2023-03-02 09:45

Extreme Weather: How Supercomputers Prove the Effects of Global Warming

Using a supercomputer, Meteorological Research Institute researchers have quantified the role of global warming in heat waves and other extreme weather events.

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Susan Yoshimura

A US citizen based in Asia for over 20 years, Susan has a postgraduate degree in Environmental Education. She is a former environmental activist and media relations coordinator at Greenpeace Japan and research programme assistant at United Nations University, Tokyo. She has 15+ years experience in Japanese-to-English translation and editing in the environmental management field.

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Welcome to the SDGs in the News Podcast. This is Susan Yoshimura, Managing Editor of Japan 2 Earth,
coming to you from Tokyo. Today, we bring you another English article on Japan and the SDGs.
You can find the full text on our website. Just click the link in the episode notes. Have a listen.
How supercomputers prove the effects of global warming
Using a supercomputer, Meteorological Research Institute researchers have
quantified the role of global warming in heat waves and other extreme weather events.
Extreme weather events are occurring more frequently throughout the globe.
Research to determine whether global warming is the cause is gaining attention. This research,
dubbed event attribution, uses supercomputers to reveal causal relationships.
Results can quantify the threats of global warming and are thus expected to raise awareness
of climate change among the public. Extreme weather such as heat waves, heavy rains,
and droughts have become common occurrences worldwide in recent years. Likewise, Japan is
hit by intense heat waves nearly every year. Although such abnormal weather events are more
likely to occur due to the global warming trend, not all can be explained by global warming.
When heat waves occur, people often wonder if global warming is the cause.
However, the answer to this question is hard to quantify. Yukiko Imada,
senior researcher of climate dynamics at the Meteorological Research Institute, explains why.
The number one cause of extreme weather is chance fluctuations in the atmosphere. For example,
For example, Japan experiences heat waves due to a strong Pacific high-pressure system caused
by the meandering of the jet stream. Until about 10 years ago, it was impossible to distinguish
between the effects of natural fluctuations like these and the impacts of rising temperatures
alongside global warming. The solution to this problem is an innovative research method called
event attribution. By this method, each abnormal weather occurrence, or event,
can be attributed to various causes. This approach can be used to determine
whether global warming is a factor in individual extreme weather events.
Since proposed in a 2011 research paper out of Oxford University, the method has become
indispensable to the study of global warming. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, IPCC, used results of event attribution studies for the first time in its sixth assessment
report. Analyzes require a considerable level of computing power. Only recently with the improved
performance of supercomputers, have these calculations become possible. Forming the
basis for calculations is a climate modeling computer program developed by Dr. Sukoro
Minabe, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2021. The program was one of the first to make
predictions about global warming. The current research further evolved a method pioneered
by Dr. Minabe in the 1960s. Then it combined it with a cutting-edge supercomputer. How does
this research method work? First, using a high-precision climate model, the supercomputer
creates the actual global climate, where global warming is occurring. Then, in order to capture
various atmospheric flows that occur by chance, a massive number of simulations are repeated.
Based on this method, research teams such as those at the Meteorological Research Institute,
create 100 different climate conditions using the Earth Simulator supercomputer of the Japan
Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology, JAMSTEC.
We make 100 Earths, like parallel worlds, said Dr. Imada. By counting how many of the Earths
reproduce the abnormal weather pattern of interest, the researchers can calculate the
probability of its occurrence. Meanwhile, they remove the influence of human activities from
the data given to the climate model and create another 100 parallel Earths without global warming.
The probability of the abnormal weather event is then calculated in the same way.
Comparing these results with those of the real world makes it possible to determine the impacts
of global warming. For instance, Japan's record-breaking heat wave in July 2018 had
a 19.9% chance of occurring on a warming planet. On the other hand, the probability of occurrence
in the absence of global warming was 0.00003%, almost nil. This clearly showed that the heat
wave would not have happened without global warming. In addition, when the Meteorological
Research Institute analyzed recent major abnormal weather events in Japan, the results were as
follows, statistics or probability of occurrence. Heat wave, July-August 2013.
With global warming, 12.4%. Without global warming, 1.73-0.50%.
Heat wave, August 2015.
With global warming, 2.8%. Without global warming, 1.8-1.6%.
Heavy rainfall in northern Kyushu, July 2018. With global warming, 2.8%.
Without global warming, 1.9%. Heavy rainfall, July 2018.
With global warming, 4.8%. Without global warming, 1.5%.
Heat wave, June-July 2022. With global warming, 19.8%.
Without global warming, 0.082%. Though the results vary, all events were significantly
more likely to occur with global warming. For heat waves in particular, results make it almost
certain that global warming impacted the weather. On the other hand, rainfall depends on regional
topography and air pressure, making differences in probability harder to detect.
The research team successfully calculated the impact of global warming on heavy rains in 2017
and 2018. To do this, they used a climate model based on a grid of the Earth with roughly 60 km
sides. They also created a close-up version for Japan with roughly 20 km grid lengths.
The relationship between typhoons and global warming is not yet well understood.
Dr. Imada and her team now want to get quicker analyses of extreme weather events to the public.
In doing so they hope to promote increased awareness of global warming.
Due to massive numbers of simulations, in the past, it has taken the Meteorological
Research Institute over two months to produce results. By this time,
the season has changed and the public's interest has waned.
For the 2022 heat wave, they used three-month forecast data of the Japan Meteorological Agency
to perform calculations in advance. They succeeded in producing results in about three weeks.
However, the leading European research team publishes results on global extreme weather,
including in Japan, on its website within a week.
It is important to make the general public aware of the impacts of global warming.
If analysis results can be communicated immediately following a weather event,
they will seem more real. As we continue to improve our system, we will aim to perform
the calculations in about a week so we can publish them quickly, noted Dr. Imada.
Efforts to apply results to fighting climate change are also important.
In collaboration with the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
NARO, Dr. Imada and her colleagues estimated the cost of global damages to grain production due
to global warming. They are also conducting joint research with Kyoto University to elucidate the
risk of high tides and floods in Japan due to global warming. The team also plans to evaluate
the probability of occurrence of high temperatures at the local level, targeting areas where
temperatures are likely to rise due to the fun effect. Ultimately, the aim is to connect results
to increased public awareness and individual action.

