1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 「お祭り」と「クリスマス」の..
2021-02-04 10:12


And on three okay three okay two
Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
Yeah, yeah
Cinematic yes kind of you know the cinematic. Yeah sound
VGM yeah, yeah, the little film right yeah actual film. Yeah, little noise nostalgic, huh? Yeah
Classic yeah
We got a line
Are you tired?
What was that I got a line I got a line
No, I might as well just go with the DM. You know yeah
I was thinking about line or email
Letters and I didn't try to say a new way mm-hmm, but you just ran out
Yeah, ran out of options lying. I met up with mine, so uh
how about like
Like we can do like um we got Twitter. Okay, I still got Twitter. We got I think we've got like
LinkedIn okay, we got we still got like
There's a clubhouse you know there's a new app called clubhouse clubhouse. It's a it's a drop-in audio
It's a it's an audio
By the way, we're on we're on clubhouse by the way Kevin's English room is on clubhouse
So if you if you're in clubhouse
Please add us it like sirs for real. Okay. I started like two days ago. I started yeah
So you're posting your voice right um no
It's it's it's like a chat kind of it's you don't publish content you just talk with the people who's there
So and it doesn't relieve an archive so you can't if you're not there no one can see you
It doesn't leave any history at all okay, so it's like a
Look at you know I got a boy and you're just live talking and whoever's there, okay? Yeah
That's interesting interesting. Yeah, okay. Well. We got clubhouse okay?
Yeah, yeah, so it was from through the clubhouse. Okay. Yeah, yep
This is SK8Z
Skates I think wow I think I guess skates hip hop
Skates thank you skates and so
Hello, I enjoy all your content but I use your podcast the most because it's easy to listen to. Thank you. I have a question
About American culture okay
The other day I was watching a American prank show and the people who helped the people in trouble
The people in trouble are the ones who set it up
They pretend to be in trouble and the people who are waiting to be saved
The people who helped the people in trouble are the ones who did it in the place of God
I did it because I was saved by God
I was talking about the reason and it was very impressive that I was talking to God as if he were actually next to me
It's a statement that makes you think that it's a little scary in Japan
It may be regional or age-related, but I was surprised to hear that even men in their 20s were told
It may be a sensitive topic, but I would be happy if you could tell me what God actually does
A lot of people in the US are Catholic
so right and they met a lot of the Catholic people do actually
Really literally worship God so yeah, I can easily imagine
Them saying oh I did it because you know
I believe in God and God is always with us and I did it for God and like I worthy them
Yeah, definitely understandable and I will do also understand how Japanese people would feel like kind of like
the different vibe
Yeah, like the Japanese take on God like the modern society that the
The majority of the people right then their take on religion isn't really
They've got a different vibe. I'm sure they do like Japanese people don't really worship anything
Don't you think?
Okay, I got a little off there
You can you can talk about the Japanese
But from my perspective, I just don't think that you know
They're not worshiping on a daily on a regular basis. Like I'm sure a lot of people do a lot of people like
Modern majority of the people I don't think that they they incorporate incorporate
The religious habits in their daily lives like they don't do praying. They don't you know, they don't
Pray before they eat. They don't pray before they they don't read Bibles or mummy. I'm talking about the Catholic
I'm sure the Japanese has their own way of worshiping whatever they do
like I don't see much of a religious act and
incorporated in the daily lives of the modern lives of the majority of the society and
Right, okay society that I live in which is like the Kanto area. So
There you go. What do you think man? Oh, yeah, so I'm gonna talk about the Japanese
religion, okay, okay, but as you told as you
You know, there's not many people that
Consciously, yeah like
Joining that the religion things
Is you know, it's really tiny amount of people. Yeah who consciously
join and participating in that
things but
the reason of that that is because it's
Inside of the Japanese culture. Okay, you know like for example like saying it that I can mass, you know
For me
You know, it's a Japanese Shintoism
which is
You know, there's so many God. Yeah, there's so many gods. Yes
like the gods of speaker goes of metal goes of sound goes of
You know leave sounds and everything. So that's the Japanese religious
View. Yeah, so that's why we don't
Consciously do okay, but still it's already inside our culture. Okay, got it. So
Yeah, I I mean respect I mean that is that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, that's your form of religion
yeah, it's a lot of sense what if what about like the like I do feel like when Japanese people they say
Got that is all I got. Yeah. Yeah, what about batch? Is that religious do you think?
religious, yeah, it's really you know for Japanese for for the case of Japan it's really close to
Call the culture and religion is too close. So we never
Think that like we never interpret us
Religion, right, but you know, but you got that. Yeah
So if you're already used to the Japanese culture, you're kind of already used to the Japanese religion. You're already in the Japanese religions
world already, right like
Like, you know the matsuri. Yeah, what's anything? Yeah, you know, that's
We're based on the religious things that praised
God of
Kome in a combo Kami sama, you know and
so my argument here is like how many of the Japanese people do they actually realize that this is a religion this is
Backed up event, you know, yeah, like it's I
Right. My argument is like how many people of the Japanese people do you think are just doing it because it's fun. Yeah
Yeah, I think like most tops most of people are
Like never think that
Assumes that that that's a religious right thing. I I don't just a festival right having fun
I feel like the Hanabi taikai with the festival is like
That that's Japanese religious background kind of dish event right versus like the Christmas right? That's definitely Christian
Yeah background. Yeah, right event. I feel like those two events are taken equally
I don't feel like Japanese people interpret the two events differently with different like religious background
Yeah, they just join because it's fun. Yeah, because it's
Event ish. Yeah, it pops right right. It's right. So
You think that's religion - yeah that no of it itself is religion, yeah
You know the Matsuda thing like you when you
Look at the Mikoshi thing. Yeah, that's obviously that
You know religious things. Mm-hmm. So based on that these things so
Must be religious
But people don't you know?
realize and read it as
That's a religious things but still it's it's you know deeply inside our
culture, so right that's why we don't even recognize that's a
Religious things. I don't think we were ever taught
Mmm - I don't think the Japanese religion was ever taught. It's just yeah in our lives from when we are born, right? So
Yeah, yeah
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Goodbye
Bye bye.

