2024-05-09 1:04:35

#82【あえて『飲まない』生き方】SoberCurious? No So Much in Okinawa

Haitai , *English below





Marketed for their affordability and ability to induce quick intoxication, the demand for strong chu-hi drinks, appealing for their cost performance and type, has been expanding since around 2010. However, in recent years, there has been a decline in the market for these beverages due to a rise in health consciousness and the spread of the "sober curious" lifestyle among youth who can drink but choose not to. According to research firm Intage, the sales volume which was approximately 177.6 billion yen in 2020, decreased to about 136.5 billion yen by 2023. -Sankei-

Good thing the trend "sober-curious" gives people an easier excuse to get away from drinking situations lol


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沖縄での飲み物に関する話題では、ビールの大腸がんリスクのインパクトや、強炭酸飲料の市場縮小、低アルコールビール市場の成功などが取り上げられています。琉球でのノンアルコールのトレンドにより、企業は低アルコールの製品を開発しています。特に、人気の商品であるStrong Kについて、ビール会社や酒造会社が積極的に展開しています。アルコールの高揚感を求める人々は、日常のストレスから逃れるために毎日飲む習慣があります。しかし、酒の味を楽しむ人もおり、飲むこと自体を楽しんでいます。友人と一緒にいるだけで楽しいと感じる人もおり、酒がなくても楽しめると答えます。日本での飲酒文化を考えると、アルコールを飲まない生活はまだ一般的ではありませんが、ソバーキュリアスな生き方に興味を持つ人々が増えています。最近のアメリカでは、飲酒を選ばない生活を希望する人々が増加しています。若者の間ではお酒の需要が減少し、アルコール以外の娯楽やストレス解消手段が求められています。一方、40歳以上の人々はお酒を楽しむことが好きで、年を重ねるほど味わいがわかるようになるとされています。特に沖縄では、30代の女性がストレスを感じてお酒を飲む頻度が増加しています。アラサー女性たちは、沖縄での酒文化や結婚観について話し合っています。家族や友人との時間を大切にし、家族へのサポートや責任感のバランスの重要性を指摘しています。パートナーシップや離婚についても考えており、毎日の生活には毒が必要であり、それは個人によって異なると述べています。様々な毒を選ぶことが重要だと考えています。

せーの What's up amazing people? This is Iyasasa
Radio by Akane and Minami. In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in
Okinawan Japanese and English. はいたーい ぐすーよーちゅーがなびらー
イヤササレディオのアカネとミナミーやいびーん うぬレディオでぐすーよーんかい
英語と沖縄グチサーにいっぺーうむさるはなし ずどけーあんでちうむとういびーん
On May 19, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced guidelines indicating that
even one long can of beer could increase the risk of colorectal cancer. In response, beer
companies seem likely to withdraw from selling strong low-cost high-alcohol chūhai, shochūhaibō
that are designed for quick intoxication. Asahi Beer and Sapporo Beer have already indicated
this year that they will not launch new products with an alcohol content of 8% or higher, and
Kirin Beer has begun reviewing its sales strategies for strong chūhai. Attention is also focused
on Suntree Response. Marketed for their cost-effectiveness and high-potency strong chūhai drinks sold,
demand surged around 2010. However, due to increasing health consciousness and the rise
of the sober-curious lifestyle among youths who can drink but choose not to, the market
for these beverages have shrunk. According to research firm Intage, sales fell from approximately
177.6 billion yen in 2020 to about 136.5 billion yen in 2023. In light of the shrinking market,
Asahi has reduced its strong products line from 79 items at the end of 2020 to just one
currently. Sapporo, which had up to 20 strong products in 2018, now also only markets one.
On the other hand, Suntree with its −196 Celsius brand and Kirin with its Hyōketsu
have strong sales in the strong chūhai category. In 2023, strong chūhai and highball drinks
with an alcohol content of about 9% accounted for 23.7% of domestic sales, most of which
are held by Suntree and Kirin, according to the major beer industry source. Therefore,
these two companies are cautious about withdrawing from the strong segment the source added. Asahi
is also extending the trend towards lower alcohol content to its beers, having launched a new
product in its main brand, Super Dry, in October last year. This new product, Dry Crystal,
has a lower alcohol content of 3.5% compared to the usual 5%. Other beer companies are
watching the sales trends of Dry Crystal as a litmus test to determine the success
or failure of the low alcohol beer market. Asahi has reported that the sales of Dry Crystal
are steady and there seems to be hope that the newly announced guidelines could boost
sales further.
