2019-06-27 23:48

SaaStr 246: Dropbox CCO Yamini Rangan on 5 Myths That Stop SaaS Companies From Moving Upmarket

Dropbox Chief Customer Officer Yamini Rangan draws on 20 years of experience to challenge five common misconceptions about SaaS success. From beating the competition to over (or under) relying on Outbound, she offers a practical perspective on the frameworks that are holding businesses back from reaching their full potential in a changing landscape.


Missed the session? Here’s what Yamini talks about:

  • How to increase the odds of reaching $1B in ARR
  • What is the pull upmarket, why do companies focus their attention there?
  • Common go-to-market myths and lessons.

If you would like to find out more about the show and the guests presented, you can follow us on Twitter here:

Jason Lemkin




