1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビンおすすめのSUPER穴場夜..
2020-08-13 11:52


okay let's do the jingles here actually actually carry out a little jingle
like no no no no no actually do an actual jingle for the podcast it's okay
it's okay just do like the everyday jingle just do the everyday jingle okay
welcome dude Kevin English from podcast yeah I think that was a pretty good
pretty good intro right there yeah you're really good at making echoes I
know it's my new talent right making echoes echoes thank you thank you thank
you pretty good do you have any variation like different effects yeah
like if you want like if you want me to do concert halls I can do it like if
you want me to do like name me some name me some like in Tokyo Dome Tokyo Dome
okay Oh go down no right that's a Tokyo Dome echo right there really Tokyo Dome
that is a Tokyo Dome so it's it's wider in area okay so the echoing it has a has
a much wider width okay tell me more so um ZOZO Marine Stadium ZOZO Marine
Stadium yeah how big is that it's tell me different because I don't know how
big is yeah yeah different one um Fukuoka Dome Fukuoka Dome different one
um Jingle Stadium Jingle yes I think I know what you're gonna say Jingle
so tell me what's the difference okay so the Jingle Stadium I remember it has an
open top right so because it has an open top it doesn't reflect back okay as much
as a closed environment right so what you hear is just the just a little bit
opening of the echo that's yeah right okay so diversity Tokyo yeah diversity
Tokyo okay diversity Tokyo that's a smaller than Tokyo Dome okay it's as a
closed closed up right is it a round shaped no I think it's square shape got
it got it a Tokyo City Dome right yeah or that
diversity Tokyo diversity oh oh Tokyo diversity diversity diversity diversity
Tokyo diversity the shopping mall right yeah it has a shopping mall yeah and
nearby there are there's a concert hall yes I know what that is right they do
events right yeah right it's open top no it's not open top yo come on change that
okay I love a dive by the way yeah I I once lived in an area called I yeah okay
yeah I was like I was like the best place I've ever lived in I've really
for like one year I know everything about a dive oh you you want to go to
never talk to me okay I'll tell you everything about my mind I know I've
been all to all the shopping mall so I would do you recommend you go I'd
recommend not going to a dive at all because the shopping mall what are you
talking about then I prefer you watching or dive from afar bit far place I have a
better say not go to a dive okay so you said that oh dive are living in an
odiver is the is the best thing the best place to live in right yes and and and
also you're telling me that you never I I shouldn't go there because because
going to a dive up takes a lot of I know I didn't shut you yes yeah if I go and
it's fun if you're going there with you know with on your first date or something
right no central Tokyo yeah it's fun if you have someone to go there with but if
you're like if you've already dated with it with someone for like two years and
you're not you don't have the pressure and the old dive itself doesn't have
much of much of a great store like honestly no it doesn't like it's famous
for the dating sport it is because the ocean and the open open views right right
yeah that's yeah that's fantastic I'm written fiber I'm a Venus for Venus for
right the building itself is pretty fantastic but the store there is pretty
poor it's gonna damn unbelievably poor like yeah I lived in I live in the old
dive area then like I would not use any of the stores never no like I would just I
would go there to walk like the the interior and the exterior that's that's
pretty amazing like if you want to go there for shopping no I don't recommend
you going there really at all no okay but I have a put I have a really good
spot I really want you to go there okay it is amazing guys like podcast people
like fucking amazing it is a place okay amazing you know that okay guys do
dude this is unbelievably amazing must be somewhere I don't know I've never
been there for the free tonight okay so there's all dive right okay and you you
want to go there a little bit to the area area okay I know I'm not seeing
that but okay okay so so there's the Odaiba area and if you go north north
house east if you go east okay if you move a little bit towards the east you
go into the the area K or like the direction to the United States right
a bit too far for me to interpret where that is okay I'm talking about like I'm
talking about the chiva if you go into the inside so you're heading to the
United States I don't know man like I think either way you get to United