Asahi Beer and Sapporo Beer have shown that they do not sell new cans of 8% or more of alcohol.
Kirin Beer has also begun to consider the sales policy of Strong K in the future.
There is also attention to the response of Suntory.
Strong K Chuhai, which sought out cospas and taipas to sell cheaply, has expanded its demand from around 2010.
However, in recent years, there has been an increase in health-consciousness,
a way of life where you can drink, but you dare not drink alcohol,
and a trend towards sober and curious young people.
Strong K's market is gradually shrinking.
According to the research company Intege,
the sales price, which was about 17.76 billion yen in 2020,
decreased to about 13.65 billion yen in 2023.
Based on the market shrinkage,
Asahi is now focusing on one Strong K product with 79 items by the end of 2022.
In 2018, Sapporo, which had developed a maximum of 20 Strong K products,
is now selling only one product.
On the other hand, Suntory is minus 196 degrees,
and Kirin has a strong sales power in the Strong K brand of Hyouketsu.
Among the domestic sales of Kanchuhai and Highball in 2023,
the number of Strong K in the 9% range is 23.7%,
and two of them are held by Kirin of Suntory.
Therefore, these two companies are showing a strong posture to withdraw Strong K.
Asahi is also spreading the flow of low-alcoholism to beer,
and in October of last year,
Asahi sold a new product, Dry Crystal,
which is 3.5% alcohol and 5% alcohol.
It is seen that other beer companies are paying attention to the sale trend of Dry Crystal
as a catalyst for increasing the market shape of low-alcohol beer.
Asahi is explaining about Dry Crystal to the sales director.
It seems that there is also a movement to expect sales expansion
following the guidelines announced by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
It's been a while, so I can't read it.
I can't read English.
I couldn't read it at all even in Japanese.
I looked up the article about Strong K and chose it,
but it turned out to be a ranking of beer companies.
I thought it's just like a usual Chuhai.
I thought it was easier to drink.
I thought Strong K Chuhai is only the name of the product Strong.
How do they make it strong?
Put a lot of alcohol and a lot of food additives.
More than 8% is Strong K Chuhai.
We talked about natural alcohol and this kind of alcohol is different.
They have more ingredients in it, right?
How do you say?
I don't know.
Food additives.
Artificial sweetener.
Because it's in it, it tastes sweet and easy to drink and get drunk easily.
Strong Kの製品説明
It's easy to drink.
It's not delicious, but I really like it.
It's easy to drink, but it tastes weird sometimes.
It's too sweet or it's too artificial.
Fake taste of alcohol.
When I get drunk by a Chuhai, it feels different.
Like how?
You're going crazy.
Not crazy, but...
You have a headache, right?
I know how you feel.
Headache and...
I feel like the dizziness of drunkenness is different.
It's like...
I don't know if it's a combination of alcohol and drunkenness.
But really...
I prefer the sweet ones.
It tends to have artificial things.
And also it's more strong.
It's stronger than beers and wine.
Do you know?
I know. Screwdriver.
That's vodka.
Akane drinks sweet stuff.
I think it's different.
Choosing Kan Chuhai from a convenience store.
Choosing a sweet cocktail at the bar.
It's not that bad to mix them.
That's why you didn't choose the Kan Chuhai?
Or you just want to be healthier?
You want to have like a rich...
No, no. We talk about like...
It also affects our body condition.
Not like feeling drunk.
Like having a stomachache or having a headache.
If you look it up,
it's easy to get rid of hangovers.
That's right.
If you want to drink,
you can say you'll make it at home.
If you want to drink that much,
you already know what kind of alcohol you like.
If you want to drink a lot,
it's better to make it at home.
There was a time...
when I had a few kinds of hangovers.
I didn't want to go to the bar.
