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  2. 388: Brains Generate EMF
2021-10-01 1:01:55

388: Brains Generate EMF

Alan Cohen joined us to talk about brain waves, medical product development, open source, and helpful engineering.

Alan has been working on VolksEEG (volkseeg.org, github.com/VolksEEG/VolksEEG). This is an EEG (wiki Electroencephalography) which detects brain waves. It uses the TI ADS1299 EEG monitoring chip and the Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Sense.

Alan wrote Prototype to Product: A Practical Guide for Getting to Market, published by O’Reilly. He talked about it on a previous episode: 269: Ultra-Precise Death Ray You can find him on twitter as @proto2product  and on LinkedIn

Helpful Engineering (helpfulengineering.org) aims to deliver more open source solutions to society’s systemic challenges.


