2022-03-28 35:56

【箸休めEp】*all English 渡辺直美へ届け!Big Respect n Love to #NaomiTakesAmerica

直美さまに感化されAll Englishエピソードに挑戦しました。
Where is Minami?
What's up, amazing people. This is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan, Japanese and English.
What's up
What's up
So this is箸休めEp and we want to talk about
Naomi Watanabe just starting their podcast.
Congratulations to Naomi
We are waiting for you as a guest
As a guest
And I think this time we will try to do it 100% English
Besides our introduction in Okinawan
So did you listen to her podcast?
Little bit
A little bit?
But I knew she was trying really hard
To speak English
To speak
Even it's slow she's trying to speak English 100% on a radio so
But I could understand everything she said
I mean everything she wanted to try to say
I think that's very good and good inspiration
Aspiration for anyone who want to study English
And how can our be her guest?
Um what do you think?
If there is anyone who is friend with or who knows Naomi
In person
Then I want you guys to let us know how
To reach her
Like me and her was talking about how can we reach to Beyonce and Naomi
And what we talk about like we were making video
Yeah making video to message them to impress them through the video
I don't know
Or write a letter
Write a letter
Like what else can we think about
So basic
To let them know our like truly pure love
So I told her about it like when you wanna get close to somebody you like
You should know their like favorite things
And I'm trying to stop speaking Japanese
And like when you want like for example I like you and then I want you to be my boyfriend
And then I need to know about you first
Like what you like, what you do usually
And private
And also like I need to like reach to other friends around you and let them know I like you so much
So I wanna be your girlfriend
Then I will ask them if you have a girlfriend or not
Then make sure if I can be that girl
And you know I can reach to you
And you start thinking about me and then you start liking me
Then we can be together
That's my strategy to make boyfriend
So I can shift to Beyonce version and Nami version
That's what I thought
So first we need to find some kind of connection
And to get to know what they like
I think they both like
Yeah but you told me Naomi like what?
No I told you about Beyonce like Mos Burger
Mos Burger
When she comes to Japan
I don't know it's why or what
In some interview she said like she always go to Mos Burger when she visits Japan
Because it's kind of unique fast food
But I can't send Mos Burger to the States
So make
Maybe we should connect to Mos Burger CEO
And then we can tie up and approach to Beyonce I don't know
Does anyone know Mos Burger CEO?
Then we can give her free ticket an entire of her life
To get Mos Burger
Even though she's a rich person
But I think that's a good deal
Or we can copy their recipe 100%
And then we can be like a caring chef to the States
And we can make Mos Burger anytime you want
Well I can recommend Jeff
To Naomi
And then Naomi
I think Naomi like Okinawa because she's from Taiwan
That's what you say maybe
She was born in Taiwan or she has a DNA of Taiwanese
Both I think
Either way
I think that's very good
Not connection
Common point
I don't know English
So yeah
But when she started the podcast
I looked through some article
If you know there's any media says about the she that started podcast etc
And one of the article said podcast is kind of out
Old fashion
Old fashion
It's not popular anymore or it's not
It haven't get popular yet
Or if it's not popular in Japan
Fuck them
I think Spotify is more famous in Japan
I mean the world
More famous in the States
In the States
Oh I see
I think that's why Shiku sponsored Spotify or some company
And I think there are much more listeners in the United States or overseas who speaks English more
You know why she started doing podcast?
The reason why she started
Like suddenly
She can't start YouTube or anything like that
But she started doing podcast
Why is that?
She does have YouTube
Oh okay
From I think couple years ago she started
I think after the pandemic
Like her YouTube is mostly live
For like 2 hours or 3 hours
She is talking alone
With the
I've seen her Instagram live
Yeah I think it's similar
She just keep talking keep talking and reading the comments and talking to everyone
So yeah I think podcast was just one of her promotion way to I think people in the United States
Ah okay
And she took disadvantage as an advantage that she cannot really speak English well
Good idea
Good idea
Yeah so we got
She followed us
She followed us?