I see.
I felt like it wasn't good.
After I read this,
I don't want to drink Chuhai anymore.
Kan Chuhai.
It's simple.
I did some research about food additives.
After that, I started to look at raw materials.
I can choose a healthier choice now.
First of all, I don't like drinking alcohol.
So I don't drink 100% juice.
I see.
It's not an artificial sweetener.
I think we have the tongue.
Sensitive tongue.
That can distinguish between food additives or not.
Everyone has it.
If you're taking too much food additive stuff,
like fish oil or junk food,
your tongue is not going to be sensitive enough.
You're going to get used to it.
That's right.
It's not training,
but it's an additive.
If it's a cheap additive,
you'll get used to it.
If you eat something cheap,
you might think it's not good.
If you're not used to it.
It's impossible.
I understand.
People want to get high with alcohol.
Because it's legal.
I just heard that sentence.
Because it's legal.
They always have friends around drinking together.
Sometimes they can't escape from that situation
and they drink for business.
They just like to drink.
Because they like the taste.
But the most reason should be
they want to be high.
Not like a normal tension.
I understand.
They want to be more open and casual.
They want to be themselves.
Because they have stress in everyday life.
That's what I heard.
But I really don't get it.
I get it because
I have seen many people,
especially shy people,
change suddenly with alcohol.
That's probably their real face.
Personally, I don't have to drink everyday.
I can be high without alcohol.
Not high, but I can be happy.
Natural high.
Yeah, all the time without alcohol.
Because I don't have much stress
compared to them.
I can't drink too much.
That's the reason.
I think that makes sense.
If Akane drinks and gets so drunk every time,
maybe that's different.
But you don't really care.
If you drink or not,
you are okay to drive home without drinking.
From nomikai.
Sometimes I get jealous
when people drink and I can't drink.
I don't care.
I don't care.
I don't care.
Sometimes I get jealous
when people drink and I can't drink.
I don't have to drink all the time.
I don't like the taste of alcohol first.
It depends on the sake.
I don't really want to drink.
Because I can't drink a lot.
About your husband's story,
that they like to get high
and escape from the stress.
But they act like a stress-free kind of person.
But they have stress.
When they go home.
I don't know.
And I think they keep drinking every day.
It's like a small version of addiction.
And their liver is strong for alcohol.
So they don't easily get drunk.
So they are going to be really stronger.
To drink.
So, okay, let's have one drink for the night.
It's not enough.
It's like a waste of money.
No, no.
Because they drink too much.
One drink is not enough.
Because they drink every day.
It's a habit.
I see.
It's a custom.
If my best friend asked me to go out every night,
each day,
then I'm going to drink every day.
If it's a scene like that.
Because everyone drinks together.
For example, if Akane likes to drink,
Minami would have drunk more.
But he drinks at home too.
He really likes the taste of beer.
He wants beer.
After he works hard.
When he eats yakiniku or something.
He likes the combination of beer and some food.
So he likes to drink and eat at the same time.
He's pairing food.
So he can drink beer forever.
And then he has high alcohol tolerance.
So he can drink a lot.
I like that combination.
But at some point,
some people force him to drink
like shots.
Alcohol he doesn't like.
He suddenly
doesn't like that situation.
Like a drinking situation.
And then he wants to go home.
So he naturally likes
drinking beer.
when I'm asked to drink,
I drink.
But if it's too strong,
I don't like it.
Akane asked
how do you like drinking?
Alcohol itself?
Or gathering with friends?
I think it's the same for both.
If you're with a good friend,
of course it's fun to drink.
If you're with a good friend,
it's fun even if you don't drink.
It doesn't matter.
Now it's less in Minami,
but sometimes I drink alone.
At home.
But it's less than before.
But during COVID-19,
there was an article,
but because of COVID-19,
there are more people who don't drink.
But I drank a lot alone.
Everyday like a routine.
Like having a coffee in the morning.
During the lockdown.
I had like one beer
and a bottle of red wine.
Why do you drink alcohol
at home by yourself?
Because you like drinking
or you like yourself drinking
at home yourself.
It looks more,
I don't know,
more adult.
