1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. お悩み解決!お会計を多めに出..
2020-09-26 13:01


welcome to Kevin's Kevin English rooms podcast yeah okay
how's that yeah your echo yeah wasn't bad I don't think I was bad at all
thank you yeah thank you but mine is better but it's true you're really good
at making a code thank you and remember that last time we took the YouTube
videos all that YouTube video yeah YouTube videos on that before last day
yeah and and then use you naturally did but what's that let's go let's go let's
go like that naturally did the echoing system yeah I still haven't watched the
video yeah you have video hunting I haven't watched that yeah you definitely
have to check that you were making natural echo
it was the first time you actually said the word.
that's really crazy that's crazy man.
it was really funny and me and Kakechi was really laughing at that.
okay okay well this time we've got a letter from Natsuhou-san.
thank you. so we talked about 割り感 on the first date.
yes but she says like it's not about what first date okay after you know
we're going on date regularly mm-hmm but she's saying that 彼氏の方がお酒もたくさん飲むしご飯もたくさん食べる。
I agree I agree with that if the guy is consuming more I think that it makes sense to pay more for the food and the drinks.
I think it makes sense. what about you? does it make sense for you?
yeah okay. we have came to a conclusion.
how about if okay how can she say to that her boyfriend about that?
oh so she might be in a position where her boyfriend is splitting half.
yeah even if the guy is drinking too much.
so you can't be like you can't you can't be careless and be like
that's not an option right because it's a that's what she can't say that's what she can't say so we gotta find a way yeah to make sure that she can tell her boyfriend
that he's got to pay fucking more and he's gonna pay what he has to pay motherfucker but politely.
we're good at this so we I think we can okay lead to an answer yeah any any first thoughts man
what about having expensive meal?
tell me about it.
compared to that boyfriend.
what do you mean what do you mean?
so that you will be like every time order the very expensive meat.
uh-huh uh-huh so that make it you know equally.
unbelievable but like this problem comes because they're sharing plates.
oh right right right so that wouldn't solve the problem right the guy would eat more of the expensive one than she is so that was still it was still lead to the same problem.
problem would be bigger maybe yeah it would be bigger it would make greater difference right yeah yeah.
how about how about how about like um about how about buy how about buy like an onigiri right at a family mart okay before you go on a dinner buy onigiri buy a white onigiri right at the convenience store and then keep it in your purse just keep it in your purse okay nothing inside nothing inside nothing inside and then at dinner right the let's say you go to a Chinese restaurant right and then there's.
there's a what goes out there's ramen and soup time like John right right and then you you guys get your share plates right you get yours you place for your own own own surfing right when he's when he goes to the bathroom get out your onigiri and then and then put it on his plate okay but he's more more more full.
that's a great idea right because it's cheap it's cheaper right right if you buy that if you buy that amount of rice at the restaurant it costs more but if you buy it at the convenience store so it'll be less so you just or just make one at home buy rice at the supermarket and then cook cook rice yeah right and put it in your tapper.
and then at the Chinese restaurant put a whole pack of that that's great the rice in your boyfriend's plate and then have them be full right right that's a great idea but what about it was a French restaurant okay that that's a good point what if the the genre hasn't been decided maybe pasta how do you boil you boil the pasta amount of certain amount of pasta.
at your house and put it into the tapper and go to the Italian restaurant and put that.
but so the the hard part is you don't know if he's gonna order pasta and you don't know in fact you don't know if he's gonna go to the Italian restaurant or or what an American restaurant so we can't bring all the the ingredients right so we gotta we gotta find a different answer.
how about this you don't use paypay so I'm not sure if you can comprehend what I'm saying but when you're using paypay there's this feature called the Wari Kan.
yeah I know that what it is is you okay let's say you and I okay we're going to a restaurant Chinese restaurant and I pay.
I prefer going American.
okay okay let's do American all right it doesn't matter I I pay for both of us.
oh thank you.
I pay for both of us with paypay.
thank you.
that's not not not in reality but and I paid 2,000 yen all right that's for both of us doing it and I can push this little button called Wari Kan and what I do is I can enter your ID paypay ID and split the bills.
so all I need to do is telling your wrong ID.
no no no no no no I can scan your fucking phone and have the right ID so that's not gonna work and I can and you can set price for individual people.
so it's just me and you so there's only one but if it's group of like 10 I can set individually for every people like for him for for you I do I do 200 for you I do 300 because you had your little fucking cocktail shit and then for you I'm gonna give you I'm only gonna I'm gonna bill you 100 because you didn't eat a lot and you only came an hour late so I can do those things right.
okay that's convenient.
how about how about the lady would always do the paypays and then you Wari Kan to him more amount.
and how you feels fair.
how about that.
does he notice.
well if he digs in I think it's possible that he would find out but it would only be about like what 60 to 40 right.
mm hmm. you're doing that without telling him anything.
right that's not fair right.
that's a little bit cheated.
right. okay okay.
oh but that's difficult.
what about.
how about this.
how about one day.
it might be difficult for you but it's only one time you eat more than your boyfriend.
okay. you eat more than your boyfriend and then you you offer him oh I ate more so I'm gonna pay more.
oh that's great.
boyfriend how about that and then he's gonna be like oh I didn't I never noticed that.
yeah. that's a new perspective and he might change himself.
that's how about that.
that's great. yeah it's a great idea.
so one thing is she has to eat more so much amount of meal.
yeah. that's a great idea.
that's a great idea don't you think.
yeah. that's maybe the best idea.
mm hmm.
let's go with that.
yeah. did you have anything.
no mine was what I was saying.
so that he would notice that oh I ate maybe too much.
oh maybe I you know.
maybe I have to pay more.
you know.
oh what.
I hit my head.
that's a bad idea.
the best was what you said.
but maybe she doesn't have to eat more maybe she had just has to order a more expensive.
okay. this is a okay this is the best idea so far.
better than what don't want that just said.
go to a restaurant.
mm hmm.
tell him that we're not gonna share today.
tell them that you're not gonna share today and then you gonna order a more expensive meal than your boyfriend.
mm hmm.
but the bills only bill comes in in one paper.
all right.
so the payment is gonna be done at once.
oh yeah.
you understand what I'm saying.
you don't share the dishes but you share the bill.
mm hmm.
so if it was a normal if it was a normal every day the boyfriend would be like oh let's do half and half.
but this time you guys did not share your meal and you got you order a more expensive meal than your boyfriend did.
you offer him oh I my food was more expensive so I'll pay more.
I don't know.
but the amount of money.
you don't know how much money you have to pay.
the last idea was better.
well maybe she doesn't have to eat more than boyfriend.
mm hmm.
but just simply just saying that.
ah I ate a lot today so I'll pay more.
mm hmm.
and then he will be.
well I ate but I think I should pay more.
good idea.
that's a great idea.
that's a brilliant idea.
let's do that.
yeah let's do that.
let's do that.
I think we found the answer.
Natsuko san.
Natsuko san I think this is the answer.
Natsuko san.
Natsuko san.
I think this is the answer.
even if you didn't eat more than your boyfriend.
just say.
ah I ate a lot today so I'll pay more.
just say that to boyfriend.
and then he'll be like oh no no no.
I ate more.
I'll pay more.
great idea.
great idea.
I'm loving it.
I love the idea.
thanks for listening guys.
oh and by the way.
by the way.
if there's anything other. if there's any other topic like this. we would love to solve it guys.
of course.
we would love.
we love these kinds of situations.
yes yes yes.
yeah so.
situation game.
situation game.