I mean she followed our style because we started podcast first
But she took advantage that all English version
So yeah
That impressed me so much
I think that's good for everyone
To brush up English skills
I love her voice though
It's kind of low and sexy
You know what I mean?
Low and sexy
It's maybe lower tone voice makes her sexy
I don't know
We also like speak with low tone
Yeah you wanna be calm down
When you listen to podcast that's why we start
We don't try to like
Hello everyone tone
You know what I mean?
So you can listen to our radio when you go to sleep
How about when you teach English?
Teach in English to kids?
It's very fun
How do you make it change how you speak?
It's totally changed
When it comes to kids they don't have concentration
Like an hour
So I speak in English but I'm more concentrate on
Like how to keep them
How do you say?
Focused and also
They are easy to
Tired of studying
So it has to be unique and fun
That's what I'm trying to do all the time
You don't speak in a low or sexier voice?
When I'm angry I do that
When you're angry?
Maybe I can
When I'm in a class
My voice is like
Hey everyone listen to me
And good job
And like that
I also have the calculum in every class
We are using the YouTube videos with dance and singing
And then when they are tired of it
We try to put a quiz after that
Then dance again and quiz
And then we move on to the sitting and writing on the table
And they can draw the pictures
We have color quiz
You wanna red or orange or pink
And then they say can I have red please
And I say here you are
Then they say thank you
That's what we do in a class
But kids learn English very fast
And they are not shy
So they really like to imitate how I speak
So when I do pronunciation practice
I say like
And they do the same thing
But when it comes to adults
They are very shy
So they are slow to learn pronunciation and accent
Because they have Japanese accent already
So kids are very fast learner
And also
They are like a sponge
I don't know I forgot how to say
No no no
Very whatever
I got it
You are teaching English to kids
So if you have kids
You should make them start learning English in an early age
Maybe 3 or 4
But it's never too late
If you want to learn
But you shouldn't be shy
I am shy
You are not shy
I was shy
So what if very very shy kids come to you
To learn English
Have you ever met or
If they are 6 or 7
I mean 7 or 8
They tend to be shy
So I tell them
Mistake is very normal thing
And then
I told them like
I used to be like that
And then
I don't know
How could you overcome your shyness?
When I date with American
So it's like when you become adult
I used to be shy as well when I was a kid
But I was good at writing and reading
And English class in a school
So I was more confident
I became confident
Then that makes me to motivate to learn more
Then when it comes to speaking and listening
I got better when I talk with native speakers
Because I can't speak Japanese in front of them
They don't understand
I need to speak English even though I can't
You know what I mean?
Like in this situation
So how old were you
What do you think?
How old were you when you
Like get your English version of yourself?
Like first we start like acting right?
But from at some point we start thinking like
Oh this is me
Speaking English version
So when I speak English
It's simple to explain my feeling
And people speak English is very friendly and casual
That makes me act like that
So people affect me to be like that personality
But it's very close to my real personality too
Because in Japanese culture
Difference is not good
I mean
Everyone should act the same way
Yeah yeah
And then if you are unique
People see like you are weird
Or you are different from others
But that's not the culture in other countries
You know what I mean?