There are people
who can get drunk at home
for two days.
I was drinking,
but it was like having a coffee.
But it didn't last long.
It was a few months.
There are a lot of times
when I eat dinner alone.
Because of the lockdown.
At that time,
I drank a little.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Some people,
they are being drunk.
Being happier,
more open.
every emotion is exploding.
For me,
being sober is
the 100% open version.
If people don't see me as much,
I don't know, I think.
In the case of Minami,
if you get drunk with alcohol,
it affects the environment around you.
If it's a fun time,
you go in a good direction.
But if it's a different direction,
the more you drink,
the more you want to go home.
I don't know what to say.
It's more like
you are honest to yourself
when you drink.
That might be true.
If you don't drink,
you can get along.
I sometimes feel comfortable.
I understand.
It's easier to get along
if you don't drink.
If you don't drink,
you don't say weird things.
I'm not the kind of person
who says weird things.
When I get drunk,
I sometimes wonder
why I had such a deep conversation.
I'm not making a big deal out of it.
But I don't feel like
I had a deep conversation
until I got drunk.
That might be true.
When you drink,
it's easier to say what's on your mind.
Because I don't care.
When you get stressed,
even a little bit,
you don't want to drink anymore.
But it depends on your condition.
you shouldn't drink
with people you don't like.
I agree.
I don't want to go out
with people I don't like.
It's a waste of time.
I agree.
There's no benefit.
sober curious.
Sober curious.
It's the first time I hear it.
In the 2nd century,
a basic researcher,
Mr. Kuga,
said that the consumption of young people
is rational and
they want to make good use of time.
They think that drinking
has a low cost-effectiveness.
Health awareness has increased
due to COVID-19,
and there will be more people
who are sober curious in the future.
The world has a sober curious vibe.
I don't see any people
who are sober curious around me.
People always want the chance
to drink.
Very aggressively.
people around us
is not the mainstream
majority of the people
in Japan.
Especially in Okinawa.
When it comes to alcohol,
it doesn't matter what happens in Japan.
If you quit drinking,
what will you have left?
But in the world,
people want to make good use
of their time.
Drinking has a low cost-effectiveness.
I've never thought that far.
Does drinking mean
that it's a waste of time
to drink?
That makes sense.
It's a waste of time to drink.
If you drink,
you can't drive.
If you don't drink,
you can move around freely
and you can drive
in any city.
The best thing about Okinawa
is that you can drive
without drinking.
You can talk to people
and you can drive.
Once you get to the point
where you want to drink
a lot,
you'll be fine.
I'm okay with driving
without drinking
with people,
but if it's like
too many people around me
if I need to drive all the time,
every time,
it makes me stressed sometimes.
It makes me feel like
I'm out of it.
I don't have any
advantages of this situation.
I feel like
everyone is happy
and I'm the only sober.
It's not funny.
I understand.
If it's one or two,
if it's all night,
it's too rough
and there's no point
to follow it.
There are some people
who still enjoy it.
If it's a birthday party
or a special occasion,
I'm okay with that,
but if it's just a usual drinking party
and I don't have time for that
for you guys,
I feel like sometimes.
I think so too.
If you go home and watch Netflix,
it's more cost-effective.
Is that what you mean?
I think so.
Instead of going for a drink,
I want to do this and that.
If it's more than that,
it's more cost-effective.
I just want to drink,
be happy,
have fun, party.
That's my motivation.
I understand.
What I want to drink the most
is when I'm out of the house.
When you feel special.
The body congests alcohol so quick.
I feel like.
Vacation mood?
I don't want to drink when it's cold.
Yes, yes.
It's the cold level of Okinawa.
When I go to Russia,
I want to drink vodka.
But when I go to a snowy place,
I drink Japanese sake,
Atsukan, every night.
That's when it's really cold.
But it's not because I want to drink,
I want a challenge.
I want to try Atsukan
out of Okinawa.
That's my motivation.
I can drink a lot
when it comes to Atsukan.
You had Atsukan in your body.
It was a good sake.
Good alcohol
makes me happy.
I want to drink highball
at a proper bar.
Highball and
Izakoya's highball.
They are totally different.
