1. 2AM OTTACK! - Anime Manga Podcast -
  2. #1 【JUMP OTTACK!】Syd Craft..
2024-11-19 09:47

#1 【JUMP OTTACK!】Syd Craft: Love Is a Mystery

In this new format, we introduce a brand-new manga title debuting this week in the Shonen Jump app and give a quick spotlight to one other running series.  Looking for a new manga to get into or a hot take on this week's new chapters?  Find it here! ...........................................................................................

In this podcast, we talk all about Anime, Manga, Movies, music and history through our distinct perspectives as a born-and-raised Japanese non-otaku and an American anime fan! 

Voice credit: Funako

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#anime #podcast #manga


新しい漫画シリーズ『SIDCRAFT LOVE IS A MYSTERY』がShonen Jumpアプリでデビューし、漫画家の筒井大志による作品が紹介されています。このエピソードでは、天才探偵が解決するミステリーや他のキャラクターとのロマンチックな三角関係が展開され、探偵としての彼の複雑な感情が描かれています。また、探偵物語とロマンティックな三角関係をテーマにしたマンガに対する期待やおすすめの作品について語られています。さらに、エピソードでは漫画『Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi』のキャラクター開発やテーマの変化、視聴者からのフィードバックを求める様子が紹介されています。

Welcome to 2AM OTTACK! I'm your host Mayu, and...
I'm kind of also your host this time, Sisqó.
Woohoo! We're trying our new thing.
Yeah, we'll see how this goes.
So, what are you going to talk about?
Okay, so if you've listened to other episodes of this podcast, you may have listened to me mention Shonen Jump app and what a big fan of it I am.
And so I read all of the free chapters that come out in the Shonen Jump app pretty much the day they come out, most of the time.
Sometimes I'll give myself like two, three days to get through it, but a lot of times I read them that day.
And I was thinking, you know, not that anybody out there is asking for this really, but it might be interesting if we talked a little bit about the new manga chapters that come out every week in the Shonen Jump app.
And so this is the first edition of me doing a little bit of a breakdown of what happened in the Shonen Jump app and free chapters this week.
It'll be great for Shonen Jump app readers, but also I don't read Shonen Jump app at all.
I don't read manga, like a new manga.
So it'll be good for someone like me who doesn't know about new manga.
So I'm going to ask you some questions in between, I think.
And we'll find out more.
All right.
Let's do it.
So we're thinking of a couple different ways this could go.
But for today, I'm just going to introduce a new manga series that debuted this week in the Shonen Jump app called SIDCRAFT LOVE IS A MYSTERY.
So this is a brand new manga.
This is its first one.
I think it was about 55 pages.
So often when new manga are debuting, they get a little bit of a longer run.
And so this is the opening.
The manga artist here is Tsutsui Taishi, who also drew We Never Learn, which is a manga series that I read when my back was messed up.
And I read all of it in like probably about a week.
And that one is a romantic comedy about a young man who's tutoring two different young women, both of whom are geniuses in their respective fields, but suck at the other subject.
And he's kind of an all-around hard worker.
So he helps them out.
That one is very notable for having had four or five different endings, depending on which character you were rooting for him to end up with.
And so the last like tankobon is just maybe even multiple tankobons is just like different endings.
Anyway, same manga artist.
He has like a really sort of traditional manga anime style.
The characters are really attractive.
You know, they look sort of classic and stuff.
This story is about a great detective.
So the equivalent of, you know, Detective Conan is a grown up.
I can't remember what Shinichi is his real name, right?
Or, you know, Sherlock Holmes or whoever.
The main character is a genius detective, but he hates being a genius detective.
He's really annoyed by the fact that cases keep happening around him.
And even though he's really good at solving them, he kind of doesn't want to.
And he would rather retreat into reading romance novels.
And he really wants like romance to happen in his real life.
But because he's super busy being a detective all the time, it doesn't seem to happen.
It opens with him busting a girl he'd had a secret crush on for a long time as a murderer.
And then goes through, like, you know, the first chapter where he unravels another mystery.
One of the things that's interesting about it is, I think like Detective Conan,
it doesn't seem possible in the first one to solve the mystery before he does.
It doesn't lay out the breadcrumbs the way Kindaichi or some other detective one does.
It's sort of Conan-like, and it's like, oh, this is like the one hint that was back on this other page that you missed,
that showed it was this person.
And if you go back, you can actually see the things they're talking about.
Like they are drawn on the page, but you're not going to notice them.
So I really enjoyed this, actually, and I hope it keeps going,
because there are at least two characters that are sort of like a classic manga love triangle thing going on around him
