Kazuho Okui さんをゲストに迎えて、App Store, LLM, Vision Pro などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Rebuild Podcast - YouTube
- Apple’s App Store policies now let US developers link to outside payments
- Apple to now allow ‘reader’ apps to use external links, if approved
- Understanding Apple's Response to the DMA
- Daring Fireball: Apple’s Plans for the DMA in the European Union
- Apple announces changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union
- Apple is allowing alternative browser engines in iOS 17.4 — but only in the EU
- iOSとAndroidの寡占で「競争不十分」と公取委の調査、政府は規制に踏み切るか
- Apple opens App Store to game streaming services
- Apple Introduces Transcripts for Podcasts
- Matter
- llm · PyPI
- OpenAI drops prices and fixes ‘lazy’ GPT-4 that refused to work
- Most Top News Sites Block AI Bots. Right-Wing Media Welcomes Them
- Rabbit CEO Jesse Lyu on launching the R1, future of AI hardware, and going viral at CES
- Perplexity
- Vision Pro apps: Why some big brands have actively opted out