1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 洗い物中に失礼します。🙏
2020-09-21 12:52


Hello everyone! Hello! My name is Kevin! And my name is Yama-chan! And we are Kevin's English group podcast!
What is that? What is that? Wow, I can't believe you came along!
Wow, wow, wow. We are kind of, you know, new group. New idol group.
Did we sound like an idol group? No? Yeah, did we sound... We didn't sound like.
We didn't look like. Oh yeah, exactly.
You're washing the... I'm finishing my, my, my dishing. Dishing? My dish washing.
Dish washing? Yeah, I'm almost done. Yeah. So hold on. No, no, no. I'm almost done.
I really want to talk about that. Okay, tell me. You are, you are...
How should we say "chores" in English? Chores. Chores. Chores? Yeah.
Sorry, I'm going...
Okay, what about chores? Yeah, so let's talk about chores. Okay, so I go on chores.
So you do chores every day, huh? Well, not every day. Like, you know, every like two or three days.
Like when, when it's ready for me. When it's ready to be, you know.
You're talking about you yourself? No, the chores are ready.
What are you talking about? They're not like... So they wait for you?
Yeah, they have to wait. Like, they... Like... Wait, what?
Like, I'm not gonna... Like, if I'm gonna do dish washing, I want to do like a whole pile of dish washing.
You know, I don't want to do like a little bit of a dish washing.
If I'm gonna get my hands dirty, I want to do them all, right?
What do you mean "all"? Like, you know. You have... You have small amounts of all.
Like, you know, you don't... Like, okay, you cook once and you only use a saucepan.
Let's say that, right? It's not gonna take up that much space.
And the next thing you cook again, and you use a different saucepan, and you use a plate, and it, you know, fills up your sink.
Okay. That's when it's ready. Okay, okay.
Got it? Yeah, I got... I got you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So do you like doing some chores? No, I hate chores.
Oh, really? You don't like it? No, I don't like it.
I thought you liked some, like, washing the dishes.
I like having them clean, but they're a little bit "mendokusai" to me.
Right, right, right. Yeah.
What about the "sensaku mono"?
Yeah, no, I don't... You don't like? No, I don't like it.
If I had a choice, I don't want to do it. Okay.
But you have to, right? Yeah, I have to.
In order to live by doing it. Yeah.
What about the cleaning up the, you know, rooms?
Yeah, I like that a little bit better. I like that more.
But there's still, you know, there's still a little... I'm a little bit lazy on that.
Oh, you have to. Yeah.
A hassle. Yeah.
Do you? I think, you know, it's true it's a little bit "mendokusai" to me, too.
But I think I like it.
You know, I like my room being clean.
I think I like it.
So you don't have to pump yourself up to do stuff?
Not that much. Not that much?
But it's "mendokusai," of course.
Yeah, it is "mendokusai." Yeah.
Very "mendokusai."
But I hate my room being really... Messy? Yeah, messy stuff.
Do you hate having your friends come over at your house?
Oh, if...
Because they mess up your room.
I don't like that. Right.
But I can clean up after he left my house, my room.
Got it.
Actually, I do. I do.
Every time my friends come to my room, and after he left my room,
I would clean my room.
So heads up, Yamachan's friends, he doesn't like it.
Please don't mess up my room.
Friends that are listening right now, heads up.
He hates you guys.
No, I don't hate you guys, but...
I have to...
This is a special pan.
I don't know what this is called, like a "chuka nabe?"
I don't know what it is.
But I have to take care of it like this. I have to.
I have to like...
I have to put it under fire, put it on fire, and make sure the moisture is all gone.
That's what it says on the manual.
Very "mendokusai."
But that's what we have to do with the pans.
With the normal chuka pan?
Chuka fry pan?
Or is it...
What about these kind of pans?
Like these non-stick pans?
Do you have to do that?
Or just air dry is good?
I do with even if this kind of surface.
Right, really?
Isn't it bad for the coating?
Like the...
I don't think so.
What was it called?
The non-stick coating. What was it called?
Right, the...
The what?
The what?
What was that?
Some kind of coating.
The non-stick...
What is it called?
What is it?
You know what?
What was that?
You know, this...
What's called?
What's that?
What's called?
What's called?
Look, it doesn't stick.
That coating.
Some kind of coating.
Oh no!
What was it?
Stainless? No.
