1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. アメリカに健康診断はある?
2021-06-18 10:49


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Good morning.
Good morning, sir.
Good morning. How's your voice?
Is it cool now?
It's still a little bit weird.
Yeah, you mean cool, huh?
Well, cool? Yeah.
Have you seen the movie called Ali the Star is Born?
Ali the Star is Born? Ali the Star is Born?
There's a Bradley Cooper, the American guy.
Yeah, I love Bradley Cooper.
With a really deep, cruel voice like this.
Okay, you don't sound like Bradley Cooper, by the way, okay?
He sounds like this.
He does, he does. He does have a really low...
That's my favorite voice. I want to speak like this.
Like he has a very...
Yeah. Very low and...
You know how, like, not only low, but he has like this like edgy...
Yeah, yeah.
That's very cool.
Yeah, yeah.
That is cool.
So that's why I...
Your voice is like this because it's the morning when you just woke up.
Well, actually, that's the reason.
Because I've just woke up like one...
Oh, it's already like 11 maybe?
Yeah, so it's like one hour before.
But I think I had like kind of very bad sleep, like low quality sleep this morning and last night.
So like I'm not feeling great today.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Like that's why my voice is...
It's probably because of your mattress.
But anyway, I'm fine.
Okay, good, good.
It's only my voice, so don't worry about that.
So we've got a voice message from Mr. Asahi.
He's been sending us a lot of questions.
We appreciate it.
Yes, yes.
Thank you.
And our favorite voice message.
You know, voice message, voice format is our favorite style.
So, you know, it's always welcome.
All right.
So here it is.
Yo, yo, yo.
What up, man?
Thank you for telling me that Americans have a lot of nods and a little bit of aegyo.
I was kidnapped by a person who calls himself a persimmon by making a request with a slightly wrong information.
I'm Asahi, a gang-style rapper, number 157, a prisoner.
By the way, I love beer.
I'm worried about my breathing.
Are you two doing a medical examination?
Also, did you do a medical examination at school like Japan in America?
Oh, I'm sorry.
That's right.
That's right.
I'm sorry, Mr. Yamazaki.
I just got confirmed by the inspector.
He said I could send you a voice message if you're a gyaru.
I'll send it to you.
I'm looking forward to your response.
What should I send you?
Oh, lovely.
I like.
He did all the characterizing and stuff like that.
He said "Unazuchi" first.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Did I say that?
It's all there.
It's all there.
It's very funny.
It was really nice.
It was really nice.
It was really nice.
The voice message is very good.
It adds so much color to the text.
It's nice.
Very nice.
Who knew that he sounded like that?
Who knew that he made those kind of jokes, right?
The way he's faced.
Yes, yes.
He's actually pretty good at acting.
"Kenkon Shindan."
"Kenkon Shindan."
"Kenkon Shindan."
"Kenkon Shindan."
I don't think I...
I don't think I...
"Kenkon Shindan."
"Kenkon Shindan."
I don't think I...
Health test kind of.
I don't...
In a school?
I don't remember doing them in middle school.
I actually don't.
Is this only you don't remember or you didn't?
It's possible that I'm not remembering them.
I might have done it.
But I remember doing like this, like physical test.
Like how strong is your physique kind of test.
Like how many pull-ups can you do.
How far can you stretch.
Like how much...
How fast can you run kind of things.
More like an athletic kind of test.
Yeah, physical test.
But I don't know...
I don't remember if my school measured my body weight, my height, my BMIs and stuff
like that.
I don't remember that.
But you know, actually no one really gives a shit.
Like you know how in Japan everybody's like, "Okay, what was your score, man?
How fast did you run that thing?"
Or like...
That's kind of very important when we were school students.
Like if you ran fast, that means that you are the best.
Oh yeah.
In the US, everybody's kind of slow.
So like no one really gives a shit.
Oh really?
Yeah, that's kind of like the reality.
Really, everyone runs slow?
They all run slow.
Well at least in my place, everyone ran slow.
Some ran fast, but like no one gave a shit.
Oh really?
Because when we were in elementary school, some guy who runs fast means that they are
Oh yeah.
And cool.
The most popular character.
If you run fast, then you've got everything.
Yeah, right.
No, not in my place though.
But you know, athleticism did have an attractive characteristic though.
Like guys who are the captain of the football team or like the basketball team, they were
like considered to be appealing if they have that status.
So right, that's not in the form of can you run fast or not.
I've seen some movies and there are some guys who are like captain of or like ace player
of the football team and surrounded by so many tough guys and attractive women.
Like so many cheerleaders.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like very mototeru scene.
Right, right, right.
I guess that's a little different from Japan there.
Kinkou shindan.
Are you doing kinkou shindan right now?
Right now?
After you were like solo?
Me neither, man.
But you know, I'm doing like living healthily.
See, that's tricky right there.
You don't know.
You never know.
You may think you're living healthily.
I am living healthily, so there's no worry.
You never know.
I don't need to go and take some of those tests.
Are you not concerned?
Because I am living healthily.
Okay, me too.
I'm living healthy too in my standards.
No, no, no.
You're not.
See, like right there.
No, you're not.
I'm living healthy in my standards and you don't agree.
No, no, no.
You're not.
That's my point right there.
No, that's not my opinion.
Oh, is that your opinion?
It's not my opinion.
It's everybody's opinion.
It's a scientifically proof theory that I am living healthy.
Well, you know, you never know until you get your body checked up.
You're not, by the way.
You're not, by the way.
You're not living healthily.
I am.
Because you're taking too much amount of sugar, too much amount of fat, too much amount of
bad things.
Right now, in my box of okashi, what I have...
What do you mean box of okashi?
Yeah, I have a box of okashi right now.
This basket of okashi, actually.
Right now, I have a...
What do you call those?
Like little andonatsu?
Like a little...
Oh yeah, like bite-sized.
You know how like this small...
Yeah, like a bite-sized, kohoso, andonatsu.
I still have like five of those left in there.
I started with like 20 and I spent like three days to consume.
So five days.
Yeah, three quarters of it.
And then I have five left.
I also have like this 85% cacao dark chocolate.
Oh, that's not bad.
Not bad, right?
Yeah, I mean not that bad.
I consume like three pieces per day.
Three little chunks like this big.
Not bad, right?
That itself is not bad, but you're also taking your andonatsu and other things.
Oh yeah.
I also have my... what was it?
I have a painomi in my basket.
Okay, that's nice.
They're pretty tasty.
Yeah, they are.
Have you had them before?
Yes, of course.
They're pretty good, right?
Yeah, they are.
They are.
Like tasty.
But not healthy.
I understand.
I understand.
What do I have?
I have a lot of cereal right now.
That you bought for the YouTube video?
For the YouTube video, yeah.
I still have a lot of those left.
They were really sweet.
They were, right?
But I've consumed more than... excluding the oatmeal, I've consumed more than half.
Oh, great.
How fast?
I am drinking a fuckload of milk.
I'm drinking one pack per day.
I am.
Do you think that's bad?
Like consuming a pack of milk per day?
Well, if you don't have any problem right now, then no problem.
I don't.
Okay, then.
I mean, just like how I don't have any problem consuming fuckload of sugar every day.
Yeah, but you know, the sugar in the milk is kind of different.
Oh, yeah, right.
Yeah, right.
So no problem.
Taking a little fat and milk and vitamins and everything.
So it's not that bad.
Okay, good.
All right.
I'm thinking I should get my body checked up.
Yeah, you should.
Yeah, I am.
I will.
All right.
All right.
Ten minutes.
Thanks for listening, guys.