So I can be like me anytime
I can express my feeling like whatever I like
Okay so you are saying that you feel more of yourselfness
When you speak English than speak in Japanese
English and Okinawan language and Japanese
So like
So like how
What was your like turning point
When you start thinking or feeling like you are speaking English
Not like you know translating by them in the brain
But you were like be you
Maybe when I start working on bass
Like because I use English every single day
Like when I was in college
I was working on bass as a waitress
And I was in a school for like
I don't know 5 to 6 hours in a day
And after that I went to work directly from school
And I stayed there for like 5 to 6 hours
Or more than that
And also when I went home
I had to communicate in English with my ex-boyfriends
So like literally I used English for a long time in a day
That's how I learned
Writing, listening and speaking
Then it took me like a year to understand and then communicate easily
Then I went to the States, America
I moved to the college in the States
Then I had to learn more like fashion language
As a professional study
So that makes me
That made me more grow up in this version
Of you
Of me, maybe
I'm not still a native speaker but
Now I'm
And then I went back to Okinawa
And I went to Tokyo
And while I was in Tokyo
I didn't have time to speak English
Because I was not in that environment
But after that I came back to Okinawa
And I live in Okinawa now
And I sometimes use English with my family
My husband dad
And I do radio
And also I like to watch English TV
Then I try to spend more time using English
That's how I brush up my skill
And also
Communicate with many people
Doing this podcast really helps me to
Not all the time like improving but
Just keep up with my conversation skills or vocabulary
I think we got better
Did we?
I think we should listen to our first and second episodes
Introduction, right?
Like we sound like a bit of hesitate or like a bit of shy
Because we never try to speak English between us
Like ever
And we just start
Ok, let's do it
Just let's do it
Like start recording
I think we are
We weren't shy to other people
I think we were shy to each other
To meet a new version of
Oh yeah
Because we have different personality when we speak English
And we just, you know, it was the first time to
Having a conversation in different language
So, yeah
I think it's kind of same
But we don't speak English besides podcast
We text in English sometimes
Sometimes if it's convenient
Well, I wish our English skills got improved
A little bit
And I'm hoping that our sound quality of podcast will reach
To the same level as Naomi Watanabe
But now four people are watching
Naomi is doing podcast with phone call
I think so, yeah
Like a Zoom meeting or what
No, I think people sending request
Like people apply that they wanna
Doing together
I think there is like a Japanese people
Like two Japanese people
Oh, okay
But they speak English or they lived in a States
Or they get married with American guy
Kind of like that
But we can apply, no?
We want to
American, Japanese, Okinawan
In Okinawa
American, Japanese, Okinawan in Okinawa
Like we're mix of everything, right?
We're Okinawan, but we are Japanese and American
But Okinawan
So, right?
That's unique
And we are close to Taiwan
Because we live in Okinawa, right?
It's like an hour flight from here
So, we have a lot of connection
But she doesn't know yet
And she says she
I think if we meet her in person
That's the most difficult thing
I mean in private time
Maybe we can be really good friends
I feel it
But we need to go to New York then
Then you go to New York then
Go to New York and
I saw her in New York
When I was in New York
Yeah, at the cafe
She was trying to have an English conversation class at cafe
Month to month thing
So, didn't you try to?
I didn't want to disturb her
So, I just saw her
But I didn't do anything
Because at the time I was not really a fan of her
But I think that's a good point
If we are like a fan of her
Then I don't want to talk to her
I mean when she is having a private time
Oh, okay
And she is a Japanese celebrity
It's like I don't want to disturb her
I don't know
But in the States, it's exceptional
But when we go to the States
Maybe she really don't see many Japanese
So, it's more like you meet Okinawan people in Tokyo
And you get like some connection
And you know have in common thing
Then you can be friends very fast
But she is famous in America already
So, I don't know about that
Is she that famous in the States?
I don't know
Because I don't live in the States
And I'm not American
Her picture is in Times Square, right?
But that doesn't mean like everyone knows her
But her appearance is very
Yeah, so
It's very catchy, an icon
So, maybe many people know her
Because America, I mean in New York
Japan is a good brand
I don't know
Okay, so first step
We're gonna figure out how to reach out to Naomi
And also I have been to Jay-Z's bar in New York
That's something in common with Beyoncé
I don't know
Okay, so first step is like
We need to go to New York
But this year I wanna go to
I wanna go to Justin Bieber's concert
Now New York came out
I don't know how to manage it
Maybe, you know at least one country is enough for
We need to get vaccinated
You don't have to tell that we're not vaccinated yet
But we need a certification, right?