Ceramic? No.
Oh no!
I have to...
I need a smartphone in this.
I'm gonna...
I cannot...
What was that?
The frying pan...
The frying pan...
The non-stick coating.
The coating.
The coating.
I like your texting Japanese.
Me? You like me texting Japanese?
Yeah, it's...
What was it?
Oh shit!
I forgot about that.
Let's record at the couch, shall we?
Or do you wanna do something here in the kitchen?
No, no.
Are you planning to do something in the kitchen or not?
I have no plan.
Okay, that's good.
I've actually uploaded my iPhone to an iOS 14.
Oh, what do you mean iOS 14?
Is that good?
It's a software update.
It's a little bit...
The UI is a little bit different.
So I'm still having a little kinda...
It's not that difficult, but it's a little bit difficult.
It's a new one.
You don't have an iPhone, so you probably don't understand what that is.
But I have Mac.
Right, you got a Mac.
You're using an iPhone for work, right?
For recording stuff for Instagram and shit like that?
For our group?
How's it working?
Oh, great.
Great, great.
Is it easy to use?
Maybe I have an update too?
Can I update that?
To that...
I don't know.
You're an iPhone 5, right?
I don't know what...
It's an iPhone 5 probably.
But it could be that it's not compatible with iPhone 5.
It's too old for it to be updated to.
It's possible.
I don't know.
It may or may not, but it could be too old for it to be uploaded.
Too old?
I think some of them are...
Some of the old iPhones aren't compatible with the latest version of the ILS.
What's the good point of updating?
Well, it's easier to use.
The speed of the interface is neater.
I don't think it speeds up.
I don't think so.
But like...
From like a layout standpoint, it's probably better.
From like a CPU or like a...
Memory thing.
Memory kind of thing.
It's not going to change.
Just the interface standpoint.
It's different.
Yeah, that's it.
So it's not that necessary.
But I think you still do your job with the one you have right now.
Not a big deal.
I'm not going to update my great iPhone.
Yeah, probably.
Do you like Android better?
Or do you like your iPhone better?
Oh, I don't...
I never...
Like, you know...
I don't know, actually.
You haven't used your iPhone so much to the point where you can compare with Android.
It's not...
I've never actually compared Android from iPhone.
Like, it's...
Basically, it's the machine to me.
Both are the same to me.
It doesn't matter.
You don't give a shit about both of them.
No, no, no.
I like both.
Let's say, I like both.
They all...
Both of them are convenient to me.
And, you know...
I never liked them.
So it's like me asking...
But I never liked, disliked.
So it's like you asking me,
"Kevin, do you like cockroaches or do you like bees?
Which do you like better?"
No, no, no.
I hate both of them.
No, no, no.
No, it's like...
Like, do you like...
Tomish or MacGyles?
What's that?
Yeah, it's kind of like that.
It sounds the same to me.
I don't know neither of them.
That's the...
So you don't know which one.
I never felt that I like this machine.
Like, you know, some people love iPhones.
Yeah, a lot of people are, you know, Apple fans, right?
Apple maniacs.
They get their new devices every season.
They make lines.
Make lines at the Apple store, right?
In front of the Apple store.
You know, that's...
I get it.
I like them.
Oh, you want to make lines?
No, no, no.
Like, I like new devices.
Oh, new devices.
Not to the point where I make lines, but...
I want to get them.
I want to...
I wish I have them.
Yeah, you like new technologies.
I do, I do.
New devices, new applications.
I want to get the PlayStation 5.
You know they're coming out with a PlayStation 5?
Oh, I don't know.
Do you like video games, dude?
Actually, I've never...
I had Wii.
You know Wii?
Yeah, Nintendo Wii.
Once at my parents' house.
And I did some soccer game.
Winning 11.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You liked it?
Uh, yeah.
You had fun?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It was fun.
But I prefer play the football in reality.
In the actual world.
Yeah, yeah.
That's a completely different activity.
I don't think athleticism counts when you're playing video games.
That's a completely different factor.
But you know, okay.
So, I want to get the PlayStation 5, but I probably won't buy them actually.
But you wish.
I wish, I wish.
Because I'm afraid I might consume too much time playing video games.
Because they're so fun.
Let's talk about the video games in the next episode.
Okay, yeah, let's do it.
We'll talk about video games in the next episode.
Thanks for listening guys.

