1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 激ムズJapanese活字を紹介
2021-01-29 16:52


and welcome to Kevin's English room podcast!
alright some voice instruments yeah it was a horn section you know
horn ah yeah gotcha gotcha like the movie opening you know like this
kind of the orchestra kind of thing yeah yeah love it thank you okay so uh you
know what last episode you introduced me to this like book I don't what title
what I can't even read the title now it's actually a Yosano Akiko
Hyōron-Shū so okay I know what that is okay Hyōron-Shū is more like a my my idea
on life my my philosophy yeah I want to introduce you all to my philosophy kind
of book right that's yeah that's a yeah there you go mm-hmm so what is it yeah
and I had I had a really difficult experience trying to you know read the
book yeah you tell me that was a good book okay tell me what's it about
actually she is a famous poet of Japan she's famous about for Kimi Shin ni Tamau
Kotonaka de have you ever heard about this point point no no it's really
famous one because we all taught in elementary or junior high school really
yeah yeah can you all that Kimi Shin ni Tamau Kotonaka de that's it that's
everything it's a little longer that's the that's the catchphrase yeah that's
a punch line that was the poem she wrote for his brother okay who is going
to go to the to the world war war yeah so she writes that you like are you I
mean oh it's really hard to translate but she writes that like like basically
without hesitating you shouldn't die oh you shouldn't die you shouldn't go to
the war to die for nothing it's not for that your parents uh-huh
have been raised to you so like more like your take like you nationality
national nationalism isn't as important as your life maybe right right right
is that it yes yes okay and through that she's saying that you know it's not
right as a government decision you know to make people go to war right everybody
go to the war and die okay that's so that's a famous poem and well she's
famous as a poet but actually she she's she wrote so many essays okay and I
don't know if you know about this but in Japan late like back in days there are
there are men society right I think same as so yeah yeah and she was a one of the
social activist at the time okay tries to you know have women's rights right so
basically she's there that activist and she writes about that but you know
there are so many activists at the time like that's gonna I chose have you ever
know okay well any many activists like woman activists are in fire you know
yeah but what she I mean your son article said yeah was it's it doesn't like it's
not important that if you are woman you know okay it doesn't matter if you are
man or woman okay just try to be as good as a human okay so that's the the great
thing mmm about inspiration not to not focus on the gender right yes at the
time so many female activists said that woman should something you have to
something Michelle something but she's saying that that's not actually right
she's saying that whoa gender is done doesn't matter try to be independent as
as in human is more important got it got it got it yeah so like her point of view
would be like like being an activist same by saying that we are woman we have
these rights already implies already kind of accepts the status quo of the
woman being naturally the same kind of like right she wants like the gender
shouldn't even be in the conversation right in the debate like okay so you
know it's a really old book she was born in like 19th century but you know what
she's 18 centuries right 18th and yeah that means 19 shit that means 19 19
yeah anyway that a right and what she says is really like but like blew my
mind oh really like you know we are in 2021 now but still her philosophy still
lives yeah what can you show us oh sure that you were shocked okay I'm gonna
find the one yeah okay I mean because like this is the only way I can get the
information I can't access okay okay okay this is gonna be a little long but
it's about Joshi no doc which is on sorry just to create the GA okay the
independence yes okay okay I'm gonna read so okay get ready
hito no seijou ni mo taisetsu ni mo banning kyou to no ten so now at the
same to change the cook took no ten so now at the kosei to ga arimasu then I
know shakai shinri no kojumar with a no me omita hito no zenbu da to go guys
takirai ga arimasu da nita bakari otsumete hitotsu no kata o kuri tsukuri
sono kata o hyoujun toshite yakuni pannu ninjyou on the CEO to itashi
hotondo hito no kosei to iu mono ganju ni oite imase nanda what happened to us
Japanese on the Japanese but little old style old fashioned way you must say nanda
you know tataiba hajime kara otoko to iu mono wa kou iu mono da onna to iu mono
wa kou iu mono da to kimete shimai sono kou iu mono da to iu gainen onodai ni
shite sarani otoko towa course beki mono da onna towa course beki mono da to iu
kihon wo tatete ichi gaen i banning for each she sono kihon ni awa nai hito a
ningen de nai you ni k betsu shukan wo skuru ni itarimashita
I made a little sense. Okay. And I cut a little. And then...
