2022-01-26 24:00

SaaStr 521: How To Create a High Performing Sales Organization: Five Strategies for Driving Peak Performance Through Reimagined Management with Hootsuite CRO Melissa Murray Bailey

Driving peak sales performance is a mission most SaaS companies strive to accomplish. Yet, sales team targets are often set extremely high, with management expecting their teams to miss. This might bring success for the company, but it leads to negative experiences for the sales rep, and your teams may ultimately fail to perform to their fullest potential.

Hootsuite CRO Melissa Murray Bailey shares secrets to running a successful SaaS sales team and reducing employee turnover. 


Video: https://youtu.be/wl1Qx4KHqMo

Blog post: https://www.saastr.com/how-to-create-a-high-performing-saas-sales-organization-with-hootsuite-cro-melissa-murray-bailey-pod-521-video/


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