okay, okay I have to study a little bit more before I start those yeah, maybe yeah
So thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Bye