States if you're talking about like the global kind of thing okay so if you go
to the cheapest section that yeah you go into the area called the Ariake
there's an area called area yeah so if you go even more you go into the shinkiba
Shinkiba area I'm talking about the Ariake area and there's this this is
park park there's a park in Ariake yeah okay let me okay let's look at the name
of the park okay because I want you to get this okay I want you to I actually
want you to go there and and because there's not many people that knows this
area there are so little people and the view is unbelievable fantastic you can
you can see the Golden Bridge holding San Francisco rainbow bridge you can see
the rainbow bridge you can see the rock pongy and Marubiru you can see the
Tokyo Tower and outside you can see the draft things what yeah yeah you know the
red drafts there what what are you talking about man the fuck are you
talking about but the giraffes drafts giraffes you know the animals the metal
drafts no
what I'm sorry drafts giraffes giraffe giraffe maybe my pronounce it right
killing killing giraffes drafts I don't know the red drafts I know
yeah yeah yeah no you can't see that but like but you can see Tokyo Skytree from the same point man oh that's great what park can you see
okay so you're standing at the park there's a river right in front of your
that's the ocean no river okay that goes in between that go that that that
drives just below the I know I know I know rainbow bridge okay there's water
under the rim bridge yeah it's the same area of water right okay we're staying
in the park the river golden rainbow bridge Tokyo Tower
Roppongi harumi harumi harumi harumi still the sky trees and sky trees there
unbelievable unbelievable okay it's right here I'm gonna tell you which the
name of the park but you are revealing that place to everybody I don't want to
but guys I just like because people who's listening to our podcast is like
the course of the course fans and I want to provide I love you guys so I'm
gonna tell you which park it is it's right here right here got it got it got
it it's around here okay what's that Toyosu Gururi Koen
Deborah BBQ Kaijo here Hira Hira Coco unbelievable dude looks so it's Toyosu
area who is a goody-goo I'm gonna see if there's a Google yeah no there isn't
you know there isn't a street view I'm gonna I'm gonna show you the video I
took in that in that spot where I just where I yes I'm sorry guys that you
can't see them but I it is so beautiful look at this look at this
look at this this is the ocean this is ocean right here okay this is this is
the night view okay look at the Tokyo Tower right there no that's a sky tree
right rainbow bridge can you believe that and there is no one around that's
true that's all that right there and there's no one around this is such a
great spot dude podcast listeners you gotta go there okay name
Toyosu Gururi Koen okay this is like the number one I have never seen a more
beautiful spot in Japan and then here if you like the night views this is it
this is it guys you gotta go there and you can eat food there you can have like
you can have like a little no no there's no restaurant you have to bring food
like maybe buy the convenience store or something and come here and then and
then have have have dinner with your friends
unbelievably good right it's a barbecue station but like it's I don't think it's
open yet oh it's still it's still um I have to chew half a year ago it wasn't
even open you're not even you're not allowed to enter here so it's so new
people haven't realized the unbelievable miss of this area you gotta
go here right now it's like it's like it's like it's like a new property that
hasn't been that no one has realized that's great you gotta go then there's
tables here all around you can do skateboarding that's good God this is so
good you can skateboard in this area if you want
I've never do that but yeah but you can we can run you can do running here you
can you can you can do frisbee okay you can see maybe you can sing you can there
are people who's doing instruments there oh really so because there's no one
really living around it it's not a living area so you can do instruments no
one's gonna say a fucking word to you God it is such a great place to be in
even during the daytime night there's not many people around
you have to go there this was not what we wanted to talk about on this episode
okay we wanted to talk about Indian restaurants okay but like it never
happened it didn't happen but guys Toyosu Gurudekoen
recommended 100% the famous place it will be it will be it will be oh no not
because I said it people are gonna realize the amazingness and people are
gonna come here so please go there guys bye bye