Ice is different.
Water is different.
Stairs are different.
Everything is different.
Cups are thin.
That's a good point.
alcohol intake
is 4.8
per week in 2009.
In 2021,
it will drop to 3.6
per week.
In addition,
a phone survey
conducted by a company
specialized in analytics
found that
5% decrease
between 2019 and
5% may seem like
an insignificant number,
but I can guess
that there are more people
who want to change their lifestyle.
Isn't it because of
the corona?
The bar is closed.
Or like they
facing themselves.
went up.
they found
Life is not
just drinking alcohol.
In the US,
the Z generation
is particularly
The Z generation
is also called
generation sensible.
In the mid-2000s,
there were many young people
who borrowed the power of alcohol
to foster friendship.
According to a survey
published by the American
Medical Journal J.A.M.A.
20% to 28%
of college students
who were banned
from drinking alcohol
are young people
who drink alcohol
throughout New Zealand.
The Z generation
drinking alcohol
is 20%
less than
the millennial generation.
The millennial generation
drinking alcohol
is less than
the millennial generation
drinking alcohol
in the same generation
According to
the survey,
70% of the Z generation
don't drink alcohol
simply because
they don't want to.
70%? That's amazing.
But that means
the older generation
drink alcohol.
That's right.
I understand.
Drinking was like
a strong
communication tool.
I agree.
At that time.
But now, people have more options.
we have online
we have
a variety of communities
where people can
hang out
even if they don't drink.
Something like that.
that's not alcohol
has increased.
Something like that.
high stuff.
I think
like meditation?
That's like
a more calm activity.
Like you said, drinking alcohol is
like TikTok.
I see.
If you look at social media,
if you play a game, you get really excited.
It's not like that,
but I feel like it's more like
Like, excitement
It's the same with net porn.
You can digest it
There are more ways to digest greed.
Even if you don't meet people.
That's right.
You have to interact with people
when you drink.
Talking on the spot
and talking on the radio
when you're sober.
The amount of talking
is probably
more like
when you have a guest
and you talk on the radio.
it's not just about
the power of alcohol.
Something like that.
I don't know.
It's not like
you're talking on the phone,
but you're adjusting to it.
That's right.
So even if it's online,
even if it's not face-to-face,
if you can make time
like that,
there may be times when
conversations are better than
drinking parties.
Like if you are
you know, want to have a good
quality of conversation,
then that's it.
But some people just want to
hang out
or being crazy
or forget about everything.
If that's the case,
then it's partying or dancing.
I think music
has the key.
70% of the
generation Z
don't want to
or tend not to drink.
you know,
I want to get along
with some people
like really close.
I want to see them
the version of
their drinking too.
I want to do
sake guse check
for everyone.
Sorry, if it's just friends,
I don't care.
But if it's like family
or best friend level,
I really care about sake guse.
I don't have
bad people.
If I think it's bad,
I want to keep a certain distance.
But 70% don't drink?
If they don't drink,
I really care about
how do you manage
your excitement
or stress relief.
In America,
if you don't drink 70%,
marijuana is legal.
if you want to chill
and don't have to deal with people,
you can chill alone.
Maybe that's weed.
Even if it's just sake.
That's true.
If you're Z generation,
you mix
THC oil
in your coffee
and eat pancakes.
That's cool.
If you do that,
Japanese people...
But isn't that
It's chill.
Do you always want to chill?
I don't think
I don't know.
It depends on the person.
There's no such thing as
let's get shots.
That's true.
It's down.
It's chill.
Then it's not weed.
There are different kinds of weed.
There are different kinds of weed.
I don't know
more than that.
or LSD.
I don't know about that.
In short, there are more options
other than alcohol.
It's not like
internet, DIY, or exercise.
I think there are drugs in the US.
That's true.
Japan is
strict, so
they need to depend on alcohol.
Some people need to.
Because they can't
escape from their reality.
and people who live in the city.
And especially
for smoking
getting so strict in Japan.
It's getting so strict
in Japan.
You'll see in the city
how people hate
smoking people.
even alcohol is getting less.
What do Japanese do?
I don't know.
We need to find something.
This is from the UK.
