1. Embedded
  2. 256: Agglomeration
2018-08-17 56:56

256: Agglomeration

Chris (@stoneymonster) and Elecia (@logicalelegance) celebrate the 256th episode with a confusing lack of cupcakes.

IAmTheCalvary.org has an excellent Hippocratic Oath for Connected Medical Devices 

Make Magazine has some tips to tighten security on DIY IoT Projects.

Rockstar Language Specification (and FizzBuzz example) 

The C++ episode discussed was #247 with Jason Turner.

Topics and Times:

   Intro and cupcakes
    Patreon and Slack
    Transcripts, chapter markers?
    Listener question:  ST HAL, Cube, SPL, Bare Metal?
    Hippocratic Oath for Connected Medical Devices
    Make magazine article on DIY IoT Security
    NYC Embedded and Engineering Meetup?
    C++: Expressiveness, optimization vs. good code
    C++: Spec size vs. C#/Java
    A question of parentheses leads to mild violence and ranting
    Rockstar: The Language!
    Wherein we "discuss" Rust for some reason, again.
    Elecia's Projects in Python and JSON
    Elecia's available for gigs!
    Elecia's ML overview blog post
    The end of Embedded
    Wrap up
    Winnie the Pooh continues...



