1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. スシローの好きなネタ
2021-06-01 11:20



Welcome to Kevin's Inks Room Podcast!
Hello! Hey guys!
So what do we got here this time?
I've got um...
You know...
You know I have a lemon tree here.
Oh yeah you told me that.
And uh...
A little fruit.
And I picked and cut one.
Yeah thanks.
And inside there was a little letter inside.
Like magic?
Yeah like paper.
Like what happens during magic shows on television?
That happened in real life?
And it was Kazusan.
The magician was Kazusan?
That's crazy.
He sent us a message for the podcast.
Hello, I'm Kaz.
I always enjoy your podcasts.
Thank you.
Wait hold on. Does he speak like that?
Yeah because he's a magician.
Okay gotcha. In a cool way.
I'm sorry to interrupt but are you two meat lovers or fish lovers?
Are there a lot of meat lovers in America and France?
I'm curious.
If you two have changed in the process of growing up, I'd like to hear about it.
I've been to Canada before.
And I think I had a lot of meat opportunities there.
Please take care of me.
Very like sexy kind of man.
Yeah sexy, gentle musician.
Uh huh.
That's how he talks though.
Meat lovers or fish lovers?
Definitely meat lovers.
I'm sure you understand.
I'm sure you know.
Like I think everyone knows before listening to your answer.
I don't know if any...
Anyone from the United States are...
Fish lovers.
Oh really?
You don't eat fish?
We don't eat...
We do, but like...
It's very rare.
I don't...
It's very rare.
Eat fish?
Like yaki-zakana?
We hardly ever have that.
How the fuck would you eat that?
With a fork.
Oh true.
Think about Japanese yaki-zakana.
That's really hard to eat with a fork.
That's a muneeru.
Oh yeah, that...
Those things exist.
Like seafood.
Those genres exist.
That can happen, but like...
Seafoods are like side foods.
I don't know if people consider it the main dish.
Oh really?
Like in France...
We eat fish as a main dish.
Oh yeah.
It would be fish tea.
On the fish side.
But we don't...
They don't eat sashimi or...
Like nama-zakana.
Not much.
But they eat carpaccio.
Carpaccio things.
Sometimes they eat like...
Those nama fish.
Or like little shrimps.
Yeah, like...
Garlic shrimps?
Yeah, or like...
Nama shrimps.
Like this cocktail.
Or like salmon things.
Yeah, sometimes they eat those things.
Are you a sakana-ha?
I am niku-ha.
We are both nikuhas.
Yeah, like...
Are you nikuhas?
I think I'm a sakana-ha.
Oh, you are?
Yeah, I think I am.
Are you a sakana-ha?
Wait, hold on. No, I don't think so.
Sorry, I was a nikuha. What was I thinking?
I'm a sakana-ha.
No, I'm a nikuha.
I just kind of slipped through there.
That was a weird moment.
Yeah, a little bit.
Are you a sakana-ha or a nikuha?
I am a nikuha.
Oh, really?
Wait, yeah.
I thought you kind of made a mistake there.
Because you were like, "Wait!"
No, no, no. Nikuha.
I didn't make any mistake.
Okay, alright.
Are you trying to consume fish?
As much as possible in your life?
No, not that much actually.
Yeah, me too.
Okay, so if we take a survey of all the Japanese,
whether you're a sakana-ha or a nikuha,
what do you think, like,
if we take the younger demographics,
I think would be like,
"Okay, let's do a survey towards juudai, nijudai, and sanjuudai."
Sanjuudai, okay.
I think my guess would be like,
70% nikuha, and 30% sakana-ha.
I agree with you.
Like, maybe 80 or 80-20.
Maybe even higher, right?
But if it was a survey to the like,
70-60 people,
the result would be like, opposite.
Maybe, maybe.
I think my grandparents,
they don't eat those kind of meat much.
But fishes.
They prefer the fishes more.
So it will be like, changing.
You know, the fishes are actually really tasty, you know?
Do you eat fishes?
I love fishes.
First of all, I love the sushi.
I love sushi.
I love kaisendon.
I love ikura.
When I go to sushi roll,
I eat a fuckload of salmon.
Yes! Salmon and maguro are like,
the probably only thing I eat.
I just go on repeat.
So the first dish will be like a...
Wait, salmon. What's salmon in Japanese?
Oh, it's salmon.
Yeah, so I would have like a...
Sake, if you want to say in real Japanese.
It's the same fish.
What is that?
Which color?
Oh yeah, salmon.
So my choice would be like,
I would first go for the normal salmon.
Then I would go for the salmon cheese.
Then I would go for the salmon cheese aburi.
Then I would go back to the normal salmon.
Then I would do like the chutoro.
And then I would do the karubi.
Karubi yui?
Karubi kaiden dashi?
Oh, it's not fish.
I know, but I crave them.
In the middle of the fishes.
And then I go back to salmon.
I do that. I'm a weirdo.
It's like...
It's quite normal for young people.
I mean, like,
age of 10...
to 12, you know?
It's not...
Yeah, I can understand.
Like eating...
like, makuro.
Yeah, that's 26 here.
But like, after I'm kind of like,
fulfilled with the whole salmon drama,
then I go on to like,
the ikuras.
And I go on to like, the ebis.
I go on to like,
um... what?
I go on to the
mirufuyu kekis.
And I go on to...
Yeah, I would do like a mirufuyu keki
in the middle of the sushis.
And go back to the sushis.
Like, kind of like the salty and then the
sweetness and then the salty, like,
in the middle kind of thing. Those make sure that
tastes good. You know how like the potato chips
with the chocolate sauce?
The roys chocolate chips?
Whatever those are called?
That sensation?
Yeah, I like that.
So maybe I would go from that.
And then, yeah.
And then I would go for like a
very random dish.
Like a very random, like I never even know
what this fuck is this kind of dish.
What do you mean? Like a very random dish.
I just, I don't... yeah.
Like a "open yourself up to a new world, Kevin."
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Those things.
By the way, I don't like them most of the time.
So that's why you go for the salmon
and the maguro things.
You told me before that you don't like
"aji" or "saba"
Yeah, I don't.
I don't. Like "hikarimono."
Like the raw "hikarimono,"
when I eat those, I get headaches.
I don't know if you call it the greasiness,
but like the "abura" inside those
"hikarimono" kind of gives me
headaches. I don't know why, but I can't eat them.
The first bite is really tasty,
but like the second, third, it gets
a little bit too much. I can't handle it.
I like those. You like those?
The best for you?
What's number one?
Boiled ebi. Oh yeah.
I think you told me that. Yeah.
I eat every time.
Do you think that like the sushi roll
kind of boiled ebi is good?
Well, first of all,
boiled ebi is good.
Like all the time. In itself.
It's good. No matter where it's being served.
Right. No matter what happens to me,
no matter what happens to her,
you know, it will never
change. Your relationships are very strong.
It's strong. You've got, you trust
in those boiled friends.
Yeah. So, they are
always good.
But it's true that
sometimes they're
like the better
boiled ebi
exists. In elsewhere.
Like little expensive
sushi. It's more fluffy, I guess.
Thicker and bigger
and more tasty.
Those ebis that you serve
at Sushiro, they are pretty thin.
You know? Yeah. It's like my
summertime blanket.
It reminds me of my
midsummer blanket.
It's really thick.
Really thin. They are.
It's not that warm. It's really thin.
Kind of like sheet.
So, there you go.
All right. Thanks for listening, guys.
Thank you. Bye-bye.

