1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. スタバの究極カスタム「プレベ..
2020-09-20 11:56


*Jun singing*
Oh, wow that was pretty good!
That was soul...
Wow, that was soul music right?
*Jun laughing*
Cutting guitar was...fire
That was fire?
Yeah, that was great
Thank you so much
Okay, I have a topic I wanted to share
It came out naturally
It didn't come from any DMs
But I just wanted to talk about this
Because it's a really...
Important thing
So get ready guys
What do you usually buy at a convenience store?
That's a serious one
This is a life changing topic
That's important
Talking about life changing topics
What do you buy?
I buy hamachiki
I usually buy hamachiki
I'll get this one
*Jun laughing*
Nikuman for me maybe
Nikuman? You buy nikuman?
I love nikuman
What else do you buy?
What is...okay
If you were...
If you had to buy lunch
At the convenience store
That was the only option
I know you like to do cooking
But you had to buy something from the refrigerator
And you're hungry
What do you buy?
And your budget is...
500 yen
500 yen
2 onigiris
One is mentaiko
And the other is umeboshi
You like fish
Is mentaiko fish?
I think it's fish right?
It's a fish
Okay, fish, I got it
Future fish
Future fish, right, it's a junior
Unborn junior fish
Got it, got it
So 2 onigiris
And one
You know, little cup soup
It's probably like 400 yen
Clam, right?
Oh I don't
I've never actually even imagined about dessert
Oh it's a new
It's a completely different world
Right, but I take a croquette
A little salad if I have
Can I buy that?
No dessert man?
No? You're not open for desserts man?
What do you buy?
I buy a famichiki, that's one
That's 200 yen
I think it's like 170
It's 200
That's okay, 300 more
I'm gonna buy onigiri
I always buy the tsunamayo
It's about 130 yen
And I would buy
How much is that?
110 yen
I'll buy a salty one
I'll buy a salty pan
Like a cheese bread kind of thing
So that leaves me with 100 more yen
I don't think so
Famichiki 200 yen
Onigiri 100 yen
That leaves me with 50 yen
50 yen is enough for me
I would do like a
Like a black sanda
Oh a little chocolate
Yeah like 20 yen chocolate
Because I always want to eat chocolate after a meal
It's just unbelievable desire I have always
Unbelievable yeah
I know right
This is a problem I know that
It's there
But it's tiny
It's tiny yeah
I'm okay with the tiny
Compared to nothing
I'm okay
So which is more important to you?
The black sanda or lunch itself?
I would have to say the lunch itself
I know you were expecting the black thunder thing
No no no
Lunch is more important
It's the main source of energy
And black thunder would be like
It's more of a hobby
It's more of a
It's a
It's a
It's a luxury
It's a cheap luxury
Me having to eat
It's a source of energy
I need meat
For me to be active
On the activities that I'm going to do after that
But like
The chocolates are
Just a
A luxury
It's a
It's a reward
For what?
It's not necessary
To be really honest
To be really honest no it's not necessary
You don't have to eat that
But I want to
I want to
I want to eat them
I just do
Right so like
I'm not a 100% necessity
I sometimes
Not buy them to cut costs
But if I
In times that I feel like spending the money
I usually go for it
Do you try out new things or do you go with
The original ones?
You know how a convenience store always has a new product
In their lineups right?
Do you go for new ones or
Do you stick with the
Old fashioned ones?
Depends on me
What you're buying? If it's like onigiri
Let's say onigiri do you go for new ones?
Like what? Is there any new
Onigiri out there?
Like "Akuma no Onigiri"
Oh I've never gone with that
Old fashioned ones
What about you have coffee right?
I'm interpreting coffee
As my sugar so
It's a luxury
Right? It's a luxury for you
It's necessary to me
It's not necessary
You're in deeper trouble than I am
If you think coffee is a necessity
Yeah you're addicted to it
But it's necessary to me after eating
I have to
You have to right?
So if it's like a new
Say like there's
New beans right?
There's new beans
And you had a choice
Would you try for the new beans?
If the beans
Looked good
If it looks good
I would go for it
If it's like an unknown flavor
You'd go for it?
It's coffee right?
It's coffee
But there's like a tropical blend
If it's like a
Blend that you did not know
If it's still coffee
I would go for that
But if it's like something strawberry
Banana tropical
Frappuccino thing I won't go for that
Because it's sweet
How about latte? Are you okay with lattes?
Just espresso and milk?
How about almond milk lattes?
I can drink that
But I prefer the black coffee
How about soy milk?
Soy latte?
More than the normal lattes?
You should try
I know you're not going to like it but have you heard of Brevet?
I don't know if this is popular
But if you go to Starbucks
You can do a Brevet custom
What is it short for?
I don't know
I'm sorry I don't know
Blend it?
Nah I don't know
What is that?
It's a mix of normal milk
Non fat milk
Low fat milk, soy milk
And Brevet milk
It is what it is
I know you're going to hate this
So get ready
It's espresso
Milk itself?
Includes espresso?
Oh no no
I'm just showing you how to make a latte
First you put a shot of espresso
Half normal milk
And half cream
I hate that
It's a disaster for you
Is that a drink?
It's a drink man
Wait was it half?
Or was it a quarter?
I think it was half
I'm sorry if I'm mistaken
I'm just going by my memory
Of when I was a Starbucks barista
I know I'm a failure for that
But I remember it being half
I'm sorry if I'm wrong
But I'm just going to go with half
There's a Brevet latte
It's not milk
It's not milk
It's really strong
It's sweet
Yeah it's sweet
So if it's like a frappuccino
It's very good
For you it's like Oni ni Kanabao
Frappuccino is already sweet
And it's Brevet
There's a mistake on using your phrase
But I can't understand that
You can't understand that?
Yeah right right
I don't think I will order that
I'm going to order one
And if you're next to me
I'm going to make you try
I want to know how you feel
Because Nama cream is not sweet sweet
It's more of a
It's very strong
It's sweet but not like chocolate sauce sweet
It's more
It's cream
It's cream sweet
It's very strong
Just letting you know
There's a thing called Brevet
And for all the listeners
If you're a sugar guy like I am
Try for Brevet
Brevet Henkote
And don't do it when it's busy
Guys it's
Larissa hate it when it's
When they ask for Brevet when it's busy
Because you have to change
The whole set
You have to undo
It takes a lot of work
Only at slow stores
I've never heard
About Brevet
A lot of people don't know about this
But it exists
Thanks for listening again guys
Bye bye we'll see you again
Bye, everyone.

