1. Embedded
  2. 73: That's a Waste of Bits
2014-10-23 1:04:51

73: That's a Waste of Bits

Christopher and Elecia look through listener email, check in on what past guests are up to, and consider the best and worst of science in recent fiction. 

Hackaday Prize Finalists (and the 50 Semiinalists)

Saleae Logic Pro 16 (related: Drive the Boat with a Wii Mote)

Darma Kickstarter (related: Resonant Frequency of My Butt)

Peep sign up to be notified of their Kickstarter (related: Vision for Simple Minds)

EMSL Halloween round up and open house on Nov 13 (related: Mwahahaha Session)

Silicon Chef Hackathon results (related: Dancing with Hundreds of Women)

Pan-CJK fonts (related: The Tofu Problem)

The Martian (Amazon) (There is a tiny spoiler, one Elecia doesn't think merits the warning but Christopher says to skip to if you want to read the book cold.)

Don's I Snooze Remote