In the UK,
people over the age of 40
started to limit
going out.
8.6 million people
started to drink.
It started.
It's the same as
drinking at home.
alcohol was banned,
young people
started to drink.
Because they
just started drinking.
If they are 20s,
they don't have more experience
of drinking than
older people.
They just can't quit.
It spends a lot
of money.
The bar is not open.
Then why don't we just
quit drinking?
According to the same
people over the age of more than 40
they want to drink alcohol
more than the younger people.
Young people think that
drinking alcohol is one of the
tools to having a
communication with people.
That's true.
You don't drink alone.
Sorry, but
I don't know how old young people are,
but they are 20s.
In my personal opinion,
when you are young,
you don't know
the taste of alcohol.
Some college students
drink because they want to get drunk.
But you can't understand the taste
because you keep drinking.
It's because you get stronger.
There are a lot of
good alcohols
that taste better when you get older.
People over the age of 40
are doing that.
At home, you can drink
a lot of alcohol,
but young people
don't have money
and strong alcohol is not good.
Some people drink it,
but they don't know the taste.
It's like that.
There are more students
who go back to their parents' home.
They lose their job
because they work remotely
and can't pay their rent.
That's why
they are banned.
Before going to
alcohol lover
that generation,
they don't look cool
for the Generation Z.
It's a matter of fashion.
In movies,
bars in the countryside
can drink
strong alcohol
with a glass.
Like a beer set.
They can drink strong alcohol
Men tend to be stronger
than women too.
Like body size.
Americans are twice as big.
They can consume
twice as much.
When I used to work
on base,
American military people
drink a lot.
Like water.
They must have stress
from work,
but on weekends,
spending a lot of money
for alcohol is not
like it's crazy.
I could feel that
they really work for alcohol.
Those people.
Military people
are self-destructive.
But I think
military people get stressed.
They do.
They have a strong relationship
with their superiors.
let's talk about Okinawa.
People don't drink alcohol.
How about Okinawa?
I found an article
about Okinawa.
In Okinawa,
among women who drink alcohol,
the percentage of people
who drink alcohol
who increase the risk of
life-threatening diseases
increased rapidly.
In 2021,
it increased by 42%,
9.7 points compared to
The government set the target
as 15.2%,
but it changed
a lot.
are more likely to drink
In Okinawa,
30.6% of women
drink alcohol.
In the background,
women are more likely to
drink alcohol and
feel stress.
In particular,
women in their 30s
are 60% more likely to drink alcohol.
In addition,
women in their 50s
are 54.2% more likely to drink alcohol.
Men are
27.7% more likely to drink alcohol.
men in Okinawa are
24% more likely to drink alcohol
and 13.3% more likely to die.
It's increasing.
I talked about Okinawa women.
Women are more likely to
drink alcohol and
feel stress.
It sounds like
mainland women.
That's right.
it's increasing.
Does this mean that
the number of company dinners
is increasing?
The number of company dinners and
dinners is increasing,
and as there are
more jobs,
I think there are more people
who drink alcohol at home.
It's not that women are becoming
manly, but
I can't find any other
good words.
I think they are becoming manly.
They have a career.
I don't mean it in a bad way.
They can earn money,
and they can
be independent.
Drinking jobs
such as cabaret,
sometimes they make more money
than regular men.
Like regular men
or regular jobs.
So I think
there are people who
drink alcohol
to make a living.
I think it's been like this for a long time.
And it means that
the number of company dinners
is decreasing.
there used to be a lot of
company dinners.
Let's assume that
there are a lot of company dinners now.
But I think
Minami wanted to drink more.
I think so.
I'm talking about Minami's family,
but she always asked
why her mom was a handle keeper.
And then she asked her sister
why Minami was a handle keeper.
Men always drink.
I don't know what that means.
I think Okinawa women
had a hard time drinking.
But now it's like
don't give a fuck.
When I was a kid,
my mom used to drink
just a little bit.
It was a special occasion.
But now,
she drinks wine or beer.
I think she can drink.
She's free.
And I think she drinks more than her dad.
My dad always gets drunk
and goes home.
But I thought
it was funny.
He can drink.
