2023-01-02 21:30


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OK, invite speak.
Hello Heidi, how are you?
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Wish you all the happiness in the world, Heidi.
Can you hear me?
Oh, OK.
So, the new year is that India is not today, before yesterday, but how was recent days?
People are all in the celebration mood, vacation mood.
Want to travel, want to go to new places, want to try something new.
How about NFT India?
NFT no, because right now I'm seeing the downfall in NFT as well as the, what are they, blockchains and the cryptocurrencies.
So right now people are afraid to like put their money into NFT as well as in cryptocurrencies.
People invested for NFT as well.
Yes, but right now people are not doing anything because...
Maybe your earphone or mic is scratching with your clothes now.
Yeah, it's better.
So, people in India right now looking forward to like share market.
Yeah, do you know share market, Heidi?
So, give me a moment, I'll give you the perfect meaning of share market in Japanese.
OK, I understand.
So, people usually like to invest in this market.
So, it's quite secure and you can get a good return.
Yeah, good returnを得られるから株式に投資する人が基本的に多いんだけど、同じようにNFTもそういう風にやってるってことですね。
Yeah, I see.
You know, what is the most famous NFT project in India? How it called?
Most, can you repeat it again, Heidi?
Go ahead.
No, no, you said something like most what?
Most famous.
Most famous is realistic projects.
Realistic project?
Realistic, yeah. You know realistic projects?
No, I don't know.
I just know about. Go ahead.
People like to invest in the real estate, means property. They buy property.
Property. Real estate. Yeah, I understand.
So, if people buy NFT, they will rent the house?
No, no.
Yes, people buy house and they rent it. People do not buy NFT.
How to buy on a crypto? They buy crypto by real estate?
No, no, no. People buy property with hard cash.
Hard cash.
Means like the money which have provided in the form of currency.
Form of currency?
Form of currency.
In India, we have the rupees. We purchase them with rupees, not with NFTs.
So, we purchase the property and give it on the rent.
That create a good income.
Are you getting it?
Yeah, a little bit. What is the name of this project?
There are many properties, NFT.
Let me give you the name. What is the real estate means?
Real estate, I understand.
Oh, okay.
But people are not investing in NFT as well as in cryptocurrency in India right now.
Now, I got a message from Elizabeth Green.
She said asset-backed NFT.
NFT represents the deed.
It's a new concept. Can you explain me? I'm going to follow you. I would like to know about it.
You can check in the chat.
Elizabeth share some kind of the name of the NFT.
It's a new concept because it's a really new thing.
In India, people are afraid to invest in cryptocurrency.
In India, people are afraid to invest in cryptocurrency.
Right now, crypto is having a downfall in the market.
Afraid means worried.
Indians are worried about investing in crypto.
NFT was a big burden a few months ago.
But right now, we can't hear anything about it in India.
For example, in Japan, there are many projects still going on.
Some coaching teacher or some school, like a business school.
They started NFT themselves.
It looks like a scam.
It looks like a scam.
People advertise it first, and the price goes up.
If you want to enter that business school, you need to purchase their currencies.
Yeah, that's kind of it.
I get it.
It's kind of a scam because you can't use the NFT of that school.
So you need to buy them more for that only.
More for that?
If I introduce new NFTs, and if I sell them to you,
I sell them to you, but you can't use them anywhere in the world.
Because that NFT is only for me, or crypto is only for me.
No one will value it.
It's a little bit difficult about that.
It's a bit difficult, and getting my head around NFTs and crypto is a bit difficult.
But in India, it would be really hard to understand how the crypto market or the blockchain market works.
What are their benefits? How to invest in them?
I think in 2023, it's going to be the people who are you.
If you buy crypto and buy NFT, which coin you buy, which NFT you buy,
and this can be shown on an open sea wallet.
That would be great because NFT is kind of a painting.
I invest in a painting, and in some days it got doubled.
The prices got doubled of that character of that painting.
That's what I've heard about it.
I do not know the perfect concept of NFT.
It's kind of like buying a painting from an auction.
It's a famous painting from a famous NFT designer.