in some ways that have lots of potential for sort of like hackneyed and trite,
but still enjoyable and satisfying like romantic comedy bits.
And the trope of him being a detective who hates being a detective is also kind of funny.
And so it's borrowing from both detective stories and love triangle stories at the same time.
So what's the character's age like?
So far, it's unclear, but the main character seems to be in his 20s-ish.
His assistant seems to be younger, but old enough to drink.
So maybe he's like 26, and the assistant's like 20 or 21.
And then there's a female cop who looks to be about the same age as him.
And the other characters don't matter yet.
So his occupation is a detective?
Yes. He's a detective who wears a long Sherlock Holmes-style overcoat and a funky steampunk-like hat.
And he's got an assistant who thinks he's really cool
and a female cop who's sort of competing with him, but always getting beaten to the punch.
Okay. So you got a really good first impression?
Yeah. I mean, I think like I already am a fan of this mangaka.
I really liked We Never Learn. I like the art style in that.
I loved the romantic tension and stuff.
Like it really did it for me on a lot of levels.
So I'm predisposed to like this.
And I think like it being a detective story could get fairly old pretty fast,
unless the mysteries are really good, which doesn't seem like it's the point.
So I don't have really high hopes for it being like a great mystery story.
But the romantic triangle piece seems like there's a lot to work with there.
And I know this mangaka is good at developing that type of story.
So I think it could be fun.
Another thing that I thought about doing for this type of podcast is to maybe pick like a manga of the week,
one that is sort of like the best of the bunch or like some sort of recommendations from this week,
at least until I get through all of them once they've all had a good week or something.
I think my pick for the week of the other manga that came out this week might actually be Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi,
which is only on chapter 21.
So it hasn't been going that long, but I'm kind of afraid it might end soon.
Oh, yeah.
It's possible that it'll keep going for a longer run, in which case, like, great.
You know, I've already said I kind of liked it, but I also kind of get in the vibe like they might not continue this one.
So I'll pick it for this week.
Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi is kind of unsure about whether it's just like a parody of, you know,
shonen battle manga and stuff, or whether it's a honest to God, like real story, like a lot of it's comedy,
but it has gotten kind of more serious over the chapters that it's had.
And it's not really like dramatic or tear jerking,
but it feels like it was starting to develop into something that wasn't just like a one punch man.
You know, I can take out any enemy in just one hit type of a situation, which is definitely where it started.
The story is pretty good.
The art style is distinctive.
It looks sort of cartoony compared to most other manga.
But I kind of liked the way that the characters developed in some of the story.
The first chapter in particular is pretty good.
And like I said, I get the feeling it may not have a super long run.
So I thought I'd give it a quick shout out.
And I thought, you know, it's getting sort of serious at this point.
And I think that might mean it's almost over.
Do you know the meaning of his name?
Yeah. So Kiyoshi means pure.
So he's purifying demons.
I think the English translation of his catchphrase is I'm going to exercise the hell out of you,
which in some ways is like I will really exercise you,
but also has this pun in it of like I'm taking the hell out of you demon.
So, you know, it's a little jokey.
Like I said, I feel like it had like a little bit of an identity crisis.
It sort of started off as a comedy and then became something else.
And so you can see some reflections of things like One Punch Man in it that has like a similar sort of arc,
having started off as a joke and then like, oh, God, I guess this is popular.
Here we go. Run with it. Make it like, you know, more serious.
But yeah, I've enjoyed it.
And it also seems like it might be wrapping up.
So there you go. Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi is my pick of the week here.
Okay. Thank you so much.
This is a tryout.
And we'd like to know if you like this kind of podcast style.
And so leave us some comments if you like it or like hit the like button or like leave a comment or give us like stars.
Like I always say.
Yeah. And if you want, if you were looking forward to me summarizing the other manga of the week
or you'd like my take on how the other ones are going,
go ahead and tell us which ones you'd like to hear more about.
Or if you just want me to do like a 45 minute episode where I talk about literally all of them.
That's a possibility too. Maybe not. Maybe not.
Maybe. Thank you so much for listening to 2AM Odak.
Make sure to subscribe to our channel and keep listening.
Kim Poo, enjoy listening?
Yeah, I hope so.
Yeah. All right. See ya.

