1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 告白する時のセリフは練習します
2021-06-29 12:40



Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English Room Podcast
So yesterday Minami-san was
Sorry, Minami-san
What does that mean?
Minami-san? Wasn't it Minami-san?
What's that? Minami? Oh, Minami. Oh shit. God damn it. I'm sorry about that. Minami-san, I'm sorry about that
Minami-san sent us a voice request, voice message about the
How she thought of the first date plan that we thought and you were what IKEA? Yeah
And I went for I forgot what I went for
But something not too crazy like yeah, not usual Orthodox board
Yeah, I remember just doing that right that's I remember doing something like a very like maybe like a shokuh or something like
Yeah, very cliche, but you know, but I had a reason right and then and then and then Minami-san was like
She she she agreed with my reasoning for that. Yeah. Yeah, and
So continuing on with the okay that the a similar topic, okay, where would you take?
her on a
Do you have anything? Um, I'm trying to think of a situation or like, okay
Like what would you do with a certain scenario or like what kind of day playing you do or like a?
hmm any like
romance related topics
You know, I'm not good at those topics so
Romance related. Hmm. How about like, okay
On a date where
You decide to ask her out
Like okay, like
What we what we talked about last time was the like the very first kind of like very first time together kind of day
Right. Yeah, but okay, so you've been on several dates after that and then you were like, okay, I'm ready
I'm ready to ask her out like ask her out meaning like
Kokaku-suru in Japanese context
In that situation would you
Like first of all, do you think of a date plan to be like, okay
I'm gonna go here and then here and then here and then I'm gonna ask her out
Here in this location. Do you?
Do you like?
Think through it
Beforehand like the schedule and everything or do you just go with the flow and then just feel like okay, this is it
This is the time. I
Think I'll make plan. Okay, so you would like make a reservation. Yeah
Yes, the places location before the date, okay
But but I don't say that
But I don't say that on that day. Oh, I shouldn't say this on this podcast because it didn't public. Oh, yeah
Too late now. I'll be like pretending like
Why don't we go that way maybe?
Looks great, huh?
Yeah, then if you say so let's go inside
Well, you made a reservation so like the store clerk would be like, yeah. Oh, yeah, my son this is a yeah
Yeah, I don't know like what that make. Well, how would you deal with that situation? No, just do secretly like
Okay, let me let's go inside. Okay. Okay. Got it. Got it. Yeah, so you just tell the way to do like, yeah
Like just give it the pressure. Yeah, shut up
natural kind of flow
On guys lucky that I can look on them
Okay, okay, so tell me what kind of restaurant you would make a reservation for
that's very difficult question because it's completely depending on that you
Know how her
On on on on her, you know, okay, so like what kind of food she likes? Yeah, there's a lot
What kind of situation like the scenery that yeah enjoys right is very dependent on your decision
That's right. If she likes like the gorgeous
Romantic things if she like those things then I will reserve some French restaurant on every side
Okay, maybe maybe like is it so do you think some cool course it already could be in it within the could be in the
cards, but not that like not that
Like somebody I can yeah, of course casual but
Right, I'm not going to go to the very former restaurant in any case, mm-hmm like should be like
Casual at least
But good with good
Side, maybe good casual like a nice concept show me
Yeah, like that like nice speaker maybe nice speaker
Very like toned down kind of very like yes. What's the data?
Would you would you do you like
Do you have a certain phrase that you do you think of a certain phrase that you have that you want to say like
I'm not saying for every woman like just for this person like I want to say it like this if I'm gonna tell her
That I like her like I want to say in this way like do you have that before?
Beforehand you yeah beforehand. I mean I
Well, you know I
So embarrassing right it is it is it's in public and everyone listens
Yes, and now you know
I'm not gonna say this, you know, that's very embarrassing but uh, I I kind of
Yeah, I do
Please make it stop. I mean like the day before yeah like that morning. I do some
Like simulations, you know, okay, I think about that flow and
But I'm not going to fix the phrase. Mm-hmm. I just
rehearsal and
Rewind there the scene. Yeah
Make sure and be prepared. Yeah, brother. Don't worry. I do the same thing
My man my man
We're the same man, I do that too
So you recall I I have this remember when when I talked about several episodes ago
Like if there's something a definite something that I have to say to this person
Like I have to really be careful with my words, right?
Yes, that comes in really hard on the coca-cac to so like if there's something if there's a specific something that I have
if it's just like I like you like
I can tell that in any format that's more like relaxable, but there's something else that I have to say like that's more special
You know, then I have to be very careful with my words
So I have I kind of have to like okay with this makes sense
Okay with this with this way of saying it like be easily understood
Yeah, so I do kind of like the rehearsal kind of thing. I do understand that
But for like the the reservation thing I don't do that. I just I really like go with the flow. I got him like
Okay, maybe this feels this feels like the right timing. Yeah, and then I find some
Quiet place and then it's go at it. Yeah
But um
Have you ever?
Like like koku haku and the restaurant before like actually I have never no I've done that in like your
Restaurant me too. I've never done that in a restaurant like it's usually like after eating or
Yeah, like yeah, like it's it's it's usually
Walking. Yeah
Just sit on a like public bench. Oh, yeah
That right. I've never I don't think people do that. I don't think it's common. Yeah, I got a restaurant
The restaurant is kind of - it's awkward, right? Yeah
There's distractions and the waiter could come
True but if it's like propose didn't like marriage proposal. Oh, yeah, I can imagine that
Restaurant can be the place right, you know, like right I've never done that before but you know
imagining the rings like putting on a table and
That's me - I can imagine. Yeah, but
Think about the cook Haku. Mm-hmm. Like for me, that's more way more casual. Mm-hmm. Like I
Actually don't care about the restaurant actually it's it because that's not the place that I say that right so
Just the the atmosphere is important
Oh, so you'd be like so when you're doing the research you'd be like, okay after this restaurant
We're gonna go outside and maybe we're gonna walk here. No, don't say that
Make it stop
Of course
But you know sometimes I I
Doesn't rehearse so if I have the fixed
dating day and decided what I
Something like okay this day. I'm gonna say this to her. Yeah, then I will rehearse this
That's natural because that's important day. Yeah, but you know sometimes that
I didn't like I haven't decided to say this yet, but
Suddenly I feel it. Mm-hmm, and I say it on the spot on the spot
That can be like that's more have like natural to me, right?
More like yourself. Yeah, like that happens
More compared to the one I planned
Like things right right right if I said feel this I I
Will say without any thinking sometimes that's yeah
That's too
Little kid, maybe
Right the cringes here. Yeah
Any last words man, no, no, let's just end this. Let's just yeah, let's just end this podcast before we
Put out any more information out there to make you more embarrassing and awkward
Yeah, next time like next time you're gonna be like cool cut somebody now you have to fight. Yeah against like, okay
What if she listens to the podcast? What if she thinks that oh, this is all planned? Oh, he might
Know I say this it's completely depend on
Person. Yeah on you. Yeah, so like you don't you don't know if he was up there or not
It's probably all random like like we never you never know we have already
Rehearsal. Yeah, it was just prepared. Oh, yeah, just maybe not right?
You know, it's not so like stop thinking about it. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I mean, I don't know
Yeah, stop that. All right. Thanks for sitting guys
Obviously not yeah, yeah stop that. All right. Thanks for sitting guys
Bye bye!