Yeah, I think we need to go to a specific clinic
That they issue the
Like vaccinated proof document
For traveling overseas
What else?
I don't know
Do you have anything like you wanna advertise your events or
Sunrise photobook
Since I'm doing a manager at the Sunrise Shack in American Village in Chatan, Mihama
So if you see or listen to our radio
And you can tell me about it and I can give you a discount
You are a discount
For the very
But as long as you listen to our radio
Okay, what is a Sunrise Shack?
Sunrise Shack is from
What can we get from the shop?
You can get coconut
Blood coffee
And smoothie
Acai bowls
And we have some
And we also have a clothing like this
And we also have a surf brand
From Hawaii
It's called Urban Island Society
We have everything
With good vibes only
Will you be at the store every day?
How can I see you?
You can
Message me
Before you go there
Or you can tell
The staff
You know me
Or you listen to the ESS radio
And I
Give you a discount
Give you a discount again
I go there like
2 or 3 times a week
Okay, not specific date
Every Wednesday I'll be there
Every Wednesday she'll be there
About 2 to 4
Because I have a meeting at 3pm
I'm trying to go there like
As much as I can
But I have work and I have a wedding planner
But between
Like before the event
I have so many things to do at the store
I go there a lot
Sunrise track is very cool
And she's been too busy
And she doesn't care about me
I do care about her
But I need to care about a lot of things
But busy busy
So she's busy
Busy is not good
I think you just started a new job
That's why
Makes you feel like you're
Like busy busy
But once you get used to it
You'll be like
You know
Done done done
And I also want to have ESS event
One year anniversary
Well coming to when?
May 3rd is our
One year anniversary
So we want to have event
Or campaign
Or I don't know
Do something
I want to produce something
T-shirts or
I want to put on T-shirts
What we were talking about?
Yai Bin
Yai Bin
She's into Choa now
Choa balance
And harmony
Yeah harmony
But Yai Bin
Yai Bin is
And Yai Bin
Because we use a lot the words
For the summer
Yeah T-shirts
New stickers
Because we
Made a mistake
To make a
Very first
Our stickers
Make it all skeleton
It's not
Appearance is not really
But people like our stickers
Yeah I think the logo design is really cute
Before I introduce
Or explain anything
About the logo
Some people said like
It looks like a snack
And that's what exactly
We are meant to
You know
We're trying to
We wanted to make it like a
Jelly bean
It's very successful
Thank you Maeda
That's all
Yeah I don't have anything to advertise
Besides Iyasasu Radio
She was doing great job
At the event as a DJ
Oh thank you
So I want her start doing
Like often
I wanna promote her
Me too
As a DJ too
She's a good promoter
Most of DJs are men
Like a women DJ
Looks very cool
I think
You have fans already
Name it
I wanna meet them
I will tell you later
Thank you
Oh yeah
Yeah we will definitely have some event
Iyasasu Radio
And we gonna produce some
Maybe for
I don't know
For beginning
Maybe for us
If it's cute or what
And I can see like people's reaction
We just
I don't know
In the near future
I wanna do some
Q&A stuff
I don't know
Just tell me how
Can we
A bigger issue on the island
Like Tamagotchi
Yeah popular
Because we are cool
Yeah I
But recently
Many people tell me like
Our radio is cool
Since they start listening to it
Our topic is very unique
Go deeper
You know what I mean?
I know what you mean
Go deeper
So people
It's very addictive I think
Since you started listening to it
I just want people to try
Try first and
We all appreciate
Like all the people
Giving us a comment
Or the message
Like their opinion
It helps us
And inspire us
To look for
A new topic
All the time
Yeah people tell me
They want us to
Talk about
Blah blah blah
You know
People send me
A lot of articles
And topics
They want
Us to talk
That's very
And we really
Appreciate it
Thank you
Thank you
So that's all for today
We will do
Insta live
More often
You can see our face too
That's all for today
Bye bye
I can do it
You talk longer than I thought

