Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Yeah, yeah.
Well, right now it's, uh,
Hachigatsu, yeah, uh, 14th? 14th, yes.
You know,
I feel like
the weather recently, yeah, have been, like, super shiny. Yes. But, like, the next thing you know,
it's all of a sudden raining, pouring down, like, crazy, for, like, what, like, three to five minutes. Yeah.
Right? And then it's
completely gone. Right. Then it's shiny again. Right. And it's, like, a repeat of that. And I feel like it's been going on for, like, a week.
stormy seasons always been like this?
Because it just, it feels new to me.
I don't know why, but, like, I feel like I've never experienced this kind of weather before. Like, it's
I've, I've experienced it, like, a solo, several times, but, like, not, like, every day.
It's been going on for, like, every day, for, like, a week now. So, like, I feel like that's
how, has this been like this?
No, I don't think so. Like, it's too,
every day. Right.
It's too frequent. Yeah.
No, we know some of those, like, summer rain is just very sudden and heavy and just gone
quickly. Yeah.
But not, like, every, every day like this.
Is this because of the storm coming?
I don't know. No idea. No idea.
It feels to me like it's like a, it's like a school. Yeah. In, like, southern,
you know, part of this earth. Yeah. It's like a school thing. Is a school like this? Yeah, like this.
Like, it's, it's like a, it's like a five minute quick shower. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like a, it's like a,
you know, they have not four seasons, but, like, kanki-uki. Uh-huh. Then they have, like,
school season.
And I feel like, wow, like this. Which, which parts of the,
uh, the world? It's like a southern. Is that? Like, uh, other African countries. African countries? Or, like, southeast Asians. Wow. Yeah.
Damn. So, it's like a,
you know,
they're getting,
like, northern, northern.
Oh, it's getting northern. Yeah. Southern and southern? I mean,
you know, the global warming. Mm-hmm. And then, like, uh,
temperature is, like,
changing to the, like, uh,
north side, I'd say. Ah, right. It's shifting. The whole system is shifting north. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, we're experiencing more of the southern areas. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, I guess that's why, like, a school is coming.
Damn. Yeah, I'm not sure, but. You're really experiencing this. Yeah, it's quite new for me, so. It is. Yeah.
It's different from, like, those typhoons and hurricanes. Right. It's just rain. It's not that windy. Yeah. Right?
If you're hit by one of those. Yeah. Like, you're fucking wet. Yeah. Like, that's, I've, I've, I've gotten hit by one of those ones.
Yeah, like, several days ago, I was riding, uh, Chari. Oh.
And I got hit by one of them, and I was fucking, I was soaked.
We can't predict it at all. Right. Because it's very sunny. Yeah. And then you suddenly come.
I know. Yeah. Right. I thought it was gonna, like, end quickly. Like, oh, it's probably one of those. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Weak rains, where it's just like, it's like a teeny shower, and then, like, ah.
One minute, two minute thing. Like, ah, I can handle this. Yeah, yeah.
Because, yeah, I'm fast. Yeah, yeah, I'm fast. I'm biking.
You know, next thing you know, I was like, oh, god.
I need a, I need a shelter.
Help me.
So true.
Yeah, it's really difficult. It's really, you know, in the, in the, in the,
the, the burning season, the burning
days are longer, don't you think? Oh, really? Yeah, I think it's, I think it's fucking long.
It's, I don't, I don't remember it being this long. Oh, really? Yeah. It's gonna be still long, then.
Like, until the end of the August or even, like, September, I think.
Jesus Christ. So, one month and a half more, I guess. Damn. Yeah.
But it's hot this year.
It is hot, right? It is. It's too hot this year. What happened to
Aki and Haru, right? Yeah.
I never, I don't, like, I remember enjoying the good weather of Haru for, like, a day.
Like, a day, that's it. You felt a day. Yeah, I felt a day of, like, oh, this is the perfect weather. This is the spring.
But, like,
most of, like, memories are, like, too hot or too cold. Right, right.
So, maybe changing into, like, kanki-uki season, I guess, like, maybe we are. Maybe. Wow, what a,
what a history. Wow. Like, we're losing the shiki.
Wow, what a times we're living in.
Wow. Damn.
Wow. Damn.
But it's true, spring and, like, autumn is getting,
like, less long and less long. It's getting less and less. Yeah. Right. It's getting less and fucking less. Yeah.