Like my grandma.
After my grandpa
passed away,
my dad and my cousin
her to drink
more than usual.
She's so strong.
Like how many?
I don't remember.
Maybe I'm stupid.
I don't remember what I drank.
But I'm getting happier
and happier.
Like Akane's mom.
She's like,
I didn't know you could drink so much.
I've never seen
a group of people
drinking just a little bit.
But I think
they were careful.
Only a little bit.
I see.
But now, it's gone.
In that sense,
women can drink
because they're free.
But people with
lifestyle disorders
can't drink
as much as men.
It's dangerous
to drink the same amount.
It's dangerous
to drink too much
because there are
strong women
in Okinawa.
It has nothing to do with alcohol.
When I go
to mainland,
my friend got married
and he told me he needs to buy
a house.
It's custom to buy a house
for men
when they get married in that place.
In Okinawa,
it's too expensive to buy a house.
It's not common to do it
when they get married.
If they have much money,
if they can afford it,
they will do it.
But not a lot of people do it.
That's why
he said
he will work harder.
I think
that's normal
in mainland Japan.
But in Okinawa,
it's not like that.
I was surprised about it.
Of course,
there are some people
who have to work harder
because they have kids.
But they probably
not as responsible
as them.
They always can go
they can depend on
their parents.
They always have
guy friends who hang out with
no matter how old they are.
They go out and drink.
It's very close
environment all the time.
But when it comes
to women, they need to
give birth
and raise kids.
That makes them
to be more responsible
for having family.
For women.
They work harder.
Sometimes they get a divorce.
There are a lot of women
who have kids.
they get stronger.
I think that's normal.
But the way
they think
about marriage
makes me feel like
I'm not the right person for marriage.
I think so.
I think they get married because they like it.
I think
you need to be more responsible.
I think.
I know.
It's not that easy.
I don't think
they support their family.
I think so.
They want kids.
They want kids.
And they get married
There are a lot of people
who get married easily.
There are a lot of people
who get married easily.
But when they get married,
it's financially difficult.
But they don't see it.
They can't see.
They can't imagine how it's going to be.
And at the end,
they can't rely on
some other people or the parents.
Or the wife's parents.
Then they always have support.
They are guy friends.
To chill.
even in that situation,
they don't get depressed.
I see.
I have that kind of image.
They don't get depressed.
There is no comparison
of good,
responsible husband
in Okinawa.
In Okinawa.
If you are a salaryman
in a company,
you have that kind of image.
I think so.
Because they have money.
When we talked about
the poverty in Okinawa,
there was a story that
if you don't do well in class,
you will be made fun of.
Just like that,
a lot of men friends
in Okinawa are always together.
They say,
I got married,
I have kids,
we hang out every month.
If you don't do well,
you will be embarrassed.
I think so.
Even if you have kids,
our style
won't change.
That's cool.
We drink,
dress up,
and hang out.
Even if you get married
and have kids,
it won't change.
They don't change.
Of course there are people
who change,
but there are also people
who don't change.
There is a trend.
A trend.
But what do you think about that
from a women perspective?
I think it's sweet.
I'm not jealous,
but you use it for a good reason.
In that sense.
I don't think it's a good reason.
Friends are important.
There will come a time
when the family
isn't everything.
When kids grow up.
It's important to prioritize
your hobbies and what you want to do.
But you also have to
have a sense of responsibility.
That's a difficult balance.
In a way,
there are a lot of middle-aged people
who have a boy's heart.
In Okinawa.
It's fun to see people like that.
It's like,
this person is being herself.
That's what I think.
As a husband,
or as a dad perspective,
when I see that,
I'm like,
wow, what a man!
You feel like a parent.
I want to be a friend
who doesn't have
any direct influence on me.
I want to be a fun friend.
But if it's my family,
even if it's the side
I'm raising,
I want to be
able to
support them.
Even as a parent,
I'm like,
But in the family,
if it works,
then I think it's going to be okay.
Not financial support,
but mental support.
There's also time support.
In Akane's case,
I think it's going to be
a situation where the husband
has to raise the child.
He's a housewife.
Akane is the type of person
who wants to work,
so I'm really thankful for that.