Prices got higher and higher in some months, and you can sell it.
It's kind of a profit.
How about carbon credit?
Elizabeth told me about carbon credit.
Again, it's a really new concept for me.
It's my first time to hear about it.
Carbon credit.
Yeah, it's like carbon neutral.
If Africa, they have a lot of forests, and New York and Boston,
they have maybe China or India, New Delhi, they have many cars,
and they have a lot of carbon produced.
But if the forest, they have many forests,
they exchange through the crypto NFT or some kind of like this.
Maybe something like that.
Elizabeth told me register the NFT on blockchain
like registering that deed in court.
You understand what that means?
Register NFT on blockchain is like that.
Oh, okay, okay.
I get it.
You understand? What does it mean?
It means like when we do a contract,
like you purchase a property.
Imagine you purchased a property ID,
and you make a contract with the buyer.
You need to authorize it with legal authorities, like court.
So it's kind of the same.
In NFT, you have to do that thing with blockchain.
Yeah, I'm just thinking about forest rebuilding
or the tree rebuilding project,
like tree planting in a yard or in a forest, in a mountain.
And then this tree should be changed for NFT.
And if people buy this NFT,
after a little community will earn money from that,
and the plant can be planted in the forest.
Then it will exchange with a gasoline car or something
with the support with blockchain.
How do you think about that?
That's kind of a concept which I would like to know more about it
because you explained the concept.
I need to know more about it,
like what are the characteristics,
what it could be represented,
and the things which are advantages or potential for doing it,
and what kind of thing needs to be done.
There are new speakers,
and good morning.
If you want to share something,
this is Metaverse Rabbit Radio.
Every 11 o'clock in the morning,
Tokyo and 30 minutes show.
Yeah, thanks for coming.
Can you speak?
If not, we can still continue to be well done from India.
Okay, yeah.
Thank you Elizabeth to share with your chatting.
I'm gonna check with this website,
Display CSA SIG
Climate Action and Accounting SIG
Calls are important to everyone
to find out about the group
and find meeting agendas, notes and recordings.
Is it okay?
Thank you Elizabeth.
It was a great link share.
We'll definitely try to look into it.
Thank you Elizabeth.
Yeah, thank you Elizabeth.
And I'm thinking about Forecaster.
Now it's already jumped on
and diverting with like an app, APP.
Like Forecaster, have you tried?
Yeah, APP app, application app, iPhone app.
You are forming an app? Wow.
You are going to make a new application?
No, no, no, no, no.
I heard from the U.S.
It's a new app.
It's called Forecaster.
It's really fun.
This morning I checked with this app.
And then it's connected to the wallet,
OpenSea wallet like Metamask.
And Twitter could not show their NFT on the screen.
But Forecaster can be easy to show on the screen, on the app.
Is it an application? I can't find it on Google.
Yeah, that's just in Test of Light.
Have you heard about Test of Light?
Test of Light.
Test of Light. Is it an application?
OK, iPhone application.
Yeah, iPhone application.
Test of Light is before.
Thank you, Elizabeth.
It would be hard because I'm an Android user.
It can't be help for me.
If it's just an iPhone application.
I see, I see.
Yeah, but in the future,
It's in the confidence of the people like me and you.
If you have NFT,
Then you can show up for the world in a global way.
And then it's the confidence.
This people what kind of NFT buying or what kind of thinking.
And they like art or they don't like art.
Something like that.
So Heidi, have you done a full research on Metaverse or NFTs or cryptocurrencies?
Meta World?
Meta World?
Yeah, you have written NFT Metaverse.
Metaverse is a concept which was introduced by Facebook, I guess.
But in the before, they have some novels about Metaverse universe.
And this is our team name.
I'm sorry. I wasn't knowing that.
No problem.
Let me take a membership of it.
Oh, I'm a member.
We published some kind of NFT.
Just in a team.
I teach it about minting.
But it's this in the polygon.
Not like in SRM.
But polygon is very cheap.
Just try.
It's fine.
It's fine.
I can do the research.
What is a forecaster application for myself.
I would like to do that.