It is.
It is.
Any, any, um, anything you're doing to enjoy
this weather?
This weather? Yes. Anything I, anything, anything you're,
I do enjoy? Yeah, like, anything
you're trying to do to stay positive about the weather? Okay, the other day,
uh, I was just walking around. Okay. In, in, in night, in the night.
And, um, no one was on the road. Okay. Nobody. Yeah. And I was on the way to my,
to, to my home.
Um, and then suddenly
the heavy, quick, you know, yeah, shower rain comes. Yeah. And I, oh,
and I first thought to, like, hide. Yeah. Under the, the shelters or something. But, um,
I, I just stay.
I just keep walking on the road. Oh, God.
It's crazy. Yeah. And I, and I did this.
In the middle of the big road. Like, uh. Nobody was. Shushing. Yes, yes, yes. I did this.
And I nod.
You're looking at God. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm here, God.
And I think to something and just go back to my place.
That's what I, yeah, I enjoyed it. How long did you do that for? Yeah. Like just,
it was just like, so what I did this was just a few seconds, just like 10 seconds. Okay.
And then after that, I walk through under the heavy rain. Yeah. About five minutes, I guess.
And I was completely wet. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah. It was kind of fun. Oh, God. Wow.
It's like a, you know, child thing. Like a. Right. Yeah. So when you,
when you opened up, when you opened up your arms. Yeah. To the sky. Yeah. Was it like a,
I feel like there's several ways of doing it. Okay. There's like the, there's like the
close to your body format where it's like, it's not that embarrassing. Like you're just
feeling the rain. Yeah. Whereas like Shawshank version is more like. Yeah. Yeah. God,
why is my life screwed up? Which one did you go for? Yeah. That one. The Shawshank version. Yeah.
I mean, I wasn't that big, I guess. But yeah. Oh, like this. Anything, anything you realized
about that? Anything, anything good about it? Rain season? No, no, no. When you opened up your
arms. Was it good? Yeah. I felt like I'm free. Okay. Yeah. That's cool. I feel like I'm free.
I can do anything. That's cool. I want. That's cool. You know, I feel like I'm a, you know,
just one, one guy living on this planet. I can do everything and I, like, I got independency,
you know, it was lovely experience. Nice. Yeah. That's nice. Yeah. What about you? Do you have
any, anything that you enjoy? Um, um, I, I played soccer. Oh, by the way, we should do we should,
yeah, we should, we should start doing soccer. I don't know why it ended. Yeah. Right. Yeah. We
definitely have to. Right. Um, so apart from that, I did soccer under the weather. Not the,
not the rain, but it was, it was, you know, humid, hot, the usual. Right. Um, I felt like I was,
I was winning against the weather. You know, every day I'm like, I'm going outside. I'm like,
oh, yeah, humid. Oh, so hot. And I'm like, damaged by it. But when I was playing soccer, I feel like,
oh, I can take you a little fucking weather. Oh, really? I don't like, I don't care if I sweat as
fuck. I don't, I really don't care. Like I'm here to burn out my energy. So like,
if anything, you're only helping this fucking weather. So like that, that I felt good about
that. Yeah. I felt very like, thank you. Yeah. Thank you for being, you know, yeah. Difficult.
For me. I needed that. Oh, that's lovely. Yeah. True. True. Like when I go to gym,
I walked to the gym and already when I entered to the gym, I already very sweaty. Oh yeah. But that
makes me feel nice. It feels me like, oh, I'm doing it. Yeah. You're burning it. Yeah. Yeah.
Burning it. That's true. That's true. How healthy do you think it is? Like,
well, compared to when you run and sweat versus like when you just stay under the weather and
this temperature and sweat, is that different? It's gotta be different, right? Yeah. If it's like
too hot and it's like, and I guess it's like just damaging yourself without, if you don't move or
like if you don't do any like cardio things, just stay outside and like burned and sweat. Yeah. I
guess it's like, just like damage. That's true. Yeah. Because it's coming from the outside,
right? Usually when you run cardio, it's like coming from the inside. You burn from inside.
True. Then you sweat because your inside's hot. But like, if it's, if it's a temperature,
it's like, it's an exterior thing, right? That's true. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We should do,
we should play. We should start doing soccer. Yeah. Definitely. All right. Thanks for listening
guys. Bye-bye.