I think it's hard to compare
the culture of Okinawa
to Japan.
Compared to
the people in
Okinawa has different
It's more human.
It's more human.
It's probably healthy.
It's doing what it wants to do.
It's surrounded by
a lot of people.
But on the other hand,
women are more and more stressed.
They go to work
and have kids.
They're stressed.
There are a lot more women
who are drunk and lazy.
They don't want to be a housewife.
That's right.
It's hard.
Everyone should be sober.
Sober and curious.
It's like,
men and women's roles
are well-balanced.
We talked about how
Okinawan men
don't have a sense of responsibility.
It's not about whether it's good or bad.
Okinawan friends
are easier to get along with.
They're not strict.
In a way,
it's good.
But if
there are more people like that,
it's hard.
How do we
step up
to a better
life for each
men and women?
It's not difficult.
That's true.
Okinawan women
have too much responsibility.
If it's not balanced,
men don't have a sense of responsibility
and women don't have a sense of responsibility,
depend on people.
If you look at it
from an average perspective,
are the ones who
take care of men.
women get stronger
mentally and physically.
They will have
their community
and family
and friends.
They will have
more healthy mind
and healthy body.
Then they live longer.
At the end of the day,
women will win.
It's not competition,
but women will have more advantages
in their life because they have
experience of
They are closer to
They have more experience
and knowledge of
working in society too.
I'm ok with that.
I'm ok with that.
I'm enjoying observing.
I'm enjoying observing.
Some people
don't have a partner
if they get divorced.
If they don't have
anyone closer to depend on,
I appreciate
my partner
to support me
and just be there always.
Of course,
I appreciate that.
It depends on
women how to
control your
husband or
People don't change
If you have
a supportive family,
regardless of gender,
it's ok
to get divorced.
It's ok.
if you get married easily,
get divorced easily,
and have kids easily,
it's a pity
if our kids
are in trouble.
In short,
it doesn't matter
if you get married or
get divorced.
If you have a partner,
everyone needs to
take care of
their related kids.
Like that.
If you have
a supportive family,
it's ok
to get divorced.
It doesn't matter
if you get divorced.
If you have
a supportive family,
it's ok
to get divorced.
If you have a supportive family,
it's ok
to get divorced.
If you have a supportive family,
it's ok
to get divorced.
If you have
a supportive family,
it's ok
to get divorced.
If you have
a supportive family,
it's ok
to get divorced.
If you have
a supportive family,
it's ok
to get divorced.
If you have
a supportive family,
it's ok
to get divorced.
It doesn't matter
if you get divorced.
It's a way to release your stress.
So if there is an education that there are different ways,
women do not tend to depend on alcohol in the future.
That's true.
I think so too.
If something happens, let's drink.
It's not like that, but there is something different.
There are three types of alcohol.
Alcohol, tobacco, and sex.
In general.
If there is a drug, it's also like that.
When I talk about this kind of thing with one of my friends,
we need some kind of poison in our daily lives.
And I chose nicotine and drink.
It's different for each person,
but there is a story that it is necessary to live with some kind of poison,
and it is better to do it.
I think it's the same for coffee and caffeine.
There are almost no people who are perfectly sober from anything bad.
I think there are people who are on a business trip,
but there is some kind of poison in it.
For example, if you are a woman, you eat a lot of sweet things.
I think it's as bad as smoking.
You eat a lot of white sugar.
But it's something you have to have.
If you live in a normal society, you will get some kind of stress.
You don't have to be addicted to anything.
We need poison in our lives.
When I was talking about that, I thought it was really like that.
In the first place, the way to choose the poison is important.
Even if it's poison, you have to think about whether it's okay to do it now.
I think it's good to add poison from time to time.
It's the same with games.
We talked about Okinawa dungeon again at the end.
Alcohol, cigarettes and women.
In Okinawa, sober and curious are really far-fetched.
But that's what the world is like now.
If you want to drink alcohol, you can drink pure alcohol.
You can drink alcohol in a simple way.
You can drink strong liquor.
You can drink strong liquor, tequila, awamori and whiskey in a simple way.
That's all for today.

