1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 仕事選びへアドバイスfrom山ち..
2020-09-24 15:49


all right Yama-chan yeah so uh you're Yama-chan yes I'm Kevin yes and we are
Kevin's English room podcast we're not we're not rehearsing this at all this
is like "sonoba de butsuke honba" and we're like perfect timing the last
episode we talked about how I view shukatsu right how I view my decision
making in life right and how I choose my job mm-hmm and I want to hear yours next
okay okay well thinking about shukatsu mm-hmm maybe I would not be good you
know model for everybody mm-hmm cuz I you know I'm like this mm-hmm I'm not
thinking carefully about the pressure mm-hmm you know the social pressures mm-hmm
so I don't know if I will be able to say the thing mm-hmm but I always thought
but I've been always thinking this just if you feel that just go that's it you
know like you know shukatsu you have many choices uh-huh it doesn't matter if
if you get night there or not but but you know many companies are ahead of you
and you can choose mm-hmm that's difficult you know choosing what because
for me mm-hmm I like music yeah traveling mm-hmm I like writing I like
reading you know so many things so maybe book company traveling company music
industry you know that's that's hard to make a decision but you know we never
know what is what would be going on before entering to them real world yes
so you know my advice is just go and get into that world mm-hmm and and and we'll
see like like we'll see if you really really like that industry you will find
that yourself really really enjoying in that world but actually not you will see
that you don't know I don't like that mm-hmm so that's the key mm-hmm so we
never know that feeling mm-hmm before entering the world mm-hmm so for me like
for me it doesn't it's not that much important the first company mm-hmm
compared to you maybe do you have like a goal what do you mean in life cool yeah
it doesn't have it doesn't like whether it be financial goals or it could be
like like like family goals or it could be like your you performing on Tokyo
Dome kind of goals or whatever it is do you have a goal or something yeah I have
one goal in age mm-hmm is I'm living in that house on a countryside yeah huge
garden uh-huh and with huge windows of course yeah and bring piano inside and I
play that and we're having a breakfast together with my family and that's my
image of my life goal okay but I actually don't know what's my job mm-hmm
like you know what your job is mm-hmm do you ever feel like you're rushing towards
that goal do you feel like yeah you want to get there faster actually that image
is is me of you know age of 80 or something like that uh-huh so I never
felt that I have to rush into that image mm-hmm but I sometimes feel that I have
to rush on my life mm-hmm because I you know I have to find that anything your
passion yeah is it your passion right thing that you're saying right right I
think that the same thing the words that burns really your your yeah you feel the
things that you like right right and now I'm my passion is is making music mm-hmm
so I have to rush and and you know I have to find it like if it's really my
thing or not mm-hmm so I mean that world right now yeah and I'm experiencing that
that world mm-hmm so I feel like I have to rush to wait you so your it's not
that something that I can make money mm-hmm or make a huge concert or not so
your best guess right now is music is your passion yeah and you're doing it
what are you rushing what you're already doing music right yeah so what are you
rushing for what like what's there a rush okay so making many musics you have
to do more yeah as much as I can you okay okay you have to spend more time on
it right right is it wait so is it like the time you're consuming or is it the
productivity mmm that's difficult
that's difficult but maybe both maybe uh-huh yeah so how okay so what happens
if you make a lot of music do you do you get do you actually find out whether if
you're passionate for this or not right I think so uh-huh like you know music
well actually I'm making a like a little song song like three or four or five
minutes one one song a day actually oh and I'm publishing to the the platform
right every day actually but you know it's still a huge you know it's not
precise you know that's this music industry this is quite huge yeah so I have to I have to put that every day and make that every day and I I'm thinking now maybe I'll I'll be able to see what's the point like like writing the
relics is important to me or making beats is important to me or or you know
making something that I really want to make is important uh-huh you know so I'm
trying to find that that point so you're you're at a level where you're
experiencing more to know to test right if you fit for the industry or not yes
yeah I'm kind of like that I want to do some concert maybe mm-hmm and other
things like recording things for producers things so you might be
passionate for other things maybe because you're testing if music is it for
you might be right yeah but now I'm in love with music and my passion is is in
the music yes so that's what I'm doing there's nothing you you haven't found
anything else that could be a potential you know no passion like I like
businesses learning new things yeah I like football I like reading books but
that's not I you know bigger than yeah music yeah got it got it got it yeah
okay so okay my advice is just just go get into that world don't care about
what what that I mean that's my advice uh-huh it doesn't matter like which
world you you go but more important is is is what you're gonna feel you're
gonna think in that you know daily life of that world uh-huh experience and
taste it yeah yeah right that's the same thing taste and see how you feel yeah
that's more important very close advice yeah yeah yeah but I think I don't you
know my happiness comes from as you said inside of me uh-huh so I think I I'm a
little bit not model people maybe yeah like I don't think you're the majority
mm-hmm yeah
so I guess like she's so - like graduate college and then get a job is not it
doesn't make sense for you doesn't it right like it doesn't important to enter
the company more important is think about yourself yeah so for me it doesn't
like make sense you have to enter the company after just after the graduation
from university you can just go maybe the United States maybe yeah maybe or
being a chef maybe yeah I don't know but build a gardening company maybe that's
more important to me but if if you feel anything in a company then then go to
the company that's all what do you okay what do you have any advice for people
who are who has like who are a little bit entrepreneurial who wants to serve
themselves but doesn't have the courage to quit their corporate job oh like they
have they know they have passion for music like they know that making music
really excites them all right but they cannot they can't take that one step of
of quitting their job because they're financially scared and they're
financially scared right oh I don't have any advice to them just go okay like if
you care about financial matters that means that financial is more important
to you compared to the music passion so so if you if you're thinking about that
please go with the financial you that will be good for you like here about
financial matters how about how about how about peer pressure then the same
thing that peer pressure is is more important to you just just so the
important thing is think about yourself and if if really peer pressure is
important to you then that's important thing to you you have to go for it and
you have to care about that 100% in your life what if you might regret oh I don't
that's life huh I don't have any advice I think I'm gonna regret maybe I might
gonna regret some decision that I I'm making right now in the future maybe
what's your potential regret I don't know but maybe maybe me didn't go to
that France again maybe oh you know okay well maybe me quit this quitting your
job employee company maybe but no I'm not regretting right now but maybe of
50 years later might be maybe we never know that's why so the more important
thing is just go and if you care about peer pressure mm-hmm I'm not saying
that's a bad thing I don't think that that's a bad thing just you know
dedicate to the yourself into the peer pressure thing uh-huh then you'll see
beautiful that's love it yeah awesome yeah maybe I'm a little bit cold that
colder than you what are you colder than me because because you know not cold or
I'm now I'm thinking about I'm maybe a little bit cold people colder people
than the usual level I don't think so really because you know like I said uh-huh
if you if you have a passion to the music industry but you know concerned
about financial things uh-huh and you know in that situation I would say just
go you know that's a little bit cold because if it was you you will be you
know you're gonna give some advice you know really
maybe the more useful advice oh that's the best version of your advice
right right outputting our best version of advice so it's yeah yeah I'm cold you're
not any colder than I am I think I call I'm colder than other people but I don't
know I don't hate this I don't know you're less interested in people than
other people I think in my opinion I think you're my baby less interested
like your but that's my my advice you know I care about other people and and
saying this so I think I'm interested in people but my advice is cool all right
thank you for that all right we'll see you next episode guys bye