Bushi wa itsudemo shujin no tame ni hara wo kiru mono jikaku wa eikyuu ni seido no shushi-gaku wo hyoujun to subeki mono shukyo wa bukkyou iga ni shinzube kara zaru koto hyakushou choumii wa bansei ni watatte bunin no gefuu ni nachi ikasutomo korosutomo goyaku ni no jiyuu ni makasu beki mono onna wa sankai ni ienako oya to otto to waga koto ni
kutsujyusu beki mono koiyuu kangaideiru yori hoka wa nakatta no desu
Sore wo... Sore wo... watashidomo wa yami kara akari ni edeta hodo kofukuna jidai ni umare aimashita meijiishin no oseifuku koto tomo ni
kinjou heika wa bumon seiji wo hajime issai no yuugai muyou na kyushu wo hakai asobashi awasete hiroku shin
shinjishiki wo sekai ni motomeru koto wo susume ai bakumon gejutsu genron shinkyou
shuppan to arairu shisou kodou no jiyuu wo oirushi ni nari seimei, zaisan to no jinken wo gohoshou ni natte orimasu
Right! What the fuck?
So then you're...
I'm gonna stop breathing
Did you understand what the point is?
Right, actually I haven't read the really really important, the key part actually but
but uh...
Well actually, so in that age there are so many activists that are saying that new woman
is, new woman knows that women are human, same as men
That's the main... uh... shuchou?
Fucking Yonemura, I thought it was...
I don't know!
I was yonemura
You're completely bored about this topic, huh?
I don't know what you're saying!
Alright, let me continue my class, okay?
Okay, okay, okay
Alright Mr. Kevin?
But she's saying that, Yosanaki-san is saying that
for that you have to be prepared
If you wanna say that women are same as men
then you have to prepare something before saying that
is what she's saying
So in that age, women and men should marry, it was their social opinion
They should marry
But she's saying that
I have to stop this, cause I think no one is listening to me right now
How much percentage of the people, the average Japanese, do you think can understand that?
They do understand
Most people can understand that?
I think they... I don't know
At least most people can understand what I'm saying
But still, I'm not sure if they are interested in this
Well, set aside that, can you write like this?
Ah, yeah
You can?
Losing difficult phrase and complicated words
You got some badass language skills, man
It's like a whole new language to me
Oh really?
Was he saying like "cough"?
What? Yeah, cough
Like a full stop?
Yeah, but it's a difficult word
And "anshin" phrases
It's a little difficult
Is it safe to say that the whole book really implies the gender issues?
Or is it more than that?
Everything about how she thinks
It's wider than just gender issues
It's a little wider than that
But basically it's gender issues and independence
So she writes about gender
But she doesn't write about the gender
She says that gender is not that important
So we all should be independent
No matter if you are a man or woman
I feel like even if I find a video version of that book
Because I always rely on the video versions
I feel like if the original book is this sophisticated
Literature-wise, language-wise
I feel like the video would also be
Not that sophisticated
Yeah, but if it was in a video form
I don't know, man
The topic is really interesting for that, right?
The context I'll probably even understand
The whole concept thing
The way they say it makes it difficult
Oh, okay
I think we should end here
Okay, let me phrase one
Okay, you found a good word
She went to Paris once
And she writes about that
[Reading from the story]
[Reading from the story]
[Reading from the story]
[Reading from the story]
[Reading from the story]
中心の意地を執掌することはないが、 自分の心の方が空に向かって歩いていくのです。
雑踏に統一があるのかと見ると、そうではなく、 雑踏を分けていく個人個人に遷御な感覚と沈着な意思とがあって、
その雑踏の危険と否とにいちいち注意しながら、 自主自立的に自分の方向を自由に転換して進んでいくのです。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
私はそれを理解できました。 実際に私はそれを理解できた。 面白い。
Please do go to the library and find this book please yes, it's really
Right for those who can understand please do yeah, right must be good for your life, right
Okay, all right, thank you for this lecture right. Thank you sensei
Thank you sensei have a great day, sir. Thank you. Have a great day everyone
Bye bye
Is it American right?

