1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. お香を体験してみました
2020-12-31 12:16


That was... Wow!
How did that come out?
How did that come out man?
I don't know
That was your...
That was my um... That was my
That was my Nakigoi. Yeah.
The animal inside me came out.
Alright, hey guys.
Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English Room Podcast.
I was asking Yama-chan if he'd
um... smoked a...
Not smoked.
If he...
How do you... What's the verb for this?
I don't know. Oko yatta.
Yeah. Fire? Yeah, fired up
a... fired up a oko.
And um... I wanted to get one myself
because he said like, you know, maybe doing
an oko at night would be relaxing
and maybe put you to sleep.
And I am dying. I am dying to fix
my sleeping problems.
And um... I was thinking about trying
that but I don't want to do it if it
gets stuck to my room.
Right? If the smell...
The fabrics, the curtains,
the walls, they
suck in the smell and if it stays
there, I might have to
think about that a little bit. Ok.
But uh... Yama-chan offered
me to try one. Yeah. Right now?
I kind of do this like every night.
Do you smell something
in my room? No! I've never
smelled anything in your room. Then
I think... It's not a problem.
I think so. Ok.
Let's try one. See how... So where did you buy this?
At um...
Nujirushi Ryohin. Yeah, that's what it looked like.
Yeah. The package. So we've got a three.
One is hinoki.
Do you know
hinoki? Yeah, I know what hinoki is.
And one is kimokusei. Yeah, kimokusei.
A little flower. And one is
yuzu. Ah.
You can choose.
I can choose anything? Yeah.
I'll do hinoki. Hinoki?
Yeah, I think hinoki is like the... Ok.
This one. Like probably the
most relaxing one. Yeah.
For me. Do you smell nothing?
Are you sure? I don't smell anything. Ok.
In this room.
Actually I'm using
like you know, oko is for
nighttime. And
in the daytime I'm using this
little oil.
Like smelling oil.
Let me...
Oh yeah, I smell that.
But I didn't smell that when I came
walked into this room. Oh really?
Just really like tiny amount.
Maybe. Yeah.
Oh, it's very small.
Very short. Yeah.
It last like
10 minutes. Oh, ok.
So I prefer using this
match. Match?
Is that English word? Match? Yeah, I think
so. Match.
Feel like...
You like the ancient way.
Yeah. I like the old school. Sound. Sound.
Right, right, right.
You can use of course
the lighter. Anything.
Chakaman. Chakaman. Yeah.
Is it chakaman?
If there's two chakaman?
You know,
first of all, it's not called chakaman.
They're called lighters.
Oh, piman?
If there's two piman,
then that should be
piman. First of all, they're not called
bell peppers.
P is like piss. Yeah.
Yeah, I like
the sound.
And looking this fire makes me
relaxing. The fire is very
wait, is the fire gonna be... Ok, yeah.
So at first, it's just smell of match,
right? Yeah, the smell of the
burning matches.
So what I do is turning off
all the light.
Oh, this is the night
routine? Yeah.
Wait, so this is on? Yeah, it's on
the one. And I write
my diary. Ah, right.
So this is like two hours before going to bed
or like an hour or like 30 minutes maybe?
30 minutes. Ok.
Yeah, I'm starting to smell
Oko. Oko.
Am I smelling the...
What do you call it? Hinoki?
Is this hinoki smell?
I think it's...
osenko. Yeah, that's what I thought.
Yeah. Like,
when it burns, it smells
like usual osenko.
But it smells like this.
Oh, wow. The strong smell of hinoki.
Yeah. But when you
burn that, you don't smell
that much.
I like the smell of osenko.
Yeah. I do. Then
you should buy that. It's probably more than the
smell of hinoki. Yeah. I probably enjoy
the osenko more.
Wait, is this it?
Is this it? This is it.
This is the main section. This is the main smell.
Yeah. It is. It's good. It's a good smell.
I don't smell hinoki then.
Yeah. It's not strong. Right.
The osenko smells stronger.
And also looking at this
all this smoking
going up. Yeah.
Makes me relax.
I get it.
How do you find that? This is nice.
I might try one.
It's not that expensive.
Like 200 yen?
Yeah. 203 or
Maybe 300 yen.
300 yen somewhere around there. Okay.
What you need is a little
piece of this
Osenko stand.
And the osenko itself.
And the plate.
And a little lighter.
I got one at home.
You can use a little
plate for that, right?
For this? Yeah. You don't have to buy one.
It doesn't have to be anything special.
Worth a try.
Worth a try.
Worth a try.
What's your favorite one?
I like hinoki actually.
You like hinoki? This one.
When you burn this
like these,
it smells almost the same.
Oh, they're the same?
The smell of osenko is so strong.
Not that different.
So you can enjoy all of them.
Seems nice.
Makes you
relax so that you can sleep
much deeper than
you do now.
You still have a problem
when you're sleeping?
Yeah, I do.
I do.
What do you
do for
improve your
I cut off blue light.
Okay, that's nice.
I stopped blue lighting myself.
At night time, right?
At night.
I'm trying
not to eat as much
food before sleeping.
That's important.
But sometimes I can't because I come home late.
Whenever I can, I try to.
I try to wake up at the same time.
To be consistent with my sleeping cycle.
But I have not been able to do that.
I've tried stretching.
Stretching up?
Stretching my body.
When you wake up?
Before sleeping.
That's nice.
Because my dad does that.
My father does that every night.
That's about it.
I've tried a lot.
It's not working.
Fighting every morning.
So sorry about that.
I'm a morning fighter.
I bought a pillow.
A custom pillow.
Just for my body.
It did nothing.
It was so disappointing.
It did nothing.
Nothing at all.
It was made for you.
It was made for me.
It was custom every inch.
Someone measured your neck.
Measured the curves of my neck.
It did nothing.
Amazing, right?
Wasn't that expensive one?
It was.
It didn't cost me.
It was an expensive one.
What else?
I'm trying everything I can.
Cutting off sugar.
I still haven't been able to execute on that.
Sugar is a huge problem of mine.
So I'm thinking I should do that.
Maybe you're too cold when you wake up.
You've never felt that?
Yeah, I'm cold.
Is that a problem?
You should be warm enough when you wake up.
So maybe your futon is not enough.
You know what? I'm very warm.
When I wake up in my bed.
The outside is really cold.
It keeps me away from the outside.
I just want to keep in the bed.
That's a part of me wanting to stay in bed.
Then you should make your room warm enough.
Or you go to the shower room.
Like the very first.
Like a shower?
How does that help you?
That makes your body warm.
And your "koukan shinkei" waking up.
So that you'll be in active mode.
Or drinking hot water will be helping you.
Oh, drinking hot water helps you?
Like "saiyuu"
Not hot water.
A little hot water.
Okay, I'll try that.
I don't have any trouble sleeping.
I'm just... it's the morning.
Ah, waking up.
Waking up is a problem.
So those are the waking up solutions.
I should execute on that.
Or play loud music maybe.
In the morning.
Is that a good idea?
Get your energy going?
Thanks for the advice.
I hope your situation will be improved.
My journey will continue.
Thanks for listening guys.
Have a great night.
Have a great night.

