Brian Gesiak さんをゲストに迎えて、Facebook, ComponentKit, React Native, Swift, Quick, Xcode などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Facebook's iOS Infrastructure - @Scale 2014
- F8 2015 - Facebook on iOS: Inside the "Big Blue App"
- ComponentKit | A React-inspired view framework for iOS
- ComponentKit | Why C++
- React Native
- AsyncDisplayKit
- Nuclide - a unified IDE
- Thoughts on Atom
- modocache/Gift
- SwiftGit2/SwiftGit2
- Swift APIs: Getting Results // Speaker Deck
- Quick
- Testing with Xcode
- CocoaDocs Co-located
- Test Jam - CocoaPods
- JUnit
- XCTest: The Good Parts
- Buck: A fast build tool
- F8 Developer Conference - Hacker Way Recap
- The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project
- Kent Beck - Wikipedia
- Quick/Nimble
- DHH Offended By RSpec, Says Test::Unit Is Just Great
- My experience with Minitest and RSpec
- UIKonf