Naoki Hiroshima さんをゲストに迎えて、MacBook Pro, ニューヨーク、ビッグテック、Apple Watch, iPhone 13 Pro などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Understanding the Different Types of COVID-19 Tests
- Mint
- Lunch Money
- The Facebook Whistleblower Won’t Change Anything
- More details about the October 4 outage - Facebook Engineering
- Running BGP in Data Centers at Scale - Facebook Research
- Netflix just fired the organizer of the trans employee walkout
- Squid Game
- Venom: Let There Be Carnage
- 寄生獣(1)
- Netflix might have to pay millions in bandwidth usage fees in South Korea
- ESNI: A Privacy-Protecting Upgrade to HTTPS
- テイクダウン―若き天才日本人学者vs超大物ハッカー
- Takedown
- The complete FUN TO IMAGINE with Richard Feynman
- Apple extends AirPods Pro repair program for crackling or ANC issues
- EU proposes mandatory USB-C on all devices, including iPhones
- NMNの効果が期待できるのは40~50代以降:老化を遅らせ、元気続く
- 【国際将棋フェスティバル2021】特選対局 渡辺明名人 対 羽生善治九